Archive Posts (Page 25)

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Making a second pot of grits in as many days for my poor sick hot-cereal-obsessed munchkin. Read more…
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Dear Miss Manners

  • Is it wrong to put a little smear of soft butter on this cookie before I eat it?

  • Ok but I mean is it really wrong?

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This kid is my personal hero.


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Normally I wouldn’t buy a Chevy but I just found out the new Malibu is styled with purpose so I’m going to go get one right away.

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Happy summer Phoenix friends. Read more…
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Tolerance, Ranked

  1. You are different from me and I tolerate you.

  2. You are different from me and I admire you.

  3. Read more…
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Things That Taste Like Childhood

  • Hershey’s chocolate syrup on vanilla ice cream.

    Eating this right now. That residual stuff in the bottom of the bowl is like Proust’s madeline.

  • Creamsicles.

    Just had a Rita’s lemon ice with vanilla frozen custard the other day which bought this right back to the front of my consciousness.

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Posted without comment. Read more…
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Proposed: We should avoid drawing conclusions about the human race based on anonymous comments and tweets. Selection bias, etc… Discuss.

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This is the hand towel dispenser in this bathroom, which I feel like maybe illustrates some point about user experience design. I figured it out eventually. Read more…
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Nerd School / Geek School: Compare and Contrast

  • 🤓 @imc goes to Veritas Preparatory Academy, a very nerdy school.

  • 🤖 @sophster goes to Metropolitan Arts Institute, a very geeky school.

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Things I Believe That I Learned From Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt

  • White dudes hold the record for creepy crimes.

  • But females are strong as hell.

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Crowd Funding Platforms and Their Uses

  • Kickstarter

    Primarily for monetizing pie-in-the-sky ideas that can’t actually be sold because they’re impossible. Also useful for ideas that are possible but you don’t really want to make them and just want to get money instead.

  • Caring Bridge

    A currency exchange that converts sympathetic tears into US dollars.

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A little election analysis reminder:


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Sometimes I feel guilty for using an ad blocker, and then I turn it off and within 30 seconds I’m reminded how insufferably awful the web is without it.

Back on it goes.

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Most Memorable Fight I've Had With My Sister

Inspired by @jennifergster and many more. Sorry this list is so pretentious. Read more…

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Great Song Lyrics #1: R.E.M.

I’m going to make some lists about lyrics I love. I’ll start with R.E.M. which was my first lyric love way back in middle school. You kids today don’t know what it was like back then listening over and over with headphones and a pen and paper trying to work out the words so you can process them. R.E.M. was the first to put me through that. Read more…

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Official Unicode Designation of Assorted Emoji

The more you know. (I’m bored and tired waiting for a build…) Read more…

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Earth: I will turn my whole self so that you may have night and day.
Man: Hey thanks!

Man: We made this one special day just for you, Earth!
Earth: …

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10 minute (!) scrolling panorama of the plane of the Milky Way composed of stitched together imagery from the ESA’s Herschel space telescope.

It’s like our eyes have opened for the first time to see what has always been right above us. Absolutely amazing.


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Actual Things Sophia Said Today

  • [on why Isabel was sitting on the couch watching tv instead of at school when I got up] “She only has like a month til she graduates, dad.”


  • [on drinking more water] “I only drink San Peligrino. Can’t stand the regular stuff.”

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Dear Ted Cruz:

My daughters and my wife could all kick your butt with one hand tied behind their respective backs.

Sincerely, A guy who’s not worried about his girls.

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  • Abe Vigoda
  • Alan Rickman
  • David Bowie
  • Frank Sinatra
  • Gary Shandling
  • Harper Lee
  • Merle Haggard
  • Prince

And this is just with a Trump candidacy. Imagine how much worse it will be if he gets elected.

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Me: “Why is the TV on?”

Sophia: “Isabel is in there watching something.”

Me: “Oh! Didn’t she go to school?”

Sophia: “She only has like a month til she graduates, dad.”

Principles of Living by Sophia.

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My favorite social media comment I’ve ever received. Read more…
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How to Be Me

  1. Hold your wife’s purse while she runs in to the bathroom. 😃

  2. Someone says “nice purse!” 🚶🏻

  3. Read more…
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Things Planet Nine Won't Do

  • Crash into Earth

  • Send a rain of hell fire (and comets!) into Earth

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Life's Greatest Mystery

  • I hate white chocolate…

    HATE it. I hate it so much it kind of offends me that it is called chocolate. That’s like calling horse manure “brown gold”. It may be brown but it definitely isn’t gold.

  • I’m not big on peppermint…

    I mean it’s ok I guess but if the choice is between peppermint candy and any other kind I choose other.

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Do you ever get used to it, having your children travel by themselves? I miss my Isabel who hopped on a plane all alone at 7:30 this morning for a quick college tour. They’re super responsible, brave, and sensible, and this is not their first solo trip. But still, it doesn’t seem like so long ago… Read more…
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Things I Can Do With My New iPhone SE That My Old iPhone 6S Couldn't Do

  • Write a list one handed while my left hand is comfortably perched behind my head.

    Doing this right now and I’m in love.

  • Take it out of my pocket without standing up.

    While in the car even!

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My Beauty Routine

  • I shower every day.

    Twice most days in the summer.

  • I brush my hair kind of quickly.

    I used to use hair spray but maybe 18 months ago I ran out as I was leaving for a trip and I realized I don’t actually need it. So I stopped using it. Look how dashing my hair is anyway.

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These are fantastic. Photo-realistic renderings of sketches of bicycles.


Via Daring Fireball

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Movies That Are Actually Surprisingly Super Awesome

  • The new Jungle Book

  • Disney is really firing on all cylinders right now.

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All is right in the world again. Read more…
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So this new kindle actually looks pretty great to me. Is it the first with a metal body or is the Voyager metal too? Because my biggest beef with my old kindles was how utterly chintzy they felt. I always wished for one with much better build quality.

I wonder where I can hold the new one.

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If Facebook Were Real Life

  • Hello [friend name] I am inviting you to like my stupid business. Do you like it? Like it. LIKE IT.

  • Reminder! That thing I invited you to that you did not rsvp for and that you showed no interest in is TONIGHT! You were invited. Everyone was invited. Don’t forget.

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A Gift for @ladyprofessor

Not in my yard. In my my mamma’s neighbor’s yard. Read more…

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Pro tip: A poll that shows someone “winning” within the margin of error doesn’t show anything at all. There’s no such thing as an answer smaller than the error that is anything but error.

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You Have 24 Hours and Can Do Anything You Want No restrictions...what Do You Do?

  • Sleep in til 8:00, quick shower.

  • 8-9:00: Make breakfast for my girls. Waffles, eggs, biscuits, berries, bacon.

    Yes they have to be out the door before eight but this is my fantasy so I’m both sleeping in AND making a nice breakfast. The kitchen will already be tidy and clean before I start.

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Government Hacks

I love the idea of creative workarounds to constitutional hangups. None of these are a slam dunk but they remind me that government is a complicated imaginative aggregate force of the people far more than a set of laws and that is neat. Any other cool ones? Read more…