Archive Posts (Page 17)

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Christmas dinner was a little … uh … shiny. Read more…
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By happenstance I’ve seen Moana twice and I’m here to tell you it is actually very very good.


Who am I?
I am the girl who loves my island.
I'm the girl who loves the sea.
It calls me.
I am Moana.

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Substitute as necessary.

Damn John Jay! Damn everyone who won’t damn John Jay! Damn everyone that won’t put lights in his windows and sit up all night damning John Jay! Political graffiti found in Boston in 1795
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Isaac Asimov to Carl Sagan in a fan letter after reading “The Cosmic Connection”:

One more thing about the book made me nervous. It was entirely too obvious that you are smarter than I am. I hate that.
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Parts of the Rogue One trailer that weren't in the movie

I liked the move and I’ve only seen it once so I may be wrong on one or two of these but what gives? The previews were assembled mostly from scenes and lines that weren’t in the movie. Read more…

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In my back pocket I carry a driver license, passport card, medical insurance card, credit card and bank card. They are all exactly the same size, even with the same rounded corner radius, and all but one are the same thickness. This piqued my curiosity today for the first time. What did we do before Wikipedia?


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Facebook keeps telling me to put stuff in my slow cooker. So pushy.

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Vonnegut, Ranked

Sentimentally skewed by the order/age in which I read them. Featuring the covers I owned. Limiting myself to major works I read cover to cover here. Read more…

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Texting with my family… Read more…
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Don’t ever let anyone tell you kickstarter doesn’t work. I backed the Vonnegut documentary 20 months ago and the thank you gift that was promised for fall 2015 came today. Still no documentary but, like, this is a start…? (To be fair they were communicative about the delay and had a good reason. I’m just happy I have my book. Can’t wait for the movie.) Read more…
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Adi Robertson at The Verge adding all the right parenthetical clarifications. Link Read more…
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I didn’t read this article but if it says anything more than “fire George Lucas” then it is making things too complicated. Read more…
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The truth of the Internet:

Me: [laughs]

…8 seconds pass…

Mamie: What is funny?

Me: That was two clicks ago. I’ve already forgotten.

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Medical technology has come a long way. Read more…
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“This nation is known to the state of California to contain presidents that may cause harm.”

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Stalin was Time’s man of the year twice. You’ve got some catching up to do, Donald.

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This is the Phoenix I know.


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Welcome to America where crazy people believe the nonsense promulgated by right wing blogs and buoyed by the man who is soon to be our national security advisor, and then start shooting up restaurants.


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Biographies I've listened to recently

I told you all how I get in a little groove sometimes right? Read more…

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Quest for Claus

  • This is the latest play @sophster is in.

    An original play written by local playwrights and premiering now!

  • This is the stage.

  • Read more…
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I hate parades. My view for the last 20 minutes. I’m almost out of my neighborhood. I’ve traveled half a block. Read more…
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Someone added a location to Facebook called “Sugarwolf Tavern” but they marked it as a “Region” at the longitude and latitude of my front yard. Now every single time I post a picture in my house it bugs me about tagging it as Sugarwolf Tavern. I need a block button for locations. I promise there’s not a tavern on my driveway. [ed: Seven years later ans as I understand it, Facebook still thinks my yard is called Sugarwolf Tavern. Read more…
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Powering up my working girl (who thinks it is cold) for another long day. Two shows today, 2:00 and 7:30. We tried a “parmlet”: parmesan encrusted omelet. Very yummy. Read more…
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I don't know. I just don't know.

  • I’ve always had the sense that maybe my perception is broken.

  • Like sometimes people talk about how beautiful some instrumental music is…

  • Read more…
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Sophie’s show tonight was super super fun. Lots of laughs and everybody was clearly having a great time. And Sophie was so great as the Easter Bunny.

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Preparing to deploy this clip on all nonsense facebook posts about “illegals”.


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Speaking of the brilliant Regina Spektor, here she is singing the second prettiest song from Hamilton. Perfection.


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My current favorite from the new Regina Spektor… I very much love this song.


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My credit card’s web site obscures my wife’s name so this is what it shows at the top of the page. It makes me happy every single time I log in. Read more…
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Recurring Dreams

  • Brakes don’t work.

    Usually when backing up.

  • Driving across an irrationally rickety bridge.

    Like two 2x4s stretched across an enormous chasm.

  • Read more…
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It’s always difficult to understand Donald Trump. Petulant and thin-skinned? Calculating and Machiavellian? Who knows. But this rings true:


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Good heavens. Our new president is retweeting minor twitter trolls berating a journalist right now. Sigh. Read more…
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  • Turkey

    With discreet lemon half because it kept leaning to the right.

  • Sausage cornbread dressing.

    My personal favorite.

  • Read more…
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Sophia is the pie whisperer. Look at that height! Read more…
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Speaking of the election, I’m pretty sure I bought this little container of allspice when Bill Clinton was still president.

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I don’t want to alarm anyone but this is ready to go in the refrigerator now. In our gorgeous new casserole dish courtesy of Ashley and Wendel. [smiling face with hearts for eyes] Thank you! Read more…
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I’m a man and sometimes I like to explain things. This causes me lots of anxiety.

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Just living the good life over here. Read more…
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“On this day in 1963, C. S. Lewis died. John F. Kennedy was killed an hour later. 7hrs after that, Aldous Huxley also drew his last breath.”


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Sometimes I make jokes in my recipe database, and then I forget about them, and then years later they make me laugh. Read more…
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Difficult to tell how it all fits together but when you hear the term “alt-right” keep this in mind:


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This is a great time to share with you all what Rachel Ray told me when we were hanging out one time*. Put a blob of leftover stuffing in the waffle iron to reheat it. I took her advice last year and it was the greatest thing that ever happened to me.

* Don’t tell her I told you. She’s a very private person.

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Sophia: I think yeasty is my favorite flavor.

Right there with you kid. I’m experimenting while she’s at rehearsal. Rye soft pretzels. What do you think? Sound good? Could be a disaster.

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ this is what vacations are for.

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It feels strange to remember what political leaders you don’t agree with used to sound like.


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Thanksgiving Day 1: 6 quarts of chicken stock ready for various recipes. I love this time of year. Read more…
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I’ll never tire of discovering things actually published in the 21st century by our president’s chief strategist.


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Sometimes it feels like the whole world has regressed 50 years in the last two weeks but wile it is little consolation I like to remember that the new Alexander Hamilton is still Puerto Rican, the new George Washington is still black, the new Luke Skywalker is still a girl, the new Sulu is still gay, and several recent Disney princesses still need no prince to be whole.

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We took this fantastic beast to the movies tonight. First of two she’s been obsessing over for months. In a few weeks she sees Rogue One and then she can move on to frantically anticipating something new! Read more…
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