Archive Posts (Page 31)

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While we wait for our flight, Isabel is helping Sophia get into the Harry Potter spirit. Read moreā€¦
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My List App Crushes

  • @sally’s monkey

    Number one crush because: Coat

  • @snoopdogg’s heart-shaped glasses


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My Little @sophster at Her Aerial Dance Performance Last Night

She loves loves loves this fun extracurricular at her school. These are all iPhone 6s “Live Photos” which work great for this kind of thing but you can’t see that here. Hey @thelistapp, feature request! Read moreā€¦

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Every Film Critic on the New Star Wars Right Now

  • No spoilers here…

  • …but mention of critical reception which…

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Things Cats Eat

  • My old cat: One brand of dry food, egg yolks, one flavor of one brand of cat treats.

    Tuna? “Not interested.” Salmon? “Barf.” Cat treats? “This is just not my flavor.” Other dry food? “Not my brand.” Fancy wet cat food? sniff sniff “this smells like food but it is obviously a trick.” [leaves]

  • My new cats: Anything even remotely resembling food.

    Currently eating cold bacon and licking the butter off of a bowl of grits. Tried to eat my lamp earlier.

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Things I've Never Seen in Real Life

  • A Donald Trump supporter

  • Someone upset about the “war on Christmas”

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Where I Got My Music, in Chronological Order

  • My Dad’s Shelves ā€” Birth through high school

    I raided his collection all the time and when I moved away he let me take my pick of 20 or so CDs. šŸ’Æ

  • Rainbow Video and Music in Zionsville, Indiana ā€” Through high school

    This place was way ahead of its time with a computer system to find the movie you wanted to rent. The first time I went to a blockbuster years later I couldn’t believe you had to wander around the store to find your movie. Anyway they had racks and racks of records and later CDs too. This is where I bought all my music except…

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Books I've Been Meaning to Read

  • Anything Pynchon

    Just haven’t gotten around to it.

  • Infinite Jest

    Started it, decided proper reading wasn’t compatible with my over-busy schedule, put it away for a few years.

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How to Smoke a Pork Shoulder

Pork Shoulder (sometimes called Pork Butt) is a great first-time “big” thing to smoke because it is delicious, special, and very forgiving. If you have a smoker or have access to one, this is easy, fun, delicious, and people will think you’re amazing šŸ’…šŸ½ Read moreā€¦

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E.B. White Is Like My Hero

  • “I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day.”

  • He wrote Charlotte’s Web

    “What’s a life, anyway? We’re born, we live a little while, we die. A spider’s life can’t help being something of a mess, with all this trapping and eating of flies. By helping you, perhaps I was trying to lift up my life a trifle. Heaven knows anyone’s life can stand a little of that.”

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Never Not Great

An abridged list because I’m sure I would come up with five or six more if I tried. Read moreā€¦

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I Killed a Bird

  • Once when I was 13 or 14 a bird came down our chimney.

  • It was in the cold fireplace behind the closed glass doors.

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Things I Will Never Ever Ever Do

  • Preorder a digital download.

    Someone explain to me why this is a thing.

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Kinds of Ugly Moe Szyslak Knows He's Been Called

“I wanted Mary Ann on Gilligan’s Island ugly, not Cornelius on Planet of the Apes ugly. TV-ugly, not ugly-ugly.” Read moreā€¦

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One day I want to steal someone’s status verbatim and see if they notice.

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All These Lists About Childhood Smellsā€¦

They are lovely. They remind me of the beautiful passage from Proust when as a grown man his mother offered him tea and a Madeline cookie and he sought to understand the pleasant feeling it elicited. The whole passage is beautiful but here’s the part about the recovered memories. Inspired by people inspired by @ChrisK. Read moreā€¦

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This is so deliciously nerdy.


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Two Cats: A Study in Contrasting Personalities

  • This is Rosencrantz. He is five months old.

    He has been running around the house like a madman since we brought him home 18 hours ago. He has jumped in my lap, over-consumed water and regurgitated it on the floor, and made a hilarious failed attempt at jumping up to the table. He occasionally overestimates the traction of the wood floor and I hear him skittling across the hall and into the wall. He checks in with me at my desk every hour or so.

  • This is Guildenstern. He is eight months old.

    He has been hiding under the couch since we brought him home.

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Honest Gender Issues Question

  • Does it make sense to have separate awards categories for male and female actors?

  • Just dawned on me it is maybe kind of weird.

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Things Barbers Always Overestimate

  • Their ability to make my hair lay flat.

  • This has happened since I was a little boy.

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This is springing up in my neighborhood. Never been. Heard good things. Should I move now? Will I survive the constant temptation? Read moreā€¦
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I'll Have "The Sally"

  • Salad

    Chef salad with the oil and vinegar on the side.

  • Pie

    Apple pie a la mode. But I’d like the pie heated. And I don’t want the ice cream on top, I want it on the side. And I’d like strawberry instead of vanilla if you have it. If not then no ice cream, just whipped cream. But only if it’s real. If it’s out of a can then nothing.

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Joyful List App Profile Picture Smiles

In which we learn that women are far more likely to smile in their pictures than men. I need this list sometimes. Please suggest! Read moreā€¦

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My first and last comment on Trump and the far-right xenophobic freakout, which has saddened me more than anything Iā€™ve seen so far in our temporarily divided country: To my Muslim friends, neighbors, countrymen, and visitors, I love you as my brothers and sisters, as I love christians, jews, sikhs, atheists, agnostics, pastafarians, and everything else. Trump does not represent me, a VAST majority of the people I know, or my country. Read moreā€¦
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Irrational Relative Nervousness

  • Interviewing a candidate at work with my coworkers makes me more nervous than interviewing for a job.

    Way more. Being the interviewee doesn’t make me nervous at all but I stress so much about interviewing someone. I think this is just because I’m very confident in my profession but never claimed to be a competent interviewer.

  • Speaking in church before 150 people makes me more nervous than speaking in a conference in front of 1000 people.

    No idea why but I even shake!

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Superlative Shakespeare

  • Cutest scene

    Henry V Act V Scene II: When Henry flirts with Katherine of France.

  • Funniest fight

    A Midsummer Night’s Dream Act III Scene II: When Hermia and Helena fight and Hermia gets a complex about her height.

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Things I Know Because I'm Making My Daughter Kraft Macaroni and Cheese for an Early Dinner

  • I am the greatest dad in the world.

    Because she loves it and she’s been working super hard lately and deserves a comfort food treat.

  • I am the worst dad on the world.

    Because it is packaged convenience food and I’m poisoning my family.

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Why Nerdy Girls Are Sexier

This was a hard list request. I rethought my approach three times and I’m still not sure I’m making the case correctly. But here you go! Read moreā€¦

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Different Ways to Pronounce Your Name

I’m interpreting this as ways people have pronounced my name. When I was a kid people seemed to universally be confused by my name but now almost everyone gets it right. I think I have Geoffrey the Giraffe to thank for that. Read moreā€¦

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Am I the Only One?

This was my thought process just now…happens more often than I care to admit. Read moreā€¦

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Is it too much to ask for a fruit yogurt with fat but no added sugar? Why doesn’t this exist?

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My Name Made Up of Sentences I Would Never Say

  • G ā€” Growl ginger gadfly peppermint.

  • E ā€” Effortless elevation eternal potpie.

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Objective Reasons to Find Grits Good

Grits, like all grain-based hot cereals, are objectively good. Read moreā€¦

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Failed Galactic Empire Commercial Ventures

  • Light saber hula hoops.

    You know, for younglings!

  • Decorative Exhaust Port Frames

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Verb Nouns

I ran out of steam on this. Someone take over… Read moreā€¦