The List App Archive (Page 7)

The List App, later rebranded, was a short-lived social media app from, of all people, B.J. Novak of The Office fame. A friend of mine who’s way more looped in to this kind of thing than I am sent me an invitation during the pre-release beta period, when The List App was tiny and finding its footing.

The app was something like twitter for lists of things. There were lists, likes, re-lists, and trends. But the content of a post was always a list—bulleted, numbered, reverse-numbers, but always a list of things. I think Novak envisioned things like “My favorite restaurants in LA” and “Best albums of the year” or whatever, but TLA pretty quickly turned in to a weird sometimes beautiful place where a core of likeminded and somewhat bookish people shared things that made them happy, gave encouragement, and evolved a subculture. It was fun while it lasted (and it did not last long).

When the app shut down I archived all my posts because I’m a digital hoarder. You can find them all here.

My Lists

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What Did You Say?

Inspired by @dad3 / Link Did I do it right? Ok, analyze me! Read more…

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Things Chef John Says

Chef John of Food Wishes is bar none my favorite YouTube star. His recipes are amazing and his banter is 💯. Link Read more…

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Books I Finished in January

In which you see why I don’t get much literature read these days. Inspired by @bookishclaire. Read more…

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Suggested Serving Sizes

  • Thin Mints: One sleeve.

    Note: Why are the sleeves so small now? This will have to be revised to “Two sleeves” if trends continue.

  • Pizza: Two slices, then just a sliver of a third slice, then half of what remains, then the other half.

  • Read more…
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Thoughts That Go Through My Head When I'm Trying to Get to Sleep at Night but Cannot 💬

Inspired by @ListPrompts. I only had trouble sleeping once that I can remember and that was after taking a new allergy medication. Never took that again. This is my usual pre-sleep thought process… Read more…

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How to Make Perfect Fluffy Rice Without Measuring

I used to be terrible at making rice for some reason. It was always under cooked or soggy or gloppy. My friend would always tell me about water levels and finger joints and I’d be like “doesn’t that depend on the size of the pot?!” Anyway, if you want fluffy rice with separate grains then this recipe is fool-proof and also requires no measuring. Read more…

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People @lesbian Loves So Much

[in which I try to get @lesbian to say she loves me] Read more…

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Mind Bending Relative Time Lines

I’m not sure if these are really “mind bending”. Maybe I should have said “somewhat interesting”. But anyway these all interested me! Read more…

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Hoosier to English Dictionary

I grew up in Indiana and I am here to help you understand the dialect of these mysterious people. Read more…

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Murals of Phx

Welcome, @fandl! I’m not sure if this list request was intentional but as luck would have it I already made exactly this list. Read more…

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Things the Holy Roman Empire Was Not, According to Voltaire

“Ce corps qui s’appelait et qui s’appelle encore le saint empire romain n’était en aucune manière ni saint, ni romain, ni empire.” Link Read more…

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Singular Talent

People I think are both totally good at their thing and unique in that thing. Read more…

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Proposed Names for Planet Nine

  1. Proserpine (Persephone to the Greeks)

    This is my number one: She inhabits the underworld which fits a body so deep in the dark. Proserpine was stolen into the underworld and there is some thought that Planet Nine was kicked into the outer solar system early in its formation. She is often associated with the coming forth and withdrawal of seasons which has a nice symmetry with Planet Nine’s supposed highly eccentric orbit. And it would be a nice nod to poor Pluto, husband to Proserpine. Downside: kind of a ugly name.

  2. Latona (Leto to the Greeks)

    Mistress to Jupiter, she hid herself away to avoid the wrath of his wife Juno, who demanded that everyone shun her. She is also the mother of Apollo the sun, to whom Planet Nine is still bound despite her exile.

  3. Read more…
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My Ultimate Taco Recipe

Well, @GargiBera, it just so happens I’m having tacos for lunch today! I love tacos so much and we have them a lot. Everything in this “recipe” can be adjusted/swapped/augmented in a million ways which is one of the things that makes tacos so wonderful. 🌮🌮🌮 Read more…

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Streets I Have Lived on, Ranked

Uhh. Hmm. I am going to have a hard time ranking these because they are roads. Read more…

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How to Make Your Tacos 62% Better

This is how you make Cebolla en Escabeche (sometimes called Cebollita), the beautiful, super simple, mild “pickled” red onion they serve at street side taco stands in Mexico. Read more…

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The Time I Almost Died 💀

Inspired by @ListPrompts. I’ve never almost died because I am a coward. 🏃🏃🏃🏃 Read more…

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Things I'm a Sucker For

  • Rocky Balboa

  • I love him. I love everything about him. I could watch his movies forever.

  • Read more…
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The Time I Almost Burned My Dorm Down

I exaggerated. I didn’t almost burn my dorm down. But I did cause a scene. Read more…

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Things You Don't See Every Day

  • Pretty much everything. Except really boring stuff like your hands. But seriously, “that’s something you don’t see every day” is like the lowest possible baseline for interestingness.

  • Read more…
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Things That Are Getting Harder

I need a vacation from all my struggles. 😓 Read more…

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Who Would Be Your Mantourage (Famous Dudes to Hang With)

Who wants to join us? Thanks for the rec, @BWN_7! This was fun. Read more…

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If I Won the Power Ball...

This is the most honest portrayal of my personality I’ve ever listed. Read more…

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If the Powerball Doubles One More Time...

  • Then for the first time ever it would be a winning move to buy every possible ticket.

  • This will cost you about $600 million.

  • Read more…
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Non-Pro Forma Ways @imc Is Involved in My Daily Life

I got a little flack for leaving my oldest daughter, @imc, out of my daily life list. The truth is she’s in there. But not like in there, you know? I’m doing this in a public list so @ChrisK doesn’t think I’m a terrible father and because hey, I love to gush publicly about my amazing kids. 😊 Read more…

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I Did Not Win the Lottery

  • Because I did not play.

  • But I did not lose the lottery either.

  • Read more…
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A Day in the Life of Me 📅

Inspired by @ListPrompts. Certain to be as boring a list as ever was writ. Read more…

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List App Powerball Round 2! Guaranteed Winner!

(See Link) Ok folks this is the round you’ve been waiting for. Read more…

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List App Powerball Round 1!

(See Link) This is the standard round. If no winner is selected we move on to round two with a GUARANTEED winner. Read more…

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Thank You for Calling Chase!

I was trying to create an online account for my car loan. At one point it needs to call or text me with a code to enter on the web page. I tried four times and never got the call or text so I called the listed phone number and… Read more…

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Pro Tip: How to Quickly and Easily Sign Documents on Your Mac

So you’re refinancing your house, filling out college paperwork, signing a lease, starting a new job…and they emailed you stuff to sign. Ugh, right? Print, sign, scan or photograph or fax. 😷 If you have a Mac, Apple has you covered. But sadly nobody seems to know it’s there. THAT’S WHERE I COME IN. Read more…

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The Top Ten Books of All Time, According to Me 📚

Inspired by @ListPrompts. I’ve listed a lot about books and authors so here I’m going to cast a wide net and pick some favorites across the spectrum. Read more…

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