Archive Posts (Page 21)

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I bet the only people who didn’t see this coming were wearing Google Glass.


[ed: The original article link no longer works so I updated the link to point to]

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It’s amazing the production quality you can accomplish at home these days.


Also, this is funny.

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People Who Have a Birthday Today

  • @MaiaLS

    Happy birthday my very special friend! We miss you! šŸŽ‰

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To believe that patriotism will not flourish if patriotic ceremonies are voluntary and spontaneous instead of a compulsory routine is to make an unflattering estimate of the appeal of our institutions to free minds. Justice Robert H. Jackson, West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette, 1943


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When ā€œthe hero of the two worldsā€ the Marquis de Lafayette first toured the encampment of the continental army, George Washington apologized for the rough nature of his troops saying it must appear unprofessional to a man brought up in the French national army. Lafayette, who was enamored with the American cause and inspired by our success against the British at the battle of Trenton said: It is not to teach but to learn that I come hither. Read moreā€¦
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[ed: This was posted the day Gene Wilder died.] I think my favorite Gene Wilder thing is this letter he sent to the director of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with feedback on the costume sketches for his character. What a pro. ā€œI donā€™t think of Willy as an eccentric who holds on to his 1912 Dandyā€™s Sunday suit and wears it in 1970, but rather as just an eccentric ā€” where thereā€™s no telling what heā€™ll do or where he ever found his get-up ā€” except that it strangely fits him: Part of this world, part of another. Read moreā€¦
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“Just as it’s important to be sensitive to our black, Arab, and other non-white coworkers, it’s also equally important to be sensitive to our white coworkers’ sensitivity to that sensitivity.”

I laughed.


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This is a super hero film I could get behind.


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How to make friends in retail:

Cashier: “Do you have a military status?”

Me: “Yes!”

Cashier: “Great! You get a 20% discount!”

Me: “Great! To be clear, my military status is ’non-military’. šŸ¤“”

Cashier: “šŸ˜””

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Thatā€™s exactly how I felt the last time it happened to me, lady. Read moreā€¦
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Excerpted from “Dreamfields” by Runrig. Link

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United Airlines explains two-factor authentication to their customers. The tech industry weeps. Every piece of this is utterly wrong. Read moreā€¦
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Gathering resources to help Sophia prepare for her trip to Japan.


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The Shape in Joe vs. the Volcano

  • Workers going into the factory in the opening scene.

  • Company logo in the factory.

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Everything happens for a reason. That reason is usually physics. Sometimes psychology. Those might be the same thing but we’re not sure yet.

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Things I Love That Most People Don't Seem to Love

  • The long “boring” parts of novels like Les Miserbales and Moby Dick.

    I could read Melville blathering about whale representation in art for days and days.

  • Getting my teeth cleaned.

    Wish I could go to the dentist every day.

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Jobs I Wish I Had Right Now

  • Ebola Czar.

    I mean what does that guy even do? It’s like a years long paid vacation.

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The Problem with Television

  • The problem with television is it all happens so fast.

  • Like I’m about to finally get around to watching West Wing.

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Dan Carlin of the Hard Core History podcast just posted part three of his “King of Kings” series and it is FIVE HOURS. It’s like Christmas…


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I like Forest Whitaker. I’ve always liked Forest Whitaker. Even when I don’t like the movie or the character I still like him. Half the reason I like J.d. Francis is because he reminds me of Forest Whitaker. Maybe more than half*.

* Just kidding JD. Only half.

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What I've Been Reading Recently

  • 1940s and 1950s science fiction

  • 1950s criticism of science fiction

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Something about that ā€œSecuredā€ seemsā€¦suspicious.
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I kind of love that Gruber keeps a database of outlandish claims by analysts so he can revisit them at the appropriate time.


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Man I love stuff like this. So clever. And a reminder that absolutely nothing on a computer is truly secure with a sufficiently motivated, clever, and financed attacker.


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Lou Malnati’s: “This feeds three.”

[hands me enough pizza for 11 people]

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First Steve Jobs

This is what I see at a glance with every “First Seven Jobs” list. Read moreā€¦

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Doctor's Office šŸ‘Ž

  • Filling out paperwork with pen and paper like some 20th century troglodyte.

  • Answering the same questions you’ve answered a million times.

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Names of Songs You Know but Don't Know the Names Of

Aped unapologetically from this Reddit thread because I thought it was fascinating. Link Read moreā€¦

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Pros and Cons of Being a Dog

Thanks for the rec. I’ve put a lot of thought in to this one. Read moreā€¦

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Phoenix look west at Jupiter and a thin crescent moon. Spectacular.

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Pros and Cons of Being a Cat

  • PRO: You can sit around all day with no responsibility doing whatever you want while someone else happily provides for your every need.

  • CON: You are a cat.

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Trump Retractions: August 5 2016

He’s finally listening to his advisors and softening his tone. Read moreā€¦

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Can someone please build a 50 foot tall Trump statue in New York so we can have some lasting iconic footage when we the people inevitably tear it down in a few months?

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I feel like we definitely don’t need a sixth pizza place in the neighborhood. Huh.

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And the Geoffscar Goes To...

  • Best Writing (Original Screenplay)

    Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)

  • Best Writing (Adapted Screenplay)

    Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)

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Arizona just turned blue in fivethirtyeight.comā€™s ā€œnowcastā€ projection of the presidential election. (This is arguably the least reliable of their forecasts, most susceptible to momentary aberrations and so less predictive, but still interesting.) Link Read moreā€¦
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How To Set Up Apple Pay

If the new slow clunky chip cards have got you down, if you feel like paying at the grocery is harder than it used to be, if you think you’ll snap if the cashier rolls his eyes at you one more time, maybe it’s time to try Apple Pay. Inspired by: Link Read moreā€¦

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Assorted facts: I post to Facebook and my wifeā€™s phone beeps less than a second later. I send an email to Australia and it arrives 2.7 seconds later. I ask google for all the pages out of trillions that include the phrase ā€œarticulated portal sprocketā€ and it answers in 200 milliseconds. I speak into the camera on my phone and someone in Georgia sees me talking real time. I transfer money from my E*Trade brokerage account to my checking account and it takes three business days. Read moreā€¦
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Well now I know why the entrance to my neighborhood is blocked by police. Sad story. Link Aside: There is a crosswalk with signal 100 feet north of here (and a block south) and yet I see people crossing mid-block all the time. Aside 2: Can we get a signal on the crosswalk across 7th street too? That street is 10mph faster, has six lanes, has a charter school, and the crosswalk is barely marked. Read moreā€¦
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Because I see people tonight actually arguing that Trumpā€™s right that we should get rid of wind energy because of bird deaths. I think we should get rid of cats first. Bonus: theyā€™ll stop scratching my furniture. Read moreā€¦
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Sometimes they come right out and say it. Sometimes.
