Archive Posts (Page 34)

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Thinking of investing in VW. Is it wrong to bet on our inability to effectively punish corporations when they misbehave?

[ed: It didn’t go up appreciably for five more years…]

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Also I love the new San Francisco system font. More readable at even smaller sizes, a little more airy maybe, and a touch more modern. 💯

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iOS 9 is a darn good update. Beautifully refined in small ways, smoother, and better battery life. I ❤️ feature-light polishing releases.

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I absolutely adore this fun song Apple Music played for me today. “Emily Kane” by the band Art Brut. It just so happens I’m married to my Emily Kane.


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They’re multiplying guys. Read more…
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I think I’ve discovered something interesting about Safari Content Blockers: Crappy sites hate them, good sites don’t care.

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Jokes going to be on you Obama when that kid’s clock blows up in the oval office.

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So are we going to talk about the downtown traffic today or just pretend this isn’t happening? I feel like I’m in LA.

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Steve Jobs was my age when he returned to Apple. Whoa.

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Hey look my new car has more miles on the current trip than on the odometer. Spoooooky. (Relax Joe Hauptmann I’m just kidding. I remember what precision means.) Read more…
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Couldn’t find those frozen noodles so I put gnocchi in my chicken noodle soup instead and this turned out to be a very good idea.

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How to Read a List

  • Read the list title on the feed.

  • Check the lister’s name.

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My Ideal Makeover

If I could control my appearance with no limitations. Come on science make these happen. Read more…

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Adding Mossberg at @TheVerge to my list of unexpected employment arrangements:

  • Carmack at Facebook
  • Anand at Apple
  • Dr. Dre at Apple
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I think the plural of fix should be fixen.

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New Apple TV looks like everything I ever wanted and more.

  • global search
  • apps
  • tv power and volume on the remote
  • siri

Easy order.

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Also, while I negotiate she is almost in tears because I’m being “mean” to the sales guy. Poor kid is cursed with daddy’s soft heart.

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Buying a car with Sophia. “Why does the sign say NO BULL if they still do all the bull?” She’s learning a valuable life lesson here.

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My Favorite Holiday 👯

#7 of my last minute sharing week dump. Inspired by @ChrisK Read more…

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Things I Don't Like Knowing About Myself ?

#6 of my last minute sharing week dump. Inspired by @ChrisK Read more…

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Where I Would Go if I Could Time Travel?

#4 of my last minute sharing week dump. Inspired by @ChrisK Read more…

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Parallel Universes

  • The one where Kim Davis is a fundamentalist Mormon customs official who won’t allow coffee into the country.

  • The one where Kim Davis is a fundamentalist naturalist game and fish official who refuses to issue hunting licenses to anyone who wants to kill animals.

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I’m pretty sure if Trump won the presidency he’d just outsource it.

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Another thank you to @CoxComm for polite, competent, speedy service both on the phone and on site.

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Things on My Messy Desk Right Now

I’m sure this is very inspiring for all you little people. Read more…

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I’m not a fan of this Kentucky county clerk’s behavior but I wish people would stop criticizing her looks, clothes, and hair. Don’t stoop.

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Everything broke today at home and my day was a mess, but then Sophia texted me with all her infectious enthusiasm and I just feel happy.

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I remember in high school my friends Quinnette Jones and Dorie Christian put on swimsuits and sunglasses one freezing January day and went on a walk pretending it was warm and beautiful. It is in the same spirit that I make split pea soup today. Ahhh winter how I love you. Read more…
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On hold with tech support right now and the hold music is Ring of Fire by Johnny Cash which is oddly appropriate.

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So, like, are aliens invading or is this some kind of storm?

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Things to Add to Rice Krispy Treats to Make Them 💯

This is a very short list because Rice Krispy treats are near-perfect for what they are: The treat with the highest yum:easy ratio on earth. Read more…

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Favorite Web Sites

  • 🔗 The Online Etymology Dictionary

    I look stuff up here all the time because it is endlessly fascinating. Like just now I looked up “story” after reading @THEToughCookie’s list because I wondered why we call floors of a building a “story” and of course the answer was neat.

  • 🔗 xkcd

    The only web comic I read (since Home Star Runner is no more). Definitely geeky, often geared toward programmers and engineers, occasionally over my head but almost always funny. And sometimes also deeply beautiful. Some favorites are the database-hilarious 327, the lovely 1489, and the touching 695 and the darkly funny 542. But really there are hundreds that are wonderful.

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Zombie Apocalypse Preparedness Ranked

  1. Salt Lake City

    I think 80 percent of Utahns have weapons buried in the back yard and stockpiles of food in the house. The state even has a giant granite mountain panic room. Add to that a population of Eagle Scouts and a wicked army of stay at home moms and you have, bar none, the safest place in the country if the world is overrun with ravaging bands of mindless monsters.

  2. Chapel Hill

    A well-intentioned group of YA authors, Salinger experts and academics attempt to understand the zombies and open a dialog. This would of course yield devastating results except that you are still in North Carolina so, like, the cavalry’s coming, baby. You’ll be ok.

  3. Read more…
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Things I Suck At

Obligatory follow up to my previous list. Read more…

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Things I'm Not Allergic To

This is a partial list. Full disclosure: I am mildly allergic to formaldehyde and chlorine. Swimming pools make me feel kind of gross for a few hours. Read more…

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Parts of My Name That Are Weird

To keep it simple, I never correct people or try to make it accurate unless it’s important. I couldn’t care less if the gal at the restaurant puts me down as Jeff Coffee. Read more…

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Children's Television Questions

  • What was up with Caillou’s hair? Also what was up with Caillou?

  • So, can Ernie and Bert get married now?

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Hey people, it’s called FACEbook. If I wanted to look at pictures of your feet I’d follow you on Footbook instead.

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Names My Cat Goes By

Our cat was named by my daughters years ago, squarely in the goofy kids phase. They named her Biscus because they loved the idea of coming home from school and saying, “Hi Biscus!” Like all pets, she goes by many names. Read more…