Archive Posts (Page 16)

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Giuliani clarifying that this is not a Muslim ban because (his words):

“When [Trump] first announced it he said ‘Muslim ban’. He called me up and he said ‘Put a commission together. Show me the right way to do it legally.’”

That makes things perfectly clear. šŸ™„

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Jeff Flake and Kirsten Sinema have both condemned the Muslim ban. Where are you John McCain?

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Me perusing my inbox: “We value your…” [delete]

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If you’re struggling to decide for yourself whether or not torture is an effective means of interrogation, perhaps this irrefutable fact will help you come to the right conclusion:


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I was going to skip breakfast today because it is pulled pork lunch day at my work cafeteria, which must be respected. But then two coworkers walked up with big plates of “duck hash” with a fried egg on top. You can’t really rationally skip a breakfast like that either…

Long story short: I ate too much.

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I live in a nation that spitefully walls off its neighbors, fearfully banishes people based on race and religion, hatefully turns its back on refugees, and sickeningly wants to torture its enemies. There is no lower we can go and nothing I can sayā€¦

“Curae leves loquuntur, ingentes stupent.”

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I think this was my favorite sign at the Phoenix branch of the Womenā€™s March. ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø Read moreā€¦
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ā€œKindnessā€ covers all of my political beliefs. I believe that if, at the end, according to our abilities, we have done something to make others a little happier, and something to make ourselves a little happier, that is about the best we can do. To make others less happy is a crime. To make ourselves unhappy is where all crime starts. We must try to contribute joy to the world. Read moreā€¦
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Sophie convinced us to watch the Netflix A Series of Unfortunate Events together and my verdict is that it is delightful. I read one of the books to the girls years ago and then they did several others but I never liked them much. It wasnā€™t until years later when I heard Daniel Handler interviewed (and immediately sought out a few more of his interviews) that I realized embarrassingly that I really read the book wrong. Read moreā€¦
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A reminder never to anger all the special snowflakes at once. Read moreā€¦
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This makes me happy.


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I’m so thankful to live in a nation with the constitutional fortitude to facilitate a smooth and peaceful degradation of power.

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I have a theory that time travelers have indeed come from the future to undo our mistakes but daylight saving time confuses them and they always arrive an hour late.

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Sophia is working on her short play for creative writing and just asked me if I could think of a good way to describe someone drawing with a crayon across the page one way and then back the other, back and forth in rows. Well, it just so happens I came across the word boustrophedon just the other day while reading. We got a kick out of how confused her teacher is sure to be when seeing this in her stage direction. Read moreā€¦
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Me: Sophia I don’t want to ask you again to put these dishes in the dish washer.

Sophia: Then stop asking me. There, that was easy.

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I wish EB White were still alive. Only he could really help us make sense of bears in a school.

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Obama and Trump answer questions about books. See if you can guess whoā€™s who. Read moreā€¦
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I feel bad for all the elementary school administrators who are today fielding calls from worried parents wanting details on their grizzly response plan.

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Not surprising but I’m glad to see it happen. It’s a complicated case but the punishment was clearly excessive.


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This should seriously be a constitutional amendment.


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I Found a Wallet

  • For years I carried a normal wallet like this.

    But I always hated sitting on it

  • I tried extra thin wallets.

    And I was militant about getting rid of cards I didn’t need to carry. I was never satisfied.

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Anybody have any great ideas of what Sophia and I can do on Monday to get out of the house and have some fun despite her ankle, which precludes lots of walking or standing?

Suggestions greatly appreciated!

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Ad copy brought to you by whichever person in the office speaks the best English. Read moreā€¦
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My Obamacare repeal prediction: Theyā€™re going to repeal the ACA and pass a new law that it materially identical with a few tiny tweaks. Then parrot about how the repealed the ACA. And then Fox News will carry on about how wonderful the new plan is. And the rest of the media will point out that it is the same thing as Obamacare. And Trump will scream ā€œFAKE NEWSā€. And conservatives will agree and believe for eternity that they repealed Obamacare. Read moreā€¦
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I finished a biography of Andrew Jackson the other day and the best part was all the times they mentioned Mary Coffey and her husband John.

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Netflix has a new original called A Series of Unfortunate Events. I didn’t watch the preview but I assume it’s a documentary about the election.

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Presidential Regrets

Cueing this up in case it needs any additions. Read moreā€¦

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Not my picture but I adore it.
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Two deeply admirable young people.
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And also Sophia trying to roll her eyes the other day. She got it eventually. Read moreā€¦
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Found these precious pictures of my sweet little girl on my phone. Such an angel. Read moreā€¦
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Sophia at 9:30 last night: “I’m really tired and I have school tomorrow so I’m going to go to bed.”

Me: “That…That’s the most responsible thing you’ve ever said in your life. I may cry.”

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My favorite part of Girl from the North Country, by far, is when Dylan messes up and comes in on the wrong verse.

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This twitter conversation is pretty spectacular.
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The former president of Mexico everybody:


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Mamie made me American President jammies because SHE GETS ME. I am smitten. With the jammies. And with Mamie. Both of them. Read moreā€¦
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Economic solutions…


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