Archive Posts (Page 28)

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In its legal filing today, Apple refers to the bespoke operating system the FBI wants them to build to hack iPhones as “GovtOS” which cracks me up for some reason.

GovtOS 1.0 will hopefully never be released…

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Let's Play a Game of "Geoff Responds to Today's Headlines"

  • Blindfolded and unconscious.

  • If I were Brian Sandoval I wouldn’t be on the list in the first place.

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Here’s a solid update on the Apple/FBI encryption disagreement, including a pretty clear illustration of the major problem for the future of data security when you pit a company against itself. “Now that the government has tried to force Apple to hack its own code, security officials say, the company must view itself as the vulnerability. “‘This is the first time that Apple has been included in their own threat model,’ Mr. Read more…
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My Acceptable Celebrity Doppelgänger List

  • 🤔 So what’re the guidelines here? People I wish I looked like? …

  • Satya Nadella

    Look how warm and approachable and kind and distinguished he looks! [swoon]

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Just read a short article on the “Trending” list on Facebook. Then came to Facebook to see if this really exists. There it is ➔

I never noticed, probably because that’s where ads go.

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How to Be Dumb

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Getting my laptop out on the train which means I’ll have be careful to not get too absorbed in my work and miss my stop. What I’m saying is see you at the end of the line.

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Cheap Thrills

Inspired by @semioccasional by way of @biz Read more…

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Reading in to Harper Lee

  • From Go Set a Watchman:

  • “If you did not want much, there was plenty.”

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Understanding the Apple/FBI Encryption Debate

Disclaimer: I am an Apple employee. So 1: My bias is showing. 2: It should go without saying that I don’t speak for Apple in any way. These are my own thoughts. Read more…

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Names for Things That Need Names

Some of these are real. Some are my proposals. Read more…

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Things I Do That Cause Bookish People to Doubt My Commitment to the Cause

  • Send all my paper books to goodwill and switch to almost 100% eBooks.

    I like reading eBooks so much better unless pictures or layout are important to the book.

  • Forget the title of books and the names of authors all the time.

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Someone should invent a combination mailbox/trash can to save travel time.

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Nota Cultural

  • I took Spanish in high school.

  • Our Spanish text book had a series of sidebars called “Nota Cultural” (“Cultural Note”) with tidbits of wisdom.

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Rereading one of my favorite contemporary novels, How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe, while I wait for my dentist appointment. It is so full of oddball but thoughtful meta-scifi gems like this: Within a science fictional space, memory and regret are, when taken together, the set of necessary and sufficient elements required to produce a time machine. And of course there’s this beauty which I return to all the time: Read more…
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It’s nice that they now say “SURPRISE!” in the Amber alerts. Fits with the blaring siren. Read more…
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They keep talking about chanting and sine waving on the radio. Must be some trigonometry convention.

(Apologies in advance for this.)

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Questions for the Man of Steel

  • Does it hurt when this happens to you?

  • Does this leave a bruise?

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Things I Loved About Pride and Prejudice and Zombies

  • The irreproachable and beautiful Eliza Bennett…

  • In 18th century dress…

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The Two Phases of Life

  • Before you own a car with a backup camera.

    Who needs a camera to back up? Learn to drive, idiots.

  • After you own a car with a backup camera.

    I can’t believe this rental car doesn’t have a backup camera. Ugh where am I going even. THIS IS UNSAFE.

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Lord of the Rings Characters Ranked by ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  1. Tom Bombadil

    The most ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ character in literary history.

  2. Treebeard

    Started ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but then went the other way.

  3. Read more…
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If Amazon succeeds with physical bookstores it doesn’t mean Borders was right all along. It means Borders failed because of poor operations rather than a fundamentally unsustainable business. Borders couldn’t compete with Amazon because they were lousy. Not because physical stores can’t work.

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Oh My Gosh I Couldn't Care Less

  • The orientation of the toilet paper roll.

    Oh my gosh I couldn’t care less.

  • The Oxford comma.

    Oh my gosh I couldn’t care less.

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Sometimes I have crazy ideas and usually this is a disaster but every once in a while it works out. Like today when I was making homemade macaroni and cheese for my babies and on a whim I added some goat cheese. Very very yum.

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What Did You Say?

Inspired by @dad3 / Link Did I do it right? Ok, analyze me! Read more…

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Things Chef John Says

Chef John of Food Wishes is bar none my favorite YouTube star. His recipes are amazing and his banter is 💯. Link Read more…

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Books I Finished in January

In which you see why I don’t get much literature read these days. Inspired by @bookishclaire. Read more…

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Suggested Serving Sizes

  • Thin Mints: One sleeve.

    Note: Why are the sleeves so small now? This will have to be revised to “Two sleeves” if trends continue.

  • Pizza: Two slices, then just a sliver of a third slice, then half of what remains, then the other half.

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Yoda’s supposed to be the wisest guy in the galaxy but after like 900 years he still can’t speak english properly. Not so smart he is.

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Thoughts That Go Through My Head When I'm Trying to Get to Sleep at Night but Cannot 💬

Inspired by @ListPrompts. I only had trouble sleeping once that I can remember and that was after taking a new allergy medication. Never took that again. This is my usual pre-sleep thought process… Read more…

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How to Make Perfect Fluffy Rice Without Measuring

I used to be terrible at making rice for some reason. It was always under cooked or soggy or gloppy. My friend would always tell me about water levels and finger joints and I’d be like “doesn’t that depend on the size of the pot?!” Anyway, if you want fluffy rice with separate grains then this recipe is fool-proof and also requires no measuring. Read more…

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