Archive Posts (Page 29)

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People @lesbian Loves So Much

[in which I try to get @lesbian to say she loves me] Read moreā€¦

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Mind Bending Relative Time Lines

I’m not sure if these are really “mind bending”. Maybe I should have said “somewhat interesting”. But anyway these all interested me! Read moreā€¦

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Hoosier to English Dictionary

I grew up in Indiana and I am here to help you understand the dialect of these mysterious people. Read moreā€¦

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Brilliant as usual: “Possible Undiscovered Planets”


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Today I learned that in 814 the imperial crown of the Roman Empire was in dispute. The primary political rivals were Charles the Bald of Western Francia and Charles the Fat of Eastern Francia.

This is from real history, not Dr. Seuss history, just to be clear.

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Murals of Phx

Welcome, @fandl! I’m not sure if this list request was intentional but as luck would have it I already made exactly this list. Read moreā€¦

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Things the Holy Roman Empire Was Not, According to Voltaire

“Ce corps qui s’appelait et qui s’appelle encore le saint empire romain n’Ć©tait en aucune maniĆØre ni saint, ni romain, ni empire.” Link Read moreā€¦

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Singular Talent

People I think are both totally good at their thing and unique in that thing. Read moreā€¦

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The Internet was done so well that most people think of it as a natural resource like the Pacific Ocean, rather than something that was man-made. When was the last time a technology with a scale like that was so error-free? Alan Kay
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Proposed Names for Planet Nine

  1. Proserpine (Persephone to the Greeks)

    This is my number one: She inhabits the underworld which fits a body so deep in the dark. Proserpine was stolen into the underworld and there is some thought that Planet Nine was kicked into the outer solar system early in its formation. She is often associated with the coming forth and withdrawal of seasons which has a nice symmetry with Planet Nine’s supposed highly eccentric orbit. And it would be a nice nod to poor Pluto, husband to Proserpine. Downside: kind of a ugly name.

  2. Latona (Leto to the Greeks)

    Mistress to Jupiter, she hid herself away to avoid the wrath of his wife Juno, who demanded that everyone shun her. She is also the mother of Apollo the sun, to whom Planet Nine is still bound despite her exile.

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Sobering thought: It would take a probe as fast as New Horizons (and that is a very fast probe) 45 years or more to reach Planet Nine.

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Click here to install the De-Palin-Ator. Removes all references to [REDACTED] from your Facebook feed.

^^^ This needs to be a thing.

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Someone needs to spin the wheel on New Horizons stat. Just kidding it doesn’t work that way. Right? Does it work that way? @NewHorizons2015?

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Humans 2015: “We now have high resolution images of every planet in the solar system!”

Solar System 2016: “LOL.”

cc @plutokiller @kbatygin

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I wonder how much this young woman hates all these articles being written about her calling her the “next Einstein”. I strongly suspect the answer is “a lot”.

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My Ultimate Taco Recipe

Well, @GargiBera, it just so happens I’m having tacos for lunch today! I love tacos so much and we have them a lot. Everything in this “recipe” can be adjusted/swapped/augmented in a million ways which is one of the things that makes tacos so wonderful. šŸŒ®šŸŒ®šŸŒ® Read moreā€¦

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Streets I Have Lived on, Ranked

Uhh. Hmm. I am going to have a hard time ranking these because they are roads. Read moreā€¦

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This is the most exciting thing I’ve read this year :)


I saw Mike Brown give a talk about this at Apple’s WWDC last summer, but everything was very speculative and preliminary then. It sounds like things are falling into place. Who’s ready for a new ninth planet?

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Sticking their heads deeper and deeper in the sand.


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How to Make Your Tacos 62% Better

This is how you make Cebolla en Escabeche (sometimes called Cebollita), the beautiful, super simple, mild “pickled” red onion they serve at street side taco stands in Mexico. Read moreā€¦

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Sophia sliding on the rocks at Fat Manā€™s Pass. Ooooh spooky. Read moreā€¦
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Isabel sliding down the rocks at Fat Manā€™s Pass. I am in love with their smile. Read moreā€¦
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Just stumbled on this great computerphile on the horrors of programming with time zones, which is something I sadly have first hand experience with. This guy speaks the truth.


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The Time I Almost Died šŸ’€

Inspired by @ListPrompts. I’ve never almost died because I am a coward. šŸƒšŸƒšŸƒšŸƒ Read moreā€¦

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Sophia made dinner for us. Weā€™re spoiled.
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Things I'm a Sucker For

  • Rocky Balboa

  • I love him. I love everything about him. I could watch his movies forever.

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This made me happier than anything has in a long time.


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The Time I Almost Burned My Dorm Down

I exaggerated. I didn’t almost burn my dorm down. But I did cause a scene. Read moreā€¦

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Things You Don't See Every Day

  • Pretty much everything. Except really boring stuff like your hands. But seriously, “that’s something you don’t see every day” is like the lowest possible baseline for interestingness.

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Things That Are Getting Harder

I need a vacation from all my struggles. šŸ˜“ Read moreā€¦

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If I Won the Power Ball...

This is the most honest portrayal of my personality I’ve ever listed. Read moreā€¦

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FYI, $1.3 billion divided by 300 million is $4, not $4,000,000. Source: Mathematics.

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If the Powerball Doubles One More Time...

  • Then for the first time ever it would be a winning move to buy every possible ticket.

  • This will cost you about $600 million.

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The biggest difference between all these “satirical” news sites and the regular news sites is that the junk the regular news sites do is kind of funny.

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Not the greatest picture in the world but here are some people I love. Read moreā€¦
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