Archive Posts (Page 35)

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Favorite iPhone Apps, Ranked

  1. My Fitness Pal

    I’m hardly alone with this one, but this app helped me lose 55 pounds and I’ve continued to track my calories ever since because it just works well. Also integrates with fitness trackers like Apple Watch. This app may have added years to my life.

  2. Paprika

    This is my favorite recipe app. Nicely designed, easy data entry, and syncs with all my devices including my Mac.

  3. Read more…
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Cookie Butter: A Personal History

In my defense I have never been an eat-the-raw-cookie-dough type. I think chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream was the darkest period in human dessert fad history. This may have tainted my expectations. Read more…

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Assorted musings from my journal, shortened and reworded for consistency. Read more…

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Degrees It Was in Phoenix This Week

It’s always hot in the summer in Phoenix but 117 is a special kind of hot. Read more…

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Super Heroes in a Parallel Universe

  • Spider Man was bitten by a radioactive mosquito instead

    Rather than fight crime he just annoys people constantly. Signature move: Sneaks up behind you and hisses in your ear. Gear: Malaria-misters on his wrists.

  • Incredible Hulk was hit with alpha radiation instead

    Still just Bruce Banner but kind of has a temper anyway.

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Sleepy snuggle selfie. This was hard to take. Also, I’m stuck. Read more…
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I Forgot My Wallet: A Step by Step Guide to Stupidity

Yes this really just happened. Yes I had to go back to pay. Read more…

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Lines From Joe vs. The Volcano

I love this underrated movie. It’s silly and a little weird but that’s because it is a fairy tale about capitalist greed subjugating the common man and distracting him with consumerism, which was ahead of its time for the ’80s. Best of all it is funny and even a little touching and has Meg Ryan in three parts. Read more…

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Things on Phoenix Public Transit

I used to ride the light rail to my office every day and sometimes came home late at night. For the most part fellow riders were normal, friendly folks. But there were a few weirdos. Read more…

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University: You must buy these books.

Student: [buys books]

University: Actually we posted the wrong list. Oops. You need THESE books instead.

Student: Ok, I would like to exchange these books.

Bookstore: We can’t refund those books because they’re not needed for any classes. We only buy back books that are still needed.

Rational Human: That’s not right.

University: HA HA HA HA.


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Books I Remember Fondly From My Childhood

Inspired by my feed right now. I limited this to fiction but I read mostly non-fiction as a kid. Read more…

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Spelling: My Private Battle

I was a lousy speller as a kid. And it spilled over to an inability to sort out strangely spelled words. This is the story of my suffering. Read more…

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I work at the library when my house is noisy and sometimes I need to do a phone call so I reserve a private room. Most of them have boring names like “A East” or “B North” but this one is my favorite because it is called “Beast”. Read more…
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Affecting Buffy Moments

This is a Buffy-fans-only list. Others please disregard. Read more…

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The Real Best of Phoenix According to Me

This list is light on high end dining because I’m not a big partaker of fancy restaurants. Also it skews heavily toward stuff around my house. But everything on this list is 💯. I guarantee it. Read more…

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Texts From Last Month

An exploration of the mundane, by request. Read more…

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Things That Don't Mean What We Think They Mean

  • The Road Not Taken

    This poem is about not following the crowd but instead striking out in our own direction and finding our true selves, right?! No. “Though as for that the passing there / Had worn them really about the same, / And both that morning equally lay / In leaves no step had trodden black.” It pointedly makes fun of our tendency to think past decisions are more important than they really are. “I shall be telling this with a sigh somewhere ages and ages hence…And that has made all the difference.” Indeed.

  • If music is the food of love, play on.

    Because I love being in love and I want to feed my love! Play! Play! Play! Ahh yummy love! Lol no. The next line: “Give me excess of it, that, surfeiting, the appetite may sicken and so die.” The notion that music is the “food of love” is proverbial and Shakespeare subverts this by having the Duke ask to be so overfed on it that he becomes sickened turning his love for Olivia into disgust. He’s tired of being in love.

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Reasons to Eat Lunch at Panera While My House Is Uninhabitable

  • Decent WiFi

    The wifi at this crap hole always works reliably.

  • Spacious

    There’s lots of room between tables and lots of nooks and crannies for semi-privacy.

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A List About Love and Punctuation

Who remembers this song from my senior year of high school? Read more…

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Malapropisms an Acquaintance Has Actually Spoken Over the Last Couple of Years

I used to think Shakespeare’s malapropism-spewing characters were over the top. Then I met this guy…

[ed: To be clear, this man was dear to me. But he really had a way with words.]

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I need all the people who died of free range parenting to please post about it on Facebook so we can get a balanced view before I make up my mind. Considering giving my children access to 12 square feet of open pasture.

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Good Sports➕

  • The drive through cashier at Hardee’s in West Lafayette Indiana ca 1993

    In college my friend was driving me somewhere and decided to be a dumb teen. He went to the drive through and said, “I’d like one french fry please.” Without skipping a beat the cashier said “that will be 4¢, please drive around.” He accepted a dollar, returned 96¢ and handed my friend a small french fry bag with a single fry. To this day I am amazed by this whole experience.

  • Goosebumps author R. L. Stine appearing on a nerdist video about the “Gersbermps” meme

    Here he is explaining his appearance: Link

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What I Would Do if I Had a Time Machine

  • Revisit my most painful memory.

  • Kill the mother of my mortal enemy.

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Arguably Inappropriate Movies My Parents Took Me To

The tv lists reminded me of my parents’ penchant for taking me to movies I probably shouldn’t have been at. I was the youngest and I think they just got tired of kid movies and, apparently, babysitters. Read more…

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TV I Watched With My Family Growing Up

We didn’t have a tv from birth to 5 and again from 12 to 16. And when we did have a tv I mostly watched with my brother. My mom never watched tv and my dad usually worked until close to bed time. But here’s what I remember watching together. Read more…

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Things That Aren't Spicy

  • Everything labeled “spicy” in the Bay Area.

    I suspect some of the Thai places around here might be an exception.

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Cosmic Coincidences

Sometimes the universe likes to troll. Read more…

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I see your death-star-pluto picture and raise you this cosmic coincidence. Star Wars was released in 1977. Saturn’s moon Mimas was discovered in 1789, but we had no idea what it looked like until the Voyager flyby in 1980, three years after Star Wars. Here’s what it looks like. Fun fact: That crater is the largest relative to the planet/moon in the solar system at 1/3rd the diameter of the moon. Read more…
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Things I Love About My 💈

Central Barber Shop / 5026 N Central Ave, Phoenix Read more…

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And this is a great time to remind you all that Pluto was discovered by astronomer Clyde Tombaugh right here in Arizona at the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff on February 18, 1930. ❤️ Read more…
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And our family portrait is complete. Image courtesy of Ben Gross (@bhgross144). Read more…
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Places I'm Going Right Now

  • To the airport to pick up my wife who I haven’t seen in over two weeks. ❤️

  • Just thought you should know.

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I think it’s time to tell you all why I’m so excited about the New Horizons Pluto flyby. The probe just went radio silent so it can focus all its energies on capturing data during the encounter, which happens tomorrow. Somewhere around thirty years ago I sat in my bedroom reading a book with one picture-rich chapter for each of the 9 then-planets. When I got to the last chapter, on Pluto, the only real picture was a tiny gray smudge. Read more…
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A Step-by-Step Guide to Bussing a Table

This is for the lovely young woman at smashburger who asked twice. Read more…

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Sophia made me a (vary late) fathers day “card” by way of an iPhone app built in Hopscotch that makes me solve some puzzles and then gives me a very sweet message and present. It was both awesome and beautiful. I’m a happy proud papa.

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Auto-Suggest Gimme's

If your phone doesn’t guess the word that comes next it’s time for a new phone. Read more…

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Ugh fine. I’ll get gas in a little bit. Just relax, car. You’re so dramatic. Read more…
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The Murals of Phoenix

Phoenix has a wonderful culture of mostly-Mexican-inspired urban murals. They are all over the city, often tucked away so you have to wander to find them. This list is long but it isn’t close to comprehensive. I didn’t do any South Phoenix, North Phoenix, or West Phoenix, or any of the surrounding cities. I’m sure they all have examples. Read more…

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