Archive Posts (Page 43)

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I just ate massive quantities of homemade potato dosa plus several other things I cannot name at the home of the family of the little girl Isabel tutors, and now I am in the pleasant conflicted place where the pleasure of good food competes with the why-did-I-eat-so-much. I kind of love that place, truth be told.

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Sophia had fun the whole ride to school making fun of this business name. She really cracked herself up. Read more…
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Time to go to my 7th Khalsa All Parents Night, then next week my 7th Khalsa new school year Chaperone meeting. I should prepare my questions ahead of time. Just kidding, I never have any questions.

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I suspect most FileMaker people who follow me already know Don Levan, but in case you don’t, let me say that he combines deeply reasoned understanding of user interaction and design with a soft-spoken and insightful style that is always refreshing and inspiring. He is respected by everyone I know and I’m sure he is putting together a very worthwhile conference. If you are interested in learning with the best, this would be well worth your time. Read more…
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Isabel’s first day of kindergarten, 10 years ago today. With Audrey and Ashley Loertscher. Read more…
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Here’s Sophie’s first day of 1st grade, also one with her friend Noelle who still has the most genuine and joyful smile of any person I know. Read more…
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Five years ago today. These munchkins aren’t munchkins anymore but they’re still close friends. This was Isabel’s first day of 5th grade. (PS: I really like the way Everpix encourages you to rediscover your photos. Highly recommended.) Read more…
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For some reason I thought you would enjoy this… Read more…
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Spectacular Now with my sweetie pie.

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Three years ago today. Sophie’s first day of 3rd grade. With her dear friend Zha Zha. Read more…
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Laundry day at my new favorite place. 6 quadruple load washers all going at once make me so happy. Read more…
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What do you think, does this look like Isabel of christmas past? It was on the Youtube home page. It confused me for half a second. Read more…
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After lunch with these two cuties, we decided to brave the heat for a little fresh air. Sophie and her friend Maia talked all about how rough it is sometimes to have big sisters. Sophie said I didn’t understand because my sisters are so nice. I agree. Read more…
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I swept and mopped the kitchen floor 5 hours ago. Then Sophia played unsupervised. And now I’m doing it again. She has a real talent for mess making. Read more…
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This is the way we roll in the Coffey house. Sophia doesn’t need something to put the whipped cream on. Read more…
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My Mama and Papa are pretty great grandparents to my kids. Here’s Isabel at Grandma and Grandpa’s for a night of French music, oysters, and steak tartare. Read more…
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Someone named “Hortense Polkinghorn” just “favorited” one of my tweets and all I can think is I hope beyond hope that that is a real name.

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Like a lot of people, I used to be thirsty all the time. I quick walk to the train in 110° heat and I’m parched. I found myself drinking glasses of water every chance I got. Then I talked to my doctor and she told me I have a serious condition. Sufferers of Water Temptation Fatigue feel thirsty every day. Sure, you can keep treating the symptoms by drinking water, but my doctor said it was time to fix the problem at the source — with prescription support. Read more…
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I’ve had my Sophie with me for only about 48 hours in the last month and already she’s off again for a week of summer camp with her pal Izzie. sniff Read more…
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A typical conversation with my borderline brain-dead cat lately:

Cat: {feed me}

Me: It isn’t time to eat.

Cat: {feed me}

Me: Cat, it is not even close to time to feed you yet.

Cat: {feed me}

Me: …

Cat: {feed me} {feed me} {feed me}

Me: [walks over to cat bowl] THERE’S ALREADY FOOD IN YOUR BOWL YOU IDIOT.

Cat: {feed me?}

Me: [shakes food bowl]

Cat: {YAY!} [eats]

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“The galaxy is a really huge, flat disk, with the spiral arm pattern in it. Stars nearer the core orbit the center of the galaxy faster than ones farther out, and so you might expect the arms to wind up over time. But they don’t. That led astronomers to think of them like density waves, like traffic jams with stars instead of cars. A traffic jam isn’t a solid thing; cars enter it on one side, slow down, make their way through it, and leave on the other side. Read more…
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Sophia is demonstrating the Maori “Haka” for her class today and I can’t tell you how much I wish I could be there to watch. How did this come to pass, you ask? Sophia’s friend Maia is doing her final research project on New Zealand. For their research projects they have to do a “product”, which is just some kind of model, poster, experiment, or demonstration related to their topic. The teacher suggested Maia could demonstrate the Haka for the class. Read more…
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Sophia is officially done with her Science Fair presentation poster, her final research paper, and her research presentation poster. Phew! She worked hard hard hard the last few weeks to get it all done on time.

Now Isabel just needs to get through Finals and it is time for a well deserved Coffey-kid break.

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There is a part of me that is Pam, and a part of him that is Jim and that part of me is in love with that part of him. Jenna Fischer on her relationship with John Krasinski
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Sophia: [puts her foot on the dashboard to tie her shoe, which she does about once a week] Me: GET YOUR FEET OFF MY DASHBOARD. [which I yell about once a week] Sophia: [takes her foot down] Me: [wipes the dusty foot detritus from the dash] … 30 seconds later … Sophia: OH NO! Your feet are on the pedals getting them all dirty! What are you going to do daddy? Read more…
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Every time I see the quote, “…if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid,” I think, “well, by almost any measure fish are pretty stupid.”

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Sophia just pitched me her idea for a grocery store commercial. I quote: There would be this guy saying, ‘Our fruit is so delicious blah blah blah,’ and they would show another guy getting in to his car after loading in all his groceries. He says, ‘Everybody ready back there?’ all excited, and then it would show the back of his car and there would be one piece of fruit in each seat and each one would have a seatbelt on. Read more…
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I think I figured out the clever and elegant gesture for getting rid of one of these new Facebook “chat heads”: Throw it around the screen a few times and eventually it will disappear. Progress.

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Sophie with her imaginary cat. This was not as precarious as it looks. On our way to the totally awesome Mount Lemon SkyCenter, where Sophia had the night of her life. Read more…
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Here’s another copyright anomaly. Any IP attorneys care to chime in? Sometime between 1860-ish and 1908, Samuel Chamberlain wrote his personal memoirs which he titled My Confession. As far as I can tell he never published it. The longhand manuscript passed through various hands until it was “discovered” in the 1950s and purchased by Time, inc. Time edited and published the book along with its original artwork, then sold the original (and historically significant) manuscript to the United States Military Academy. Read more…
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Me: “Sophia, you’re such a computer whiz I might hire you when you grow up.”

Sophia: “I might hire YOU.”

Somehow I don’t doubt it.

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The cutest bunch of munchkins around. Read more…
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I just called in response to a “suspicious activity” email from Bank of America. The guy that answered was laughing and talking to someone else, then cleared his throat and said, “uh, this is, uh, Bank of America [laughter], uh, can I get your credit card number please?” So I hung up assuming it was some scammer, called the main number, got routed to the fraud department, and it turns out that really was the Bank of America fraud security department, and I really did have suspicious activity. Read more…
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I recently read “The Feminine Mystique” by Betty Friedan and in it she talked about “a moment of democratic truth.” I thought that was a perfect description of the same sex marriage debate. Right now we decide if we are the America we are all rightfully proud of—an America built on the paradoxically self-evident and idealistic truth that all men are created equal. Or if we are a superstitious America. One that fears what it does not understand and cannot control. Read more…
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It’s too bad it would be inappropriate to record video at the elementary school play ground or I would show you all the little munchkins playing tetherball. It goes like this:

One kid grabs the ball and hurls it. Then all six of them scream, duck, run, or dive to the ground. Once the ball slows a little, they swarm it and repeat.

It is pretty adorable.

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I do not always like pages on FaceBook, but when I do it is because one of my friends runs the page.

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Sophia was running around the house last night singing “S-U-G-A-R! Jump into your racing car! It’s SUGAR RUSH! SUGAR RUSH!” And then vocalizing in a sort of fake-Japanese. It was adorable. She’s become quite a Wreck it Ralph fan.


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Does anybody in the Phoenix area have a copy of the book “The Ancient One” by T. A. Barron that Sophia can borrow? Having a homework emergency here. (tagging Mamie because she has way more friends than me!)

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I can’t help bragging about my awesome wife, Mamie, who set a goal to run one race a month this year. She just did her third race, and second 10k, and set another personal best. She’s pretty rad. In fact, Van Halen thinks she’s rockin’ but that’s another story.

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Whenever there’s one of those word searches, and they say “What word do you see first?”, the first word I see is always “a”.

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In case anybody asks you to think of a movie without an “S” in its name (as though that is hard), I have compiled this convenient list of the top 500. Sometimes it is handy being a computer programmer. Adaptation (2002) Affliction (1998) The African Queen (1952) L’Age d’Or (1930) Aguirre, the Wrath of God (1972) A.I. (2001) Airplane! (1980) Aladdin (1992) All About Eve (1950) All About My Mother (1999) Amarcord (1974) Amélie (2001) America, America (1963) The American Friend (1977) American Graffiti (1973) The Americanization of Emily (1964) American Movie (1999) Anatomy of a Murder (1959) Annie Hall (1977) The Apartment (1960) Apollo 13 (1995) L’Argent (1983) L’Atalante (1934) Atlantic City (1981) L’Avventura (1961) The Awful Truth (1937) Baby Doll (1956) Back to the Future (1985) The Bad and the Beautiful (1953) Bad Day at Black Rock (1955) Ball of Fire (1942) The Ballad of Cable Hogue (1970) Bambi (1942) The Band Wagon (1953) The Bank Dick (1940) Barfly (1987) Barry Lyndon (1975) Barton Fink (1991) Le Beau Mariage (1982) Beautiful People (2000) Bed and Board (1971) Beetlejuice (1988) Before the Rain (1994) Being John Malkovich (1999) Being There (1979) Belle de Jour (1968) Ben-Hur (1959) Berlin Alexanderplatz (1983) The Bicycle Thief (1949) The Big Chill (1983) The Big Clock (1948) The Big Heat (1953) Big Night (1996) The Big Red One (1980) Billy Liar (1963) Birdy (1984) Black Robe (1991) Blow-Up (1966) Blue Collar (1978) Blue Velvet (1986) Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice (1969) Bob le Flambeur (1955) Body Heat (1981) Bonnie and Clyde (1967) Born on the Fourth of July (1989) Le Boucher (1970) Bound for Glory (1976) Boyz N the Hood (1991) Brazil (1985) Breaker Morant (1980) Breaking Away (1979) The Bride Wore Black (1968) The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957) Brief Encounter (1946) Bringing Up Baby (1938) Bull Durham (1988) Bullitt (1968) The Butcher Boy (1998) Cabaret (1972) The Caine Mutiny (1954) Calle 54 (2000) Camelot (1967) Camille (1937) Carnal Knowledge (1971) Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1958) Catch-22 (1970) Cavalcade (1933) The Celebration (1998) La Cérémonie (1996) Charley Varrick (1973) Chicago (2002) Chicken Run (2000) La Chienne (1931) Chinatown (1974) Chloë in the Afternoon (1972) Chocolat (1988) The Citadel (1938) Citizen Kane (1941) The Clockmaker (1973) A Clockwork Orange (1971) The Color of Money (1986) Coming Home (1978) Contempt (1964) Cool Hand Luke (1967) The Country Girl (1954) Crumb (1994) Cry, the Beloved Country (1952) The Crying Game (1992) The Damned (1969) Daniel (1983) Danton (1983) Dark Victory (1939) Darling (1965) David Copperfield (1935) Dawn of the Dead (1979) Day for Night (1973) The Day of the Jackal (1973) The Dead (1987) Dead Calm (1989) Dead End (1937) Dead Man Walking (1995) Dead of Night (1946) Death in Venice (1971) The Decalogue (2000) Deep End (1971) The Deer Hunter (1978) Deliverance (1972) Diabolique (1955) Dial M for Murder (1954) Diary of a Chambermaid (1964) Die Hard (1988) Diner (1982) Dinner at Eight (1933) The Dirty Dozen (1967) Dirty Harry (1971) Diva (1982) Do the Right Thing (1989) Dr. Read more…
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Watching Hunger Games with Sophia tonight. The darn “I volunteer…” scene, when Gale carries Prim away always makes me want to cry.

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Sophia and grampy with a little accidental-forced-perspective going on. I promise she’s not bigger than him. Read more…
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I wasn’t given an age. Because nobody loves me. Just kidding, don’t give me an age. I don’t want one. I do want a morning bun from Urban Cookies, but that is a different story.

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This is the face Sophia makes when she finds out she gets to grow a slime mold at school. There was a sort of a squeak noise that went along with it. Read more…
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My wife says if this gets one million likes, I can go to bed.

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We used to have a lot of fun with the “translate it both ways” thing. Volker Lamp, remember the Forest Marble Animal?

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The steak reaches a top speed of Mach 6, and the outer surface may even get pleasantly seared. The inside, unfortunately, is still uncooked.

He says that like it’s a bad thing.
