Posterous Archive (Page 3)

Posterous was a blogging platform that made it easy to blog from a mobile device. I really liked the simplicity of this site. It was much less fussy to edit and post than tools like WordPress and Blogger, and it supported custom domains. I used this for my personal blog for a few years before it was acquired by Twitter and shut down.

Before it shut down I archived all my posts because I’m a digital hoarder.

My Posts

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Cooks Illustrated Banana Bread

The latest issue of Cook’s Illustrated included this recipe for banana bread that squeezes six bananas in one loaf. To manage moisture they extract liquid from five of them (by cooking and straining), then reduce that liquid and put it back in the batter. (The final banana is sliced for a decorative top). This bread was great. Really intense flavor, moise-but-not-too, nice crisp edges. Six bananas! One loaf! (My banana stripes are a little off-kliter. Read more…
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The Best Part of Apple Ping

Love the presentation of this option on Ping. I’ve always made the same distinction. You choose: Artists or People. Read more…
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If You Ever Wanted to Understand Sophia…

That’s my girl! Sophia (left) and her dear friend Zha-zha. Read more…
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OS X Spellchecker has Magic Language Detection

I just noticed this. Pretty neat. OS X spellchecker trying to guess at the language of each line. Read more…
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Can't Update Really Old Rubygems 1.0.1 on Mac OS X Server 10.5

I was trying to do a rails deployment on a Mac OS X Server 10.5 machine tonight and hit a gem error I’ve never seen before: sh-3.2# gem install [whatever] ERROR: While executing gem … (Gem::RemoteSourceException) HTTP Response 302 fetching No problem, says I. Just need a quick gem system update: sh-3.2# gem update –system ERROR: While executing gem … (Gem::RemoteSourceException) HTTP Response 302 fetching Blast. Google was no help. Read more…
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I'm Eating Dinner on an Aircraft Carrier

This was a fun conference outing. Thanks, FileMaker! Jesse (right), Chris and I attended the USS Midway tour + dinner at FM DevCon. Read more…
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Sitting on the Patio Fiddling with my Presentation

I’m enjoying this gorgeous weather and fiddling with my presentation for FM DevCon. Our harbor view in San Diego at FM DevCon. Read more…
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iPhone B: A One Act Play

Int. Apple Store, in alternate universe where the iPhone 4 is available in two models with two antenna designs. SALES REP: “Welcome to the Apple Store. Do you need any help today?” CUSTOMER 1: “I’m thinking of getting the iPhone 4.” SALES REP: “Awesome, let me show them to you. This is Model A. As you can see, it is exceptionally thin and beautifully constructed. Here, try it out.” CUSTOMER 1: “Wow, this feels great. Read more…
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A System of Classification for Children's Literature

I’ve come to the realization that all children’s literature can be classified quite neatly into just a few simple categories. My proposed system of classification follows. Type 1: The Outcast Hero An adolescent human, or sometimes anthropomorphized animal or (rarely) toaster who is an outcast in their family, community, or peer group discovers, through an unexpected adventure, something fantastic about him- or herself or the world, often providing aid to others in the process. Read more…
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There is No Indispensable Man

Sandra Day O’Connor read this poem during her retirement speech. I got a kick out of it. There is No Indispensable Man Sometime when you’re feeling important Sometime when your ego’s in bloom Sometime when you take it for granted You’re the best qualified in the room Sometime when you feel that your going Would leave an unfillable hole Just follow these simple instructions And see how they humble your soul Read more…
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I Need a New Laptop Bag

My 8-year-old laptop backpack finally met its end last week, so I’m looking for a new one. I prefer a backpack style since I walk a lot with my laptop. I also really like the kind with a single across-the-chest strap because I find it hard to get both my ape-like arms out of a normal backpack without hurting my shoulders. Vince has a great SwissGear backpack that I’ve always admired. Read more…
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If I’m Writing an Email on my iPhone…

…and the last word is misspelled and iPhone offers a correction and I just touch “Send” without accepting the correction in any way, will the word be corrected before the email is sent?

I just tried it and the answer is: yes.

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Opening Lines of Shantaram

I’m reading Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts on the recommendation of my dad. Still working on the book but I do really like the opening lines: “It took me a long time and most of the world to learn what I know about love and fate and the choices we make…”