Archived Post

This post is archived from Six Fried Rice, a company and blog I used to run. Some posts have been edited slightly to fix typographical errors, and remove unnecessarily-gendered language. You can view the full archive here.

This is a quickie: If you were using the beta release of the PHP API for FileMaker, there are some things you should know.

First, the beta API expires in October 7th, 2007. If you have a live site using the API, you must update to FileMaker 9 and the new API before then or your site will stop working. Now is the time to make the switch, before you have to do it in a pinch.

Second, there are some differences between the beta API and the final API which you may need to address. The change that affected me most is new behavior in the getField() method of the Record object. In at least some versions of the beta api, this method returned the raw field data unchanged. But in the final API, it will “html encode” special characters in the field. So if you have, for instance, a < in the field, the API will turn it in to &lt; so that it shows as a proper less-than-sign on the rendered page.

This is a good change because it makes it less likely you’ll build fragile pages. But it breaks in one common case: when you have HTML in your fields that you want to render. In many situations, I allow users to enter formatted data in a FileMaker field (custom sizes, fonts, and point sizes). I then use the GetAsCss() function to convert this text to html-marked-up code that preserves the formatting. In this situation, I want the actual HTML to render on the page, instead of being escaped.

In this situation, you need to switch to the getFieldUnencoded() function in the PHP API. Just change getField to getFieldUnencoded. The object references and parameters are all the same.

I should stress that this is a good change to the API. And it is pretty trivial to find the places in your code where you really want un-encoded output and fix them.

If you discover other gotchas that need to be fixed, post them in the comments below. I have converted one site successfully to the new API, and it only took a couple hours to do everything.