Archive Posts (Page 9)

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“I don’t see how the Republican party or the cause of conservatism can claim the moral high ground any longer.”

Super-duper right right right


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Today I learned Art Spiegelman was behind Garbage Pail Kids. Aside: As a kid, this was one of the few things that had my name spelled my way on it, and so I always cherished it. It, along with Geoffrey the Giraffe from Toys ‘R Us went a long way toward convincing my fifth grade friends that my name wasn’t made up. Read more…
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Many held their noses and backed Mr Trump because they thought he would advance their agenda. That deal has not paid off. Mr Trump is not a Republican, but the solo star of his own drama. By tying their fate to his, they are harming their country and their party. His boorish attempts at plain speaking serve only to poison national life. Any gains from economic reform—and the booming stockmarket and low unemployment owe more to the global economy, tech firms and dollar weakness than to him—will come at an unacceptable price. Read more…
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“We are…the great-great-grandsons of Stonewall Jackson. As two of the closest living relatives to Stonewall, we are writing today to ask for the removal of his statue.”

The Monuments Must Go

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“Germany certainly has not forgotten anything: There’s just a recognition that remembering and memorializing are two different things.”


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A very right-leaning site and byline in case that isn’t clear.


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I’m beginning to think we may have picked the wrong president.

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I made a visual aid for the president. (not to scale) Read more…
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I recently finished Doris Kearns Goodwin’s Lincoln biography and am currently reading Ronald White’s biography of Grant. I’ve also been watching Ken Burns’ Civil War documentary in the evenings. It is pretty surreal to have had my head steeped in this stuff for the last few weeks and then pull up the news.

I have no point. Just felt like sharing.

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[ed: The original article has moved behind a paywall, so I updated the link to point to instead.]

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Reposting this because it seemed worth revisiting.


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“We can not do this. We can’t go backward. We can’t go backward.”


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Me: We’ll think about it for a while and then we’ll decide.

Sophia: Ugh. I HATE how patient you and mom are sometimes.

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Here’s what’s going to happen. Everybody who’s anybody will condemn white supremacists. The men who murdered and injured people today will be aprehended by police who we hope will do their job with precision and care. They will be subject to the justice of the rule of law and afforded all the protections of the law in the process. Because we are a nation of laws and that is as it should be. Read more…
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Question for English nerds:

1: It was one of the Jennifer’s birthday that day.


2: It was one of the Jennifers’ birthday that day.


3: It was one of the Jennifers’ birthdays that day.

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We’re safe for a while longer.


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I found Cassiopeia in my twitter activity chart. Read more…
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Maybe you think millennials created all our problems but we created millennials so…

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As I understand things, the president has to have memorized launch codes to unilaterally initiate a nuclear strike. I rest a little easier knowing there’s no way trump remembers those codes.

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Sophia had to make up a riddle for Humanities class as part of their Beowulf section. I think she did pretty great. Let’s see who can solve it!

Two caves at the base of a hill, Further on, a larger one still. On either side, a sight to see. What must this hill be?

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What if a horse whisperer was just a guy who walked around whispering “hoooorse” all the time. That would be creepy. 🐴

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A question for literature nerds...

  • One of my favorite passages in Cormac McCarthy’s All The Pretty Horses comes about three quarters of the way through…

  • The hero has been through hell and he’s about to find out if it was all worth it. In some sense everything in the book has been pointing to what is about to happen.

  • Read more…
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Things I said when teaching Isabel to drive that I don’t say as much to Sophia: “Assert your right of way. Get out there.”

Things I say to Sophia more: “Whoa…ease up baby driver.”

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Do you think trump thinks a “grand” jury is like a regular jury but for one percenters?

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It’s nice to know that if I ever do die in a flash flood, my iPhone will buzz a lot to comfort me as I go… 🌊📱🌊

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This is super cool. If I grok this fully, these folks are listening to music, audio books, and phone calls without any actual sound waves involved. Just Encoded Digital Audio → Bluetooth LTA → Implant → Cochlea → Nerve → Brain. We are living in the future…


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Ahh yes, I remember fondly that time I was plotting treason with a foreign national, got caught, and my dear ol’ papa helped me craft my misleading statement. Just dad stuff.


[ed: This article has been moved behind a paywall so I’ve updated the link to point to]

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Parent pickup. 6 months until she can drive herself home. Read more…
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I tried to explain the concept of fast/good/cheap to Sophia and she just shrugged and said, “food trucks are fast and good and cheap.”

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I love how republican strategists are calling for Kelly to reign in the White House staff and bring discipline as if the the discipline problem isn’t with trump himself. By all means reign in the staff that works for the poop-hurling monkey.

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Honest question: Then why all the cheering? Do so many of your officers secretly wish they could brutalize suspects? Are they just waiting for a hero to tell them they can? Also, no more apologies for the president. If you invite him to speak it means you accept that he will say inappropriate things. You own that. Read more…
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“When you guys put somebody in the car and you’re protecting their head, you know, the way you put their hand over,” he mimicked an officer putting a handcuffed person in the back of a squad car, the officer’s hand over the suspect’s head. “Like, don’t hit their head and they’ve just killed somebody? Don’t hit their head?” “I said, you can take the hand away, OK?” he concluded, to laughter, and then loud applause. Read more…
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Sophia went grocery shopping with Mamie and apparently they bought melons. All I know is Sophie walked in to my office like this and said, “There’s a lot of fruit in this salad!” ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Read more…
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If only the BSA could have had any inkling that trump might say something inappropriate. But of course there’s no way you could guess a thing like that. Now that they know, maybe next time they’ll … uh … be prepared.


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Trying to get my old HP printer on my new wireless network. Read more…
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Today’s “news”:

  1. Trump is no boy scout.
  2. Adobe Flash is dead.
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A stranger just walked up to me at this airport restaurant and asked me if the food was good enough for her to eat here.

Lady I don’t need that kind of pressure on a Friday night.

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On this day 48 years ago we put a man on the moon.

And then we forgot how to do it.

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All the love in the world to John McCain and family. You are a true American hero, and have given so much to the state of Arizona. We are with you in this fight 100%.

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I saw Baby Driver last night and, while it maybe got a little lost in the last third, overall it was crazy good. I haven’t had this much fun at the movies since Run Lola Run. I’m not a movie buff but to me it was just completely original, crystal clear in its vision and wildly precise in the execution of that vision. Like nothing I’ve ever seen before. A+

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Novalis’ Heinrich von Ofterdingen never really comes together (which is excusable since he died before it could be finished) but holy wow is it full of beautiful passages. “The moon shone mildly over the hills…”
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Everything old is new again. PS: What about Chappaquiddick? Read more…
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At last our long national nightmare is over.

Wait. What!?

No. I just mean Southwest found my bag.

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Celebrating Isabel’s birthday the only way we know how. Read more…
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Hanging out with my people celebrating Isabel’s birthday late. Read more…
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When I go back to work after vacation my hands always revert to typing older versions of all my passwords for a while. It’s annoying.

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I kind of wish the media would stop printing this stuff until after hearings so Trump people would have a chance to perjure themselves.