Spitballing here. There’s definitely a speculative conspiratorial undercurrent here for which I apologize.
“Lenin wanted to destroy the state, and that’s my goal too. I want to bring everything crashing down, and destroy all of today’s establishment.”
Steve Bannon
“What joins men together is not the sharing of bread but the sharing of enemies.”
The Judge from Cormac McCarthy’s “Blood Meridian”
1. Foment muslim extremism and terrorist recruiting and financing efforts through targeted anti-Islamic rhetoric.
2. Act to ban immigration in a way that agrees with anti-Islam rhetoric while maintaining an air of legality.
3. In so doing, establish an adversarial relationship with congress and the courts on the issue of immigration.
4. Undermine the Central Intelligence Agency by casting doubt on their efficacy.
5. Undermine the Department of Homeland Security by breaking down lines of communication.
6. Undermine the Department of State by disrupting leadership and diplomatic missions.
7. Undermine anti-terrorist efforts by breaking down lines of communication and cooperation through the above actions.
(Recall that this poor interdepartmental coordination was the primary failing of our intelligence systems pre-9/11 resulting in the establishment of DHS in the first place.)
- Undermine trust in the media, fact-based reporting, and the “political establishment”.
9. Wait.
10. When a major terrorist attack happens, pin it on lax immigration policy.
11. Consolidate executive power with a new political mandate fueled by the above.
- Finish the work of dismantling immigration, promoting nationalistic white supremacy, and “destroy[ing] all of today’s establishments.”