Archive Posts

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Sophie’s Clothes

Sophie spent her winter break breaking in her new sewing machine.

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Photos of my kids’ halloween costumes throughout the years. Sophie, in particular, loves dressing up for Halloween. She usually planned her costumes a year or more in advance, and made many of them herself.

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Nothing instills confidence in the veracity of a claim like “Authentically made inside the USA.”

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I really wish our country had a consistent name. I’m tired of scrolling through pop-up menus not sure if I’m looking for “United States”, “USA”, “America”. Is it at the top? Is it in its proper alphabetical place?

This should be easier.

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Sophie processing the Iron Giant, which she’s seen about 10,000 times. She’s too sweet for the world. Read more…
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Fun Fact: “Whelmed” means overwhelmed.

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A couple of good kids who aren’t, I must concede, kids anymore. Read more…
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PSA: A gentle reminder that law enforcement can physically force you to unlock your device using biometrics (fingerprint scan or face scan) but the first amendment protects your passcode. You cannot be compelled to reveal it.
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I’ve been thinking about this tweet for two weeks. Read more…
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Sophia decided the Harry Potter series should be called “Hermione Granger and the Boy Who Was Contractually Obligated to be the One Who Kills Voldemort.”

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Oh Siri you always know what the kids want. Read more…
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Getting a little stir crazy on fall break. Read more…
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It is a dark time for obscenely wealthy and powerful people in America. I feel for them.


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Lunch date with this ragamuffin. Read more…
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I watched the new Bob’s Burgers with Sophie this morning. Mr. Fischoeder said:

“It smells weird everywhere, sir. That’s how you know you’re alive.”

And nothing — NOTHING — has ever resonated more with me. This is my new motto.

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What a difference a day makes! This kid’s feeling good and itching to get out of the house. Off to the Apple Store shortly to visit her favorite salesfolks, and then to Cost Plus to see if they have Turkish Delight with nuts. Read more…
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This was my view from my temporary office on Thursday and Friday. It was lovely but it’s also nice to be home again. Read more…
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Long productive work day and now it’s time to read the news. Wish me luck.

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Every once in a while Sophie wears a dress to school. Read more…
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Mamie and I already saw Crazy Rich Asians but based on my review Sophie wants to see it now. Funny, sweet, and surprising! Read more…
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Well this left me speechless. A beautiful, powerful, fascinating indictment.


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I wish I could go to the dentist every day.

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“We know the president is unfit for office but don’t worry, we’re patching it over with a little light treason. All’s well. #maga”

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From the office of The President of the United States of America. Read more…
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For the first few episodes of The Great British Baking Show I thought they were calling that guy “Mr. Hollywood” to make fun of him. But it turns out his actual name is Mr. Hollywood.

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I wish every web site took ApplePay so I could always dismiss this kind of prompt as gleefully as I just did. Read more…
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The last political act of John McCain was maybe his best.

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New rule: Facebook can’t show me ads with corned beef unless they also send me corned beef.

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Roberta McCain was my age in 1955.

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There’s a guy at my work named Geoff Correy and we get each other’s stuff sometimes. This has never happened to me before and it is very exciting. I’ve never felt more normal.

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Me: Just do your best and don’t worry about it.

Sophia: [sighs] My best is so much more work than I want to do.

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I’m seeing a lot of Botox ads lately so apparently Facebook isn’t just turning on the mic to spy on us. It’s using the camera now too.

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And then we took Sophie to Ellen’s studio and some other junk. This was the main attraction. Still being set up for the next season or whatever. That’s a lot of lights. Sophie adores Ellen. Creepy creepy Ellen. Then Sophie and Mamie posed for a forced-perspective shot at the Hobbit Table. Unforced-perspective. A fancy formal dress worn by Joan Crawford… …with a pocket. It is my understanding that this is something my dress-wearing friends would appreciate. Read more…
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Sophie had fun spending the day Saturday with Zhazha at Harry Potter World and we had fun hanging out with her parents. We saw T last summer but we hadn’t seen Farzad for a few years. Fun times. Getty Villa garden. How you know someone is a philosopher according to the Romans. Farzad doing his best to prove his philosopher credentials. This is Plautilla, wife of emperor Caracalla. She looks like someone I know but I can’t place it. Read more…
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How about we fly flags at half staff until we find all the parents we deported without giving them back their children?

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There are few things I’m more sure of than this:

x >= size-1

Is better than:

x > size-2
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How I write emails:

  1. Explain a bunch of stuff.
  2. Break it down into bullet points.
  3. Add background info.
  4. Ask my question.
  5. Delete everything from 1, 2, and 3 and click send.
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I toasted myself a bagel, then left it on a paper towel and went to the bathroom. When I came back I found this, which is further evidence still that Mamie is the best wife. Read more…
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Los Angeles 2018

We took Sophie to Los Angeles to visit her friend Zha Zha and her family.

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I still say there’s a case for crimes against humanity here, all up and down the chain. Just absolutely disgusting. One of the greatest evils perpetrated by the US government in history. My children’s children will be talking about this. About how their country systematically and intentionally abused children while millions of Americans turned a blind eye. “I asked the current Administration official whether the outcry over family separation had caught the government by surprise. Read more…
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This is great. Although most of these probably wouldn’t exist without Marbury. Link Read more…
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America, 2018 Trump tweets unsubstantiated garbage about “large scale killing” of white farmers in South Africa. Republican Senator Bob Corker says he only tweeted it to “stimulate the base.” NBC’s Frank Thorp asks what this means, what “base” would be stimulated by this kind of rhetoric. Bob Corker: “Well, there are portions of those who support the president that are—I’m sure that generates excitement. I mean, it’s—you know what I’m saying…” Read more…
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I’m beginning to think trump may have been mistaken when he said he would hire only the best people.

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“Cohen said he was directed to violate campaign law at the direction of a candidate for federal office.”

Lol. “A” candidate.


[ed: The original article has since been moved behind a paywall so I have updated the link to point to]

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Birthday weekend with Mamie mostly centered around eating good food most of which I do not have pictures of. Happy birthday phone calls all day! Lobster rolls. With my sweetie. Everyone here thinks it’s hot. Lol. It was beautiful. Mamie in her new shirt while we have sandwiches. Read more…
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“…For 50 million years our biggest problems were too few calories, too little information. For about 50 years our biggest problem has been too many calories, too much information. We have to adjust, and I believe we will really fast. I also believe it will be wicked ugly while we’re adjusting.”

How will that ugliness manifest itself? “Donald Trump.”


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Current Status: Sophia called me at work to complain that I laugh at everything she says which made it hard for her to write a comedic short film because she doesn’t know what is actually funny and what is something just I will think is funny.