Archived Post

This post is archived from my Posterous blog, which shut down in 2012. Some posts have been edited slightly to fix typographical errors, correctly represent the gender of some individuals, and remove unnecessarily-gendered language. You can view the full archive here.

Pardon me while I indulge in the cuteness of my little 9 year old.

A photograph of a letter written in black ink in an uneven child's handwriting. (The full text is reproduced below.)

Sophie’s letter.


JK Rowling:

I love the book Harry Potter. They are my favorite books in the world. The books are way better than the movies.

I did a report on you in school. I learned what JK stands for. It stands for Joanne Kathleen. I learned other stuff too. I want to meet you Miss Rowling. I gave you a colorful card because I don’t know your favorite color.

Just so you know, walnuts don’t have teeth. Here, I will explain. In the first Harry Potter book when they go to The Leaky Cauldron and meet Tom the inn keeper you said he looked like a toothless walnut. It made me laugh. I also like your songs that at Hogwarts they sang.

From Sophia

You have no idea how excited she was when I told her she could really write a letter to the real J.K. Rowling.