Archive Posts (Page 12)

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An artificial womb successfully grew baby sheep — and humans could be next

(Slightly misleading headline… sheep was not grown from an embryo. Rather, premature sheep babies were incubated to a more viable age, which is the point of this research.)

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My primary desire is for trump to be out of power as soon as humanly possible. But my secret impolite secondary desire is for Ivanka to become a worldwide laughing stock and end up appearing in lousy reality television for washed up has beens while her children sue her for emancipation.

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I might be ok with a 15% corporate tax rate if it came with two other reforms:

  1. Capital gains are taxed as income.
  2. An additional federal tax on corporations that get bespoke state tax breaks.
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The large print giveth and the small print taketh away. Tom Waits
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I’m not usually a believer in the rampant “silicon valley white knight” baloney but Jimmy Wales is the real deal. I just became a supporter but it’s free for anybody. We’ll see if this works out.


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I’m at parent pickup and I just witnessed a big huge running hug between two reunited sisters. Made my day.

❤️ 👯 ❤️

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I guess that should be “still-veiled” but this is probably one of those cases where a good editor says, “yeah let’s just rewrite this sentence…” Read more…
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Media Style Guide Note: It’s called “hostage taking” when North Korea does it, and “detention” when we do it.

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I love you Ken. Thank you for so many things. Your depth of heart and your unwavering courage will always be an example to me. Until we meet again…

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Confession: I love prom picture season on Facebook.

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I saw power rangers so you don’t have to. A+ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Moved me deeply.

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This is what I would define as a mature work: we are made mature by it. Philip K Dick
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Opinion: If you wouldn’t cut in on a personal conversation to tell me something then it isn’t important enough for a push notification.

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We should start a support group for adult children of human parents.

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When the story of this election is finally written I think overconfidence by the democrats will be a big part of it, from rolling over on the Merrick Garland nomination, to Obama silencing the FBI on Russian State interference. You can see how they got there in every case, but all of it was built on the faulty assumption that Clinton would win, and so there was no need to take political risks. Read more…
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Currently eating scrambled eggs and leftover smoked brisket. Highly recommended. Read more…
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The subtle difference between the “bloop” of a new message notification, and the “bloop” of someone else’s new message notification on the conference call.

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This fortune demonstrates a fundamental lack of understanding of the universe. Read more…
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This passage cracked me up when I read it yesterday and then cracked me up again today. This stereotype of Asians being tiny is a long-held misconception. For centuries, Westerners have been asking themselves why some Asians are the size they are. According to recovered Ming dynasty diaries, the first question white women asked after stepping foot in China in the 14th century was, “Oh my God, how do they eat so much rice but stay so small? Read more…
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HELP WANTED: A facebook post copy editor. Flexible hours.

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The most difficult decision I make each day is which people to put in To: and which to put in CC:

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I’m currently unloading the dishwasher from the top down like some kind of anarchist.

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I used to think that standard interview question, “What is your greatest weakness” was a pointless question but now I realize it’s an important defense against ever accidentally hiring someone like Donald Trump.

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All my non-US-resident software developer friends please take note:

Canadian artist refused entry at the border to attend a conference because she had unfinished commission comic artwork with her, which she may have wanted to work on in her downtime. Apparently this is now considered “working” illegally in the United States.

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Me: Are you hungry? Do you want dinner before rehearsal?

Sophia: I’m binge watching Star Wars so…

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Huh. I guess I was wrong about him.


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Naked I was born and naked I am now. I have not lost or gained a thing. Sancho Panza
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I can’t wait til Fox fires Trump for being a serial abuser. Wait.

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Star Wars question: If a robot can pilot a ship then why can’t the ship pilot itself?

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Sophia: I’m ready to go. Who’s taking me?

Me: I’m taking you!

Mamie: I can take her!

Me: It’s ok. I like my morning Sophie time. But we can all go together!

Sophia: So what I’m hearing is I’m riding in the back seat?

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Where’s the beef?! Oh, there it is. Read more…
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If you cannot draw on the knowledge of three thousand years you remain in the dark, living from day to day. Goethe
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When we were little my brother, George Coffey and I shared a room. Sometimes while we were going to sleep at night he would say “You hear that plane? That could be about to drop a nuclear bomb. It could happen at any time and It would kill us all. In case it happens tonight, I want you to know I love you.”

Good night, bro. Love you too.

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Am I the only one who does his taxes in March?


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I should probably eat some real food but ugh, fine, hazelnut chocolates… Read more…
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“And maybe this appeals to someone not in heels.”


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Trimmed and seasoned and ready to go into the fridge. Read more…
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Remember when the military leadership wanted to use nuclear weapons against Moscow in 1950, but the civilian President Truman refused? Remember when military leadership wanted to use nuclear weapons to ensure victory in Korea, but the civilian President Truman refused? Remember when the military leaders wanted to invade Cuba and use nuclear threats against Moscow during the Cuban Missile Crisis, but the civilian President Kennedy refused? If you ask me, it is the role of the military to win wars. Read more…
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It’s the anniversary of Lincoln’s assassination, so enjoy this 1841 personal account from a New York merchant upon bumping in to the President of the United States out for a stroll. And consider how times have changed. [I noticed] an elderly gentleman dressed in black, and not remarkably well dressed, with a mild benignant countenance, a military air, but stooping a little, bowing to one, shaking hands with another, and cracking a joke with a third. Read more…
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I took Sophia out to lunch at the new pizza place across the street. The lady says “Are you here for free pizza?!” and I said “I did not know there was free pizza but I’ll take it!” and then she said “you just have to like us on facebook!” and then I felt like I would look snobbish if I said “I’d rather just buy the pizza.” Thus I was socially-awkwarded into liking their page. Read more…
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It is so deeply disconcerting to think that someone with the brains and temperament of Donald Trump is involved in decisions about dropping bombs and launching missiles. :(

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By helping you, perhaps I was trying to lift up my life a trifle. Heaven knows anyone’s life can stand a little of that. from Charlotte's Web
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I will give spicer credit for one thing: he knows how to give a legitimate apology.

He should give pointers to that United Airlines guy.

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It was so nice to be mad at something other than the Trump administration for a while. Thank you, United.

Alas, Spicer’s on a bender again. Must be Tuesday.

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Sometime I wake up, check social media, and it is in full outrage mode over some twitter story that sounds very fishy. So I wait for the details to come out because the real story can’t possibly be as bad as the vague rumors make it sound. And then sometimes United Airlines really does just “randomly” select a passenger, rough them up, and forcibly drag them off the plane after they’ve already boarded when they don’t want to miss the flight they paid for to make room for some last minute United employees. Read more…
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Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about the Filibuster

You will read a lot over the next few weeks about how the filibuster is an essential part of our checks and balances installed by the founders to protect us from the mob. That Republicans have unilaterally undermined that protection. This is baloney.

(My primary source is: Link ) Read more…

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TIL when doing calculation with Spotlight on the Mac you can use some basic functions like floor(), ceil(), sin(), ln(), etc… Read more…
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