Archive Posts (Page 27)

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Some Dummy Keeps Spoiling My Pictures

I’ve been spending a couple lovely vacation days alone seeing the sights. Read more…

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Oh My Gosh Guys My Child is Beautiful (And Our Photographer is Amazing)

Isabel is a lot of great things like nerdy and funny and dedicated and creative. But they also happens to be lovely on the outside. Somehow we have to pick one or two of these… Read more…

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Irrational Pet Peeve

  • I’m not normally this way…

  • It doesn’t bother me when people say ATM Machine or PIN Number…

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Mr Leopold Bloom ate with relish the inner organs of beasts and fowls. He liked thick giblet soup, nutty gizzards, a stuffed roast heart, liverslices fried with crustcrumbs, fried hencods’ roes. Most of all he liked grilled mutton kidneys which gave to his palate a fine tang of faintly scented urine. from Ulysses by James Joyce

Who wants to come over for a traditional Irish meal?!

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Happy St. Patrick’s Day my friends. Read more…

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Dear Senate: Here’s how I see it. You can either approve this Garland fellow right now. Or wait until next year when either Hillary sends you Bill Maher for approval or Trump sends you Judge Judy.

[ed: This post is no longer funny.]

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Reasons I'll Never Really Be Totally Ok With the Whole Über Thing

  • Car sickness

    This is the main reason. Just took a lyft. Now I feel a little sick and I hate feeling a little sick.

  • Smells

    I am very sensitive to smells.

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At the super cool University of Arizona Mirror Lab where they are currently building the seven 28 foot mirrors for the Giant Magellan Telescope. Amazing! Read more…
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Fun With Panorama Mode

(These captions brought to you by a dad…) Read more…

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Questions for the Youth of America

  • Are you up yet?

  • Why are there dirty socks on the kitchen floor?

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My Favorite Snippets From the Leaked Star Wars Episode Viii Script

  • MAZ: That was many years ago. Before the Ewok genocide.

  • SNOKE: [picks up Luke Skywalker’s light saber] My preciousssssss…

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"Go Through the World With Open Eyes, and Listen to the Pains, Interests, and Longings of Others"

Milada Horáková was a politician and dissident executed by the communist Czech government on June 27th 1950. The night before her execution she wrote a remarkable letter to her 16 year old daughter, including this advice about listening, learning, and the importance and limitations of positivity. Read more…

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Biggest Disappointments

  • The time I bought a bag of pretzels before my 4 hour flight and they turned out to have peanut butter in them.

  • That’s about it. That’s the biggest one anyway.

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The "Han Shot First" Scene if Greedo Were Replaced by an Aging Jar Jar Binks

INT. CANTINA. Diverse strange space creatures mill about. Roguish space pirate HAN SOLO is about to leave the cantina to transport LUKE SKYWALKER, OBI WAN KENOBI and the DROIDS to ALDERAAN. Read more…

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While We're Taking About Baby Showers...

  • My wife threw one on Saturday.

  • I made a killer cheese plate with three salamis, prosciutto, the best soft goat cheese I’ve ever tasted, cheddar for weenies, and a few other cheeses, sourdough bread, olives and cornichons (I have no idea how you spell that… @Lisa_Fav?), Brazil nuts and pistachios, halved dried figs and dried sour cherries, and sour cherry jam.

    It was beautiful.

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Nerdy Women I Love 🤓💃🏻

International Women’s Day you say? I too think women are neat. Read more…

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It’s officially time for everyone with an ideology to sell to explain the Trump phenomenon through the lens of that ideology and conclude that they were right all along.

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Tolerable Children's Music

There’s a period of time when your kids are little enough that you need some kid-friendly music to entertain them in the car. Unfortunately most children’s music is insufferable. Here are some good albums. Read more…

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As we contemplate the comedy of a Trump presidency, let’s sober up a bit…


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@imc Through the Ages

@imc finished her senior thesis this week, which was the last big milestone before high school graduation. Indulge me while I reminisce about the milestones that came before. Read more…

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Would You Rather...

  • Never touch another person again.

    Or never speak to another person again.

  • Never use google again.

    Or never read a book again.

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The old world is rapidly aging. Because it is old. That’s what aging means.

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In which I share with you all what a happy day this is. Read more…

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Phases of a School Parent Meeting

  • The teachers awkwardly alternating who’s speaking phase.

  • The slight head nod at the people you only ever see at parent meetings and have never actually talked to phase.

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Fictional Women I Would for Sure Date

Inspired by @kcupcaker. It’s not lost on me the fact that none of these women would be particularly interested in an introverted homebody like me :) Read more…

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First very good question in this hearing: Congressman Cicilline: “Do you agree that the authority to authorize this comes from Congress?” FBI Director Comey: “…No…” This gets to the heart of the case because: Comey has been saying all throughout the hearing that it is important that Congress and the American People make the decision around this issue. Apple has been arguing all along that what they’re being asked to do should be authorized by congress and not unilaterally compelled by the courts. Read more…
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Congressman Issa is trying to school FBI director Comey on breaking encryption in a patronizing way which is funny because what he is suggesting makes no sense at all.

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Anybody have a home security camera they’re happy with? Ideally something that you can monitor from the computer and/or iPhone.

I’m not super concerned about security, but I would love to be able to quickly check who’s ringing my doorbell when I’m working so I can ignore most of them…

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Scott Kelly is poised to become the first naturalized space man to spend significant time in the harsh gravity environment of Earth.

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Trump's Chances

Maybe I’m just an optimist but this is my read. Read more…

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The girls and I made candy. Holy yum it is basically homemade bit-o-honey only in almond/pistachio and cherry/walnut. Read more…
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Two Truths and a Lie

  • My father’s initials are GMC and my mother’s are BMW.

  • I have a glass eye.

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It’s nice to see the independently-minded Chris Christie come out stumping for Hillary so early in the cycle.

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Apple's Argument in the "Unlock-This-iPhone" Case

Apple filed their motion to vacate the court order that they “unlock” an iPhone yesterday. In other words they’ve made their formal argument for why they believe the order is invalid. Link It is quite readable but here’re the basics of Apple’s 3-part argument. Read more…