Archive Posts (Page 20)

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Hillary Clinton just needs Trump’s endorsement and then I think that’s all of them.

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Wait I think there’s a third one:


Yes, I was googling myself. (CC: Jefferson Davis Hogg)

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Should Sleeping Beauty marry what's his name: pros and cons

  • Fair warning: I’ve never seen sleeping beauty.

  • But I’m going to do this list for you anyway mon ami…

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After listening to biographies of Washington, Adams, and Jefferson, Audible’s algorithms are on to me. Read more…
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I’m supposed to be working but I got totally taken in by this article by Michael Chabon about taking his fashion-obsessed son to Paris Fashion Week. I don’t know diddly about fashion and anybody who’s ever seen me dressed knows I definitely don’t care either. But the conclusion here is universal and perfect. I dedicate this reading to my kids.


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I’m going to write an all-meat cookbook called “Fantastic Beasts and How to Brine Them”.

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Should Belle Marry Beast: Pros and Cons

  • CON: Total jerk.

  • CON: Imprisoned her for life for no reason.

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Somehow I missed this when it made the rounds. Yep.


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Good Guy Elon Musk is actively working to save Canada from an influx of Americans come November.

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Cooking up a little sorbet. [cackles like a witch] Read more…
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Trump's Son

One of these is true. All of them are equally relevant. Read more…

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Someone helpfully edited all trumps answers to remove any false claims.


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Civilization is a very delicate and rare and complex thing, and it needs looking after like a garden. A.S. Byatt
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What d’y’all think of my new hairdo? Read more…
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Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should. Read more…
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The most reliable and useful courage is that which arises from the fair estimation of the encountered peril. from Moby-Dick
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“This looks like a nude selfie and you have automatic cloud syncing turned on. Would you like to exclude nude selfies from cloud backup and syncing from now on?”

^^^ iPhone feature request. For the celebrities. And the millennials I guess.

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Best New iOS 10 Emoji

  • 👯‍♂️

  • Enlarged for you people living in the past.

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Not wanting to see Trump elected isn’t really a political stand. It’s a stand for humanity. For decency. Politics don’t even have to enter into it.

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Sort of a shame Asimov isn’t around to see this unfold.


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Female Singers Who've Got Something Ranked by How Much of it They Have

They’ve all got at least a little of it, whatever you call it. Note: Not ranked by how good they are, just ranked by how much of it they have from most to least. Read more…

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I would rather you read my diary than...

  • See my YouTube history.

  • Ask me about a book when I’ve just finished.

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When Facebook teaches you that “kaputt” is a real German word. Read more…
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Huh. The more you know.


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A friendly reminder to back up before updating the operating system on your iPhone (or anything else for that matter).

  1. Go to Settings, then tap iCloud.
  2. Tap Backup.
  3. Tap Back Up Now (or note the Last Backup and skip this if it is recent enough for your liking).
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It’s hard to argue with this.

“Everyone needs to step back from the daily coverage and cast their eyes over the massive smoking wreckage of this election. As soon as you do, it becomes painfully obvious that Trump is the most unsuitable candidate for president in living memory.”


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We saw “Sully” last night and thought it was good. BUT it suffers from the same problem as essentially every “based on a true story” Hollywood film which is that in the absence of a villain (except some geese I guess) it makes one up. In this case the NTSB. From the New York Times: “In reality, there were no subsequent simulations conducted at Captain Sullenberger’s suggestion. There was no need. Read more…
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Things I Would Gladly Trade My Headphone Jack For

  • A combination washer-dryer so I don’t have to swap loads.

  • Uber + Self Driving Cars + Food Trucks

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The Most 80s Thing in Stranger Things

  • Calling your teacher to find out about sensory deprivation tanks instead of just googling it.

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The tech media is already starting the whine-fest about Apple’s new wireless earbuds. But if they work as advertised I’m 100% sold.


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Shigeru Miyamoto on stage at an Apple event. Its like two of my favorite things in one place.

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87% of people, when asked, believe they have an above average understanding of complex issues.

100% of those, when asked, believe they’re not one of the 37% who are wrong.

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I sent this postcard to Sophia from my hotel in Dublin on December 4, 2012. It arrived today. Let it be said that the Irish post always delivers. Read more…
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Uber + Self Driving Cars + Food Trucks.

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A fascinating (although poorly written) look at how tracing a gun to it’s owner works considering the ATF is not allowed to use computers to search the records.


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Having family movie night at home without Isabel for the first time. Sophia just realized her share of the sour cherry candies was 1/3rd larger than usual.

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There are really only two problems with the internet. The spelling of “Referer” and the fact that Access-Control-Allow-Methods is case sensitive. Everything else is fine.

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Remember when your phone didn’t have instant access to the aggregate of human knowledge?

Or a flashlight?

Man. Life used to be hard.

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Faust part one is sad. That is all.

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I feel like George Washington and I would have been buds. How many times have I said I hate the word “tolerance”? In the wise words of my pal George:

It is now no more that toleration is spoken of, as if it was by the indulgence of one class of people, that another enjoyed the exercise of their inherent natural rights.
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Well this is completely fascinating.


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