Archive Posts (Page 4)

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“…China’s Peppa Pig Crackdown…” is the kind of headline excerpt that keeps me excited about what the future may hold.

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This might be my favorite definition. Read more…
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I would like to propose a new term:

Trumpenthetical: (n) When you stop mid-sentence to say what you’re really thinking while your PR people and lawyers look on in horror.

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About to eat some game meat I guess. Read more…
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I asked Sophie to unload the dishwasher and when I got back she had unloaded, reloaded, wiped down the counters, emptied the trash AND put in a fresh trash bag.

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A couple years ago this tree blew down in the wind. All that was left was a 14 inch high trunk and a tiny branch. Before I got around to replacing it that branch had grown a ton and reoriented straight up. So I got curious and let it do it’s thing.
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It offends me that I spend three days writing 3,000 lines of beautiful code and the static analyzer finds its “problems” in like 500 milliseconds. Have the decency to at least act like it was hard…


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RESOLVED: If you’re wearing a jacket, you have to call your overalls “overmosts”.

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Sophia is obsessing over the fact that Zuck used a booster seat when he testified before congress. Read more…
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One of my favorite Barbara Bush stories.


[ed: The original letter has been removed from the Letters of Note site so I have updated the link to point to instead.]

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Sophie dug the blocks out of the garage and we built a tower ALL THE WAY TO THE ROOF. 8-year-old me would be proud. Read more…
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I did that thing again where I browsed the internet on a new computer without Ghostery installed and wondered for a minute or two why everything was so awful.

Installed. Happy again.

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Gmail has a new “confidential” feature that helpfully ensures your message can only be read by you, your intended recipient, and Larry Page.

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Monkey takes selfie. Guy who owns camera includes monkey selfie in book of photos. PETA sues photographer on behalf of monkey for violating monkey’s copyright. PETA settles out of court and drops suit. [conjecture: because PETA knows they will lose and they don’t want the precedent established] 9th Circuit Court says they will issue a ruling anyway (which remember, PETA doesn’t want). The reason? 🥁🥁🥁 Because by PETA’s own argument the monkey has legal standing but it didn’t agree to the settlement. Read more…
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A tale of two policies. Read more…
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I dreamed last night that Quinnette Jones was my coworker. A guy with a gun came to the office threatening everyone. We were all cowering. And then Quincy walked up to him, slapped his face, and took his gun. He ran away crying.

I felt like I should confess this.

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Isabel and I are bantering back and forth on twitter. Then Sophia chimes in: Read more…
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If you have a warrant to gather documents from someone’s lawyer related to a particular crime, and you inadvertently discover documentation of another crime, can you use it in an ongoing investigation?

Asking for a friend.

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Southwest is doing that thing again where all the flights have the same number. Read more…
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Somebody should remind Clarence Thomas that the Supreme Court doesn’t actually have any say in constitutional amendments. He seems confused again.

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I suppose it’s ok to support DACA because you feel sorry for dreamers.

But a better reason is because you would feel sorry for America if we lost them all. We need them. They will make America better in many ways. We’ve already invested millions of dollars in their education. Why would we turn that away?

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I have no idea what this means but I hate it. Read more…
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BREAKING: Laura Ingraham distancing herself from Laura Ingraham Show.

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But this dude’s public education was apparently money well spent… Read more…
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Someone pointed out a while ago that a lot of trumps tweets sound like they were written by Dwight Schrute and now I can’t not read them that way.

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A Story in Three Acts by Sophia Coffey Read more…
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Tim Cook pulling no punches. Read more…
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Mamie makes me solve this with tape.


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Hey thanks Catie! I remembered! Read more…
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Proposed constitutional amendment. Read more…
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Me: You can’t wear roller blades to dinner and a movie.

Sophie: Oh so there’s a dress code to go out with you now?

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The expression “a real moment” is having a real moment right now.

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Home again home again jiggity jig. Read more…
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The result of years and years of setting low expectations: Me: Hey Sophia look, it’s the Luke Skywalker of laundry baskets. Sophie: What? Me: Because it saves space. Sophie: 🙄 Your jokes are so terrible. Sophie: …. Sophie: Actually that was pretty good. Read more…
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After some deliberation I think Sophie settled on her choice for best thing in Greece. Read more…
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I think about her all the time. Not sure if any of her personal friends are here. But either way, love to you all. Read more…
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T-Mobile LTE service works surprisingly well in Greece, even in the middle of nowhere. Better in the twisty unpopulated mountains than in some parts of phoenix. I’m on a boat in the ocean right now and service still works.

Pour one out for Hermès I guess.

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This place is chock full of olive trees, palm trees, citrus, oleander, and an occasional bougainvillea or hibiscus. It’s basically a greener phoenix. Read more…
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Have I mentioned how much I love all the side by side consonants in Greek?

Nafplio. Nafpaktos. Lefkadas.

It’s so great. And also there are fully three letters (Ι/ι, Η/η, Υ/υ) and two diphthongs (ει, οι) that all make the /e/ sound. Learning to spell must be a bear.

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New York Times did an obituary of Ada Lovelace as part of their “overlooked” series and it is wonderful. A hero of mine.


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The urinal in this Greek gas station bathroom starts flushing as soon as you walk up, keeps flushing while you stand there, and then beeps at you if you take too long. I’ve never felt so judged in my entire life.

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Greece 2018

In 2018 Isabel did study abroad in Athens. Mamie, Sophia, and I visited them over spring break.

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Good morning y’all. I have been in a little work hole for a few weeks and so I completely ignored all the very kind birthday messages. But I am reading them now and it is warming my heart. Thank you!

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Just setting up my vacation auto-responder over here. Read more…
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That last paragraph is a doozy.
