I bought a Makey Makey for my girls and I to play with. At one point, the girls wired up a series of aluminum-foil-based touch pads taped to the floor. Each pad was connected to a different input (with a different colored wire). I wrote a little HTML page that responded to the input by showing/hiding matching colored bars.
When we first set it up we had the blue-wired touchpad mixed up with the green one. When Sophia tapped the blue, the green bar appeared. That’s when this exchange took place, without a hint of sarcasm:
SOPHIA: Uh oh! The colors are mixed up.
ME: Oops.
SOPHIA: I can switch the wires.
ME: It’s ok. I can fix it in software.
And then I realized I just used the phrase “I can fix it in software” legitimately with my kids. It was fun.