Archived Post

This post is archived from my account on, a social media app that shut down in 2017. Some posts have been edited slightly to fix typographical errors and correctly represent the gender of some individuals. You can view the full archive here.

Inspired by @dad3

  1. First Concert?

    Rock? Men at Work when I was maybe 8 or 9. I remember it was really loud.

  2. Stripes or solids?

    Stripes I guess.

  3. Who would star as you in a move about you?

    Steve Buscemi

  4. Where do you go when fast food is in order?

    Whataburger with just pickles, jalapeƱos, and mustard.

  5. Favorite chip?

    Those really crunchy potato ones either just salt or jalapeƱo.

  6. What animal best defines you?

    I’m basically a much smarter chimpanzee.

  7. My DQ order?

    Vanilla cone dipped in chocolate.

  8. Worst injury ever sustained?


  9. Favorite pastime?


  10. If you were a color what would it be?

    Weird. It would be really weird to be a color.

  11. Apple or other?

    Not a big apple fan. Unless you mean computers. Then I’m a big fan. But if you mean fruit then I’d pick most others first. But I love apple pie.

  12. Morning or night?

    Night. Always night. Morning are what God meant when he said by the sweat of your brow and etc…

  13. My go to song?

    Clay Pigeons by Blaze Foley but performed by John Prine: Link

  14. Most recent book you read and would recommend?

    Crime and Punishment by Dostoyevsky

  15. I couldn’t live without this flavor?

    Bread. Is that a flavor? Yeasty maybe?

  16. Number of times you participated in TPing someone house?

    Two. Sorry.

  17. If you could have one thing you don’t have today, what would it be?

    A long hug from @imc

  18. Gotta get away, where are you going?

    A cabin in the woods where it is cool and drizzly, we have a wood burning stove with plenty of wood, simple food to get us by, and a pile of books I’ve been wanting to read.

  19. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be, mentally speaking?

    Better focus. Or maybe better at knowing what to say when I’m not sure what to say. I’m usually not sure what to say.

  20. Something about you that has yet to be shared?

    I like knowing things a lot more than learning them.