Archive Posts (Page 19)

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I love that my kids can sew. Mamie is a cool mom. I love that my kids can sew. Mamie is a cool mom. Read more…
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Siri just keeps getting better at understanding me. Read more…
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No USB-C. Get it together Iomega. Read more…
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While we’re changing the Apple logo on the back of the MacBook screen, can we turn it back around again, the way nature intended? I still remember.

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A reminder that Google’s count of results is just an estimate. Read more…
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So many things have taken over the internet recently, I can no longer remember — is it the deep fried burger or the pizza pot pie that is currently in charge?

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Another gentle reminder that Americans come in all colors and varieties.


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A day may come when my cats realize that when I click my tongue and say “are you hungry” and step outside my bedroom late at night, that I’m just going to step back in and shut the door behind them after they go out. But it is not this day.

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They’re bringing twitter to the Apple TV. Because harassment is more of a lean-back whole family activity.

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This Bundy thing is actually great news.

Side note: my house is now for sale. Let me know if you’re interested. I’ll be moving into the DMV on Saturday. All are welcome.

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This may sound a tiny bit judgmental but every single parent in the pickup line at Sophia’s school is literally stupid.

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Sophia has this irrational thing where she hates it if the TV volume setting isn’t a multiple of 5. Now I find myself carefully indulging this even when she’s not here watching with me…Apparently her neuroses are contagious.

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When people say they don’t believe in socialism I scratch my head. I mean I don’t believe in the easter bunny (sorry kids) but I’m like 92% sure socialism exists…

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The new Surface Studio looks pretty swank. Link

Really cool to see MS doing lots of interesting things lately. Their recent success is well deserved and Satya Nadella is doing great stuff.

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Huh. The Social Security website has business hours. Read more…
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There should definitely be a way for me to sell you all my FaceBook block list. Read more…
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Seven Sins of Writing

This is my attempt to classify the things I think usually make a book worse. Read more…

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Ways My Republican Friends Explain Trump's Nomination

  • Liberals rigging the republican primaries.

  • The media rigging the republican primaries.

  • Read more…
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As I sign documents tonight I am reminded of these instructions I wrote a year ago for signing documents with your Mac. Possibly my favorite hidden macOS feature.


[ed: This link has been updated to point to my archive of the post.]

CC: David Pogue (did you ever do this for one of your 30 second tip videos?)

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Everybody thinks its the Russians or the Chinese that are destroying the internet today but I’ve seen enough movies to know it’s obviously Elon Musk.

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While we’re giving notice to Facebook about things by posting messages to our own walls, I’d like Mark Zuckerberg to know he’s dreamy.

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Sneak peek three and a half hours in. Read more…
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I’m just over here rigging an election. Read more…
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President-elect Bush inherits a nation whose citizens will be ready to assist him in the conduct of his large responsibilities. I, personally, will be at his disposal, and I call on all Americans — I particularly urge all who stood with us — to unite behind our next president. This is America. Just as we fight hard when the stakes are high, we close ranks and come together when the contest is done. Read more…
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I’m with the #nastyWoman and all the #badHombres.

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Remember when the papa john’s guy promised to go out of business if he had to provide healthcare to his employees?

Yet another political promise that goes unkept to the detriment of the American people.

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Moderator: “Welcome to the third presidential debate…”

Trump: “Wrong.”

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My Cat Waits for Me to Pee

  • My cat waits for me to pee.

  • He waits very patiently.

  • Read more…
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Well gosh I just love this. #keepAmericaGreat


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My new favorite headline.


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Sometimes I think about the time I sold my Netflix stock for a small loss but I can usually take my mind off it by watching Kimmie Schmidt and eating ice cream.

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I get these emails from Homeland Security sometimes and at first I always think they’re from Khalsa Montessori School. Then I wonder why Lindsay and Karen are yelling at me. Then I wonder why they’re calling me a “Stakeholder.” Then I remember my kids don’t go there anymore. Then I feel a little sad. Then I click Delete. Read more…
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If a conspiracy includes everybody but me is it still a conspiracy?

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The Three Phases of Mary Poppins

Watched this insufferable movie again a few years ago for the first time since I was a little kid. Read more…

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Here’s what I love about Dylan: He was exactly as you’d expect he would be. He would n’t come to the rehearsal; usually, all these guys are practicing before the set in the evening. He didn’t want to take a picture with me; usually all the talent is dying to take a picture with me and Michelle before the show, but he didn’t show up to that. He came in and played “The Times They Are A-Changin’. Read more…
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Hey it looks like one of the kick starters I backed might actually deliver. I mean not the thing they were kickstarting (ha! those don’t ship!) but my special gift which was originally promised for fall 2015 is apparently shipping this week. I’m genuinely surprised.


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Suffice it to say Dylan is a planet to be explored. For a songwriter, Dylan is as essential as a hammer and nails and a saw are to a carpenter. Tom Waits


FaceBook icon is definitely my favorite place to learn a little more about elections, polling, and election history. The other day they lead me to this fascinating thing:


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This is new right?

  1. Click a link in Safari that auto-opens a new tab.
  2. [… read stuff…]
  3. Click Back => Closes the tab and returns to the previous tab.

I think it’s new and it is wonderful.

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Lesser of Two Evils

  • Look.

  • There’s a lot of talk about the Trump/Clinton equivalency.

  • Read more…
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Sophia thinks I took too long to get home. Read more…
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538’s “nowcast” now has Arizona blue again. I know voting for president in Arizona seems pointless most years because the outcome is pre-determined, but this is not one of those years. We can participate in sending a clear message that Arizonans do not support trump’s brand of hate. Vote now more than ever.

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Clinton should have the Secret Service people stop and frisk trump before she shakes his hand at the debate. Just to be safe.

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At the risk of sounding self-congratulatory let me go on the record and say I’m a man, I’ve been in a lot of locker rooms, and I’ve never ever spoken about women that way. Please don’t normalize this.

It may not be entirely uncommon for men to deconstruct women into sexual play things and brag about assaulting them but that’s exactly the point: it should be. #ImWithHer

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How to make one of those facebook recipe videos:

  1. Take a thing.
  2. Bread it.
  3. Fry it.
  4. Add cheese.
  5. Add more cheese.
  6. A little more.
  7. Tear it open.


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I’ve got sunshine on a cloudy day. Read more…
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I wonder what portion of git users understand the difference between git checkout, git revert, and git reset. I’m guessing it is < 1%.