The List App Archive (Page 8)

The List App, later rebranded, was a short-lived social media app from, of all people, B.J. Novak of The Office fame. A friend of mine who’s way more looped in to this kind of thing than I am sent me an invitation during the pre-release beta period, when The List App was tiny and finding its footing.

The app was something like twitter for lists of things. There were lists, likes, re-lists, and trends. But the content of a post was always a list—bulleted, numbered, reverse-numbers, but always a list of things. I think Novak envisioned things like “My favorite restaurants in LA” and “Best albums of the year” or whatever, but TLA pretty quickly turned in to a weird sometimes beautiful place where a core of likeminded and somewhat bookish people shared things that made them happy, gave encouragement, and evolved a subculture. It was fun while it lasted (and it did not last long).

When the app shut down I archived all my posts because I’m a digital hoarder. You can find them all here.

My Lists

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How to Cut Bell Peppers Pretty

So you’re making a veggie tray (or what I suppose @lisa_fav would call crudités) and you want everything even and pretty. You guys have probably always known this but I managed to go like 30 years before I figured it out. Read more…

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Who Wants to Play List App Powerball?

Cost of entry is $0. Drawing on Saturday night at 8:00 pm MST. Winner(s), if any, will receive prizes valued at $0! Entries must be in the correct format: “0 0 0 0 0️⃣” (0-9). One ticket per number combination and two tickets per user. If you get all four numbers right you win! Match the powerball too and you win a special grand prize! Good luck! Read more…

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Top 10 Favorite Authors of All Time

Unranked. Thanks for the rec @elizabeef! This list would probably be different in five ways if I wrote it five times. Read more…

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Pictures People Have Drawn of Me

  • @ashleynicole drew this impeccable portrait yesterday.

  • @ChrisK immortalized me a few years ago.

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A Cloud Panorama In Your Feed

Don’t bother opening. Just swipe right here in your feed on your way to the next great list. Read more…

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Last Ditch Wizard Dueling Moves

For when it looks like you’re going to lose. Read more…

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How to Be Brave in Seven Easy Steps

  1. Be certain.

    Nothing undermines courage like uncertainty. So if there’s any doubt, do your analysis and make sure you know you want to do this.

  2. Be precise.

    Know exactly what you want. Not vaguely. Not the minimum. Exactly what you want to do.

  3. Read more…
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Things I'm Sad About

  • That I published my MY AESTHETIC list before the neat new scrolling-thumbnails-in-the-main-feed feature.

  • That’s all. I have a pretty happy life overall.

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Top Ten Movies of All Time, According to Me 🎥

Inspired by @ListPrompts. Except I don’t claim these are the top movies of all time because I am WAY under qualified to do that. I’m not much of a movie person at all and I haven’t even seen most of the big movies of the past. This is just movies I watch a lot, unranked. Read more…

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Ok Time to Spill the List App Drama Beans

Yes I know what’s going on and I can’t keep it a secret anymore. Read more…

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Women of the Computation Revolution

People in my generation lived right through what will, when my great grand children study history in school, be taught the way we all learned about the “Industrial Revolution”. It took its first baby steps in the 1940s, was in full swing in the 1970s, and is in its third wave today. Women have been and continue to be instrumental in this change. Read more…

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A Picture for Every Month of 2015 🖼

Inspired by @ListPrompts. I don’t take a lot of pictures. Read more…

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Faces Sally Albright Makes While Listening to Harry Burns

Jumping on the Harry and Sally bandwagon here. In my defense, I watch this movie almost every New Year’s Eve. One of the infinity things I love about it is Meg Ryan’s facial expressions. Behold. Read more…

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A Review of the $4 Headphones I Bought at Walgreens Yesterday

My headphones are missing again. (Children…) so I ordered a replacement pair. But I didn’t want to spend the whole day painting furniture without my audio book so I also bought the cheapest pair they had at the Walgreens across the street. This is my review. Read more…

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How to Make Perfect Oatmeal

My daughter @sophster calls this “special oatmeal” and it is one of her favorite foods. It is creamy, oaty, and has a silky texture. Read more…

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Things That Are Hazardous to My Health but I Do Anyway ☢☣

Inspired by @ListPrompts. This was crowd sourced from my family while we are out to dinner. @mamiecoffey, @imc and @sophster. Read more…

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The Twenty Best Moments in Star Wars

SPOILERS near the end I guess. Not really but sort of. Read more…

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Global Extinctions, Ranked 📂

Merry #draftmas. Not sure why I never published this one. I think I was trying to give it a theme or something and abandoned it. Read more…

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Things Siri Mispronounces➕📂

This draft is so old it predates the open list feature. From way back in the beta days when we put our own plus sign in the title to say we were soliciting suggestions. Never published because it is stupid. #draftmas Read more…

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Good Questions Posed by Jennifer Lawrence Characters 📂

Merry #draftmas. Here is draft list type #1: BRILLIANT idea but insufficient data. You asked for this @aprilkquioh and now you live with the consequences. Read more…

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Depressing Qualifications

I’m at Universal Studios park in Orlando so this is very fresh in my mind. Read more…

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How to Parent Like a Pro

  • @imc: so no more rides tomorrow?

  • Me: We’re not going to ride any rides but you girls can do all the rides you want.

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My Girls Are Ready for Harry Potter World

  • This gets them into the secret areas right?

  • (Artwork by @imc)

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My List App Crushes

  • @sally’s monkey

    Number one crush because: Coat

  • @snoopdogg’s heart-shaped glasses


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My Little @sophster at Her Aerial Dance Performance Last Night

She loves loves loves this fun extracurricular at her school. These are all iPhone 6s “Live Photos” which work great for this kind of thing but you can’t see that here. Hey @thelistapp, feature request! Read more…

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Every Film Critic on the New Star Wars Right Now

  • No spoilers here…

  • …but mention of critical reception which…

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Things Cats Eat

  • My old cat: One brand of dry food, egg yolks, one flavor of one brand of cat treats.

    Tuna? “Not interested.” Salmon? “Barf.” Cat treats? “This is just not my flavor.” Other dry food? “Not my brand.” Fancy wet cat food? sniff sniff “this smells like food but it is obviously a trick.” [leaves]

  • My new cats: Anything even remotely resembling food.

    Currently eating cold bacon and licking the butter off of a bowl of grits. Tried to eat my lamp earlier.

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Things I've Never Seen in Real Life

  • A Donald Trump supporter

  • Someone upset about the “war on Christmas”

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Where I Got My Music, in Chronological Order

  • My Dad’s Shelves — Birth through high school

    I raided his collection all the time and when I moved away he let me take my pick of 20 or so CDs. 💯

  • Rainbow Video and Music in Zionsville, Indiana — Through high school

    This place was way ahead of its time with a computer system to find the movie you wanted to rent. The first time I went to a blockbuster years later I couldn’t believe you had to wander around the store to find your movie. Anyway they had racks and racks of records and later CDs too. This is where I bought all my music except…

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Books I've Been Meaning to Read

  • Anything Pynchon

    Just haven’t gotten around to it.

  • Infinite Jest

    Started it, decided proper reading wasn’t compatible with my over-busy schedule, put it away for a few years.

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How to Smoke a Pork Shoulder

Pork Shoulder (sometimes called Pork Butt) is a great first-time “big” thing to smoke because it is delicious, special, and very forgiving. If you have a smoker or have access to one, this is easy, fun, delicious, and people will think you’re amazing 💅🏽 Read more…

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E.B. White Is Like My Hero

  • “I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day.”

  • He wrote Charlotte’s Web

    “What’s a life, anyway? We’re born, we live a little while, we die. A spider’s life can’t help being something of a mess, with all this trapping and eating of flies. By helping you, perhaps I was trying to lift up my life a trifle. Heaven knows anyone’s life can stand a little of that.”

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Never Not Great

An abridged list because I’m sure I would come up with five or six more if I tried. Read more…

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I Killed a Bird

  • Once when I was 13 or 14 a bird came down our chimney.

  • It was in the cold fireplace behind the closed glass doors.

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