This site is designed, written, and maintained by Geoff Coffey. It is built using web standards including semantic HTML and CSS. Javascript is used sparingly. You will find no cookies, tracking codes, or fingerprinting here. The pages you see are assembled at build-time by the Hugo CMS system using a custom theme. The assembled site is fully static and hosted by Netflify.

Pages are edited in BBEdit by Bare Bones Software. They are primarily authored in Markdown by John Gruber. CSS is written in Sass and compiled by Hugo.

Pre-assembled source code of the site is available on GitHub.


Pages are typset in the clean and beautiful Palatino, designed by Hermann Zapf in 1949, and licensed from Linotype. This typeface is special to me because it was included on my childhood computer and used for all my personal writing projects early in life.

Menus, code styles, and other non-content metadata are set in Courier Round, a variant of Courier designed by Howard Kettler in 1955 for IBM typewriters. It is also licensed from Linotype.