Thanks for the rec! I’m really kind of cheap in the sense that I don’t really “get” buying fancy things like nice cars and clothes. I’m a-ok with basic and dependable. And pretty much anytime I buy something frivolous I regret it about 24 hours later. But all these things are more expensive than the alternatives and totally worth it…
Very good laptop
Heavy duty aluminum foil
Doc Martens “For Life” shoes
Leather seats in the car, and leather couch
Donations to good causes
MOS Spring braided steel iPhone cables
The non-free/more than 99¢ e-book versions of public domain novels
An aisle seat on airlines that charge for it
Automatic check-in on Southwest Airlines
Little Miss Barbecue for lunch with my old business partner
The fancy heavy cream in the glass bottle at whole foods when I’m making something like creme brûlée
Good quality bread
High quality meats