Archived Post

This post is archived from my Posterous blog, which shut down in 2012. Some posts have been edited slightly to fix typographical errors, correctly represent the gender of some individuals, and remove unnecessarily-gendered language. You can view the full archive here.

Sophie and her friend Allison ran a fund raiser for the humane society this summer. They put on a “dog show” with the neighborhood dogs, complete with games, prizes, and homemade treats. Their goal was “101 donations” (aka, $101), which they handily beat.

They were then invited to participate in the Arizona Humane Society Telethon as “Youth Ambassadors.” They had a blast!

Two children stand in front of a television camera while the news caster reviews her notes near by. They are in a big gymnasium full of people answering phones.

Sophie (short hair) and Alison just about to go on the air to be interviewed.