Posterous Archive (Page 2)

Posterous was a blogging platform that made it easy to blog from a mobile device. I really liked the simplicity of this site. It was much less fussy to edit and post than tools like WordPress and Blogger, and it supported custom domains. I used this for my personal blog for a few years before it was acquired by Twitter and shut down.

Before it shut down I archived all my posts because I’m a digital hoarder.

My Posts

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Sewing Party

My wife (not pictured) is teaching kids to sew today. A whole pile of kids learning to sew. Read more…
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Vonnegut's Humor

I’ve been a Vonnegut fan since I was in high school. Of course there’s a lot to like about his work. But one thing I’ll mention here is his dry humor. This, for example, is one of the greatest things ever written: Read more…
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I bought something on Amazon today and this promotional banner popped up: Inferi? This immediately made me think of the Inferi from Harry Potter. Apparently Voldemort wants me to buy a swim suit. Creepy. Read more…
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Duped by a Nine Year Old

True story: SOPHIA: [Loudly, to the room in general] What is 7 times 6? It isn’t in my homework or anything, I’m just curious. ME: [Distractedly while I work on my laptop] 42 SOPHIA: [cackles with glee, writes the answer on her homework sheet] Thank you! This reminds me of another Sophia story worth recounting. When she was 4 years old, riding in the shopping cart at the grocery store. I turn down the alcohol aisle looking for cooking wine for a recipe. Read more…
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Lost Connection to MySQL Server During Query When Dumping Table

I’ve seen this error a time or two. It happens sometimes when I dump/load a database to copy it on the same server. Today I decided to fix it on my development machine. These entries in my my.cnf did the trick: Read more…
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This is what you see when you start the process of filling out a passport application on the State Department web site. Submit? So far as I know, the word “submit” only has two meanings. Since I haven’t even started my application, I’m clearly not presenting an application to a body for consideration. The only other meaning of “submit” is to yield to a superior force, so… Wait, never mind. It makes perfect sense. Read more…
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Body Awareness in Stoner

I love the novel Stoner by John Williams. [ed: Since this was written I’ve read Williams’ Augustus twice and it has become one of my favorite novels.] One thing I appreciated is the way Williams writes about Stoner’s awareness of his physical self, especially his hands. For example here where it seems to symbolize Stoner’s anxiety: Stoner wet his lips and shifted on the chair. He tried to fold his large hands together so that they would be invisible. Read more…
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Anybody Care to Explain this Control

A checkbox and yes/no radio buttons for a single option. Just for emphasis. Yes, you can turn the checkbox off and set the radio to “Yes.” Or turn it on and set it to “No.” Heaven only knows what it does then. Read more…
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Anybody Who Can Write Like This…

…will forever be admired by me.

Shrouded in the black thunderheads the distant lightening glowed mutely like welding seen through foundry smoke. As if repairs were under way at some flawed place in the iron dark of the world. All The Pretty Horses, by Cormac McCarthy, pub. 1992
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This is What Custom Software is All About

It was fun to read this email forwarded from our contact at a client today: Mark this day in the calendar, I took a phone call for the dreaded DUPLICATE CARD REQUEST!!! In the past this has been one of the most time consuming, aggravating and plain worst thing to do. BUT!!!! I was able to pull up the students name, run her credit card, and generate and email a receipt to her all without leaving my desk. Read more…
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An Anachronism

I discovered this anachronism lurking on my doorstep. A “Phone-Book” (archaic). Read more…
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Fixing uninitialized constant MysqlCompat::MysqlRes

For reasons I don’t fully understand, using ActiveRecord in Rails 2.3 (or at least 2.3.11) with the MySQL gem version 2.8.1 on Mac OS X 10.6 (or at least 10.6.7) produces this error. With other versions of Rails, you may get a different error, but the underlying cause is the same. The internet is rife with suggestions that may or may not be helpful with various version combinations. But none of them helped in my case. Read more…
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[the smoke detector in our house chirps a low battery warning]

SOPHIA: “Ugh! I hate that noise.”

ME: “That noise was just telling me how much it loves you.” (laughs)

SOPHIA: [tears begin to well in her eyes] “Don’t! You’re making me feel bad for the chirp!”

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Borders is Going Out of Business

Isabel just found out… Isabel’s discount-rack score. Read more…
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Rotated Text in FileMaker

Matt asked if there was a way to show askew text on a FileMaker layout. (Rotated something other than 90°.) You can’t do this directly with the text object, but you can get the same effect using a web view with HTML + CSS. Here’s an example HTML snippet: <html> <body> <h1 style="font-family: Georgia; font-size: 20px; -webkit-transform: rotate(-3deg);"> Matt Petrowsky </h1> </body> </html> To embed this in a web view, use a data url (which can be the result of a calculation): Read more…
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A Little Math Help?

Anybody want to help me with some math? Consider: Diagram 1 I know angle A, distance D, angle AΔ and distance DΔ. I’m trying to find angle A?. This is what I came up with: The proposed formula. At first I thought I was all good, but this doesn’t work for all A and AΔ (which is obvious in hindsight). For instance, this works fine if A is negative: A working case with negative angles. Read more…
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My New Kindle Case

This is my glorious new dinosaur kindle case, courtesy of Mamie and a Saturday afternoon at her sewing machine. ❤️❤️❤️ My new one-of-a-kind Kindle case, closed. And here it is opened. Read more…
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The Chillier-Than-Usual-Pocalypse

It is upon us here in Phoenix. Sophie warming up by the fire with a hot bowl of oatmeal. Read more…
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Isabel’s Second Helping of Ratatouille

Strangely, this has been Isabel’s favorite dish since they were two and a half years old. “Ooh want!” they used to say at the grocery, holding a shiny black eggplant as big as their head… Isabel with their favorite meal. Read more…
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I Tried to Read an Article

Chris and I were discussing online reading. He sent me a link to an article about people using apps and devices to convert online content into more readable forms. This is how the article displayed in my browser. Ironies. Read more…
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The Shut the Heck Up Act

My proposed congressional bill. Whereas incessant honking outside my window induces unhealthy rage which is potentially harmful to the people of these United States, the following shall take effect immediately: If any vehicle is sold in the United States with the capacity to honk repeatedly against the wishes of its operator, the CEO of the vehicle manufacturer shall be subjected to 300 consecutive hours, in a standing position, of a loud looping recording of Sara Palin being sassy. Read more…
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Go Mamie Go

Mamie kicks off the Rock and Roll half marathon in Phoenix. Read more…
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“Imagery” is when you’re reading a book while standing on a crowded train and, because it is raining in the story, you are surprised when you look up and remember that it isn’t really raining today.

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Isabel Drew These

My little budding artist… Glass bottles (for a school project). Study of a dragon (just for fun). Detail of a dragon’s head (just for fun). Read more…
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Sophia Made a Firebolt

She’s ready for Quidditch practice… Sophie and her broom. Read more…
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My First Astrophotograph

Jupiter through Sophia’s Celestrong FirstScope telescope taken with my iPhone through thin clouds and central Phoenix’s terrible light pollution. Moons were barely visible through the eyepiece but my iPhone didn’t pick them up. I assume Steve Jobs is working on this. I fully expect to see this featured on the Bad Astronomy blog soon. Jupiter, I guess. Read more…
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I saw this article in Google Reader tonight: The association itself is neat because it seems crazy to me that nobody noticed this before. But I have to put on my old-mac-user-pedant hat for a second.The article says: But did the concept for this graphic originate in Cupertino in the 1980s, or much earlier on another continent? The blue Mac OS logo definitely did not originate in the 1980s. I remember clearly when this logo was introduced, first in the press and then in the Mac OS startup splash screen. Read more…
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Sophia’s Letter to J.K. Rowling

Pardon me while I indulge in the cuteness of my little 9 year old. Sophie’s letter. Transcription: JK Rowling: I love the book Harry Potter. They are my favorite books in the world. The books are way better than the movies. I did a report on you in school. I learned what JK stands for. It stands for Joanne Kathleen. I learned other stuff too. I want to meet you Miss Rowling. Read more…
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I Feel Like the Quality of 7th Grade Dioramas has Increased

This is not how we did it in my day. Isabel with their model Kiwi bird and egg. Read more…
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I do this thing where I ask non-native-English speakers who is the “Shakespeare” of their language. They can interpret this any way they want, and it is a great source of new things for me to read. When I asked my friend Ines—who is German—this question, she suggested Stefan Zweig on the grounds that he is someone every school-aged German reads. To my surprise, Ines gave me a collection of Zweig’s short stories over Thanksgiving. Read more…
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Sophie and I Made the Tallest Tower we Could

I’ve had these wooden toy blocks since I was a little boy. They still get the job done. Sophie with our masterpiece. Read more…
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We're Peeling Blanched Almonds

This may be the most tedious thing I’ve ever done. Peeled blanched almods. Read more…
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I Gave Mamie a Mohawk

But she wouldn’t keep it… Mamie likes to shave her head, but she’s not sure about the mohawk. Read more…
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A Phoenix Snowman

Chris told me it couldn’t be done. Eat your heart out. The Phoenix snowman, complete with Arizona flag, ASU cap, gold-nugget eyes, chili-pepper nose, and cotton boll buttons. Read more…
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My Preferred Kitchen Torch

I see a lot of ads these days for special kitchen torches for things like Crème Brûlée. In my humble opinion the best kitchen torch is just a regular hardware store torch. They’re cheap, hot, and (for kitchen use) last forever. I light mine by turning it on and aiming it at the stove burner. My preferred “kitchen” torch. Read more…
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Isabel Carries All the Groceries In

Super-kid. Isabel carries groceries, Sophie carries a cat, and the floor carries both of them. Read more…
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The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

I get so amped up when the Thanksgiving cooking starts. Step one for me is a quadruple-batch of ginger-pear cranberry sauce. Read more…
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Happy Halloween

The kids are ready for halloween… Isabel (left) with their friend Cody dressed as Arwen and Legolas from Lord of the Rings. (Grandma Schultz made Isabel’s costume.) Sophia dressed as her (current) favorite artist, Frida Kahlo. Read more…
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Boojum Tree

Found this strange beauty at the wonderful Desert Botanical Gardens here in Phoenix. I’d never heard of a Boojum Tree before. I love this thing so much. Read more…
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A Sad Sophia with her Sad Pumpkin

The kids carved pumpkins at Grandma and Grandpa Coffey’s house this week. A sad girl with her sad pumpkin. Read more…
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Isabel Made Christmas Presents

Isabel practiced sewing and Grandma Coffey’s house by making Christmas presents for family members. Isabel with their hand-made quilted drink coasters. Read more…
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How do I Get Out…

I find these Google suggestions funny. How do I get out of FaceBook?! Read more…
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I Made Chocolate Pie for Vince for Thanksgiving

This is obviously a break from tradition but he’s Canadian so he doesn’t know any better. Vince loves this pie so I make it every time he visits. Read more…
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My Failed iChat Video Chat Caught Me by Surprise

I laughed at myself. This is precisely how the video froze when my chat disconnected. Read more…
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Peanut Butter Pie with Isabel

So sweet and lovely. And the pie is good too ;) Isabel with their slice of pie from LGO. Read more…
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