The List App Archive (Page 6)

The List App, later rebranded, was a short-lived social media app from, of all people, B.J. Novak of The Office fame. A friend of mine who’s way more looped in to this kind of thing than I am sent me an invitation during the pre-release beta period, when The List App was tiny and finding its footing.

The app was something like twitter for lists of things. There were lists, likes, re-lists, and trends. But the content of a post was always a list—bulleted, numbered, reverse-numbers, but always a list of things. I think Novak envisioned things like “My favorite restaurants in LA” and “Best albums of the year” or whatever, but TLA pretty quickly turned in to a weird sometimes beautiful place where a core of likeminded and somewhat bookish people shared things that made them happy, gave encouragement, and evolved a subculture. It was fun while it lasted (and it did not last long).

When the app shut down I archived all my posts because I’m a digital hoarder. You can find them all here.

My Lists

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The "Han Shot First" Scene if Greedo Were Replaced by an Aging Jar Jar Binks

INT. CANTINA. Diverse strange space creatures mill about. Roguish space pirate HAN SOLO is about to leave the cantina to transport LUKE SKYWALKER, OBI WAN KENOBI and the DROIDS to ALDERAAN. Read more…

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While We're Taking About Baby Showers...

  • My wife threw one on Saturday.

  • I made a killer cheese plate with three salamis, prosciutto, the best soft goat cheese I’ve ever tasted, cheddar for weenies, and a few other cheeses, sourdough bread, olives and cornichons (I have no idea how you spell that… @Lisa_Fav?), Brazil nuts and pistachios, halved dried figs and dried sour cherries, and sour cherry jam.

    It was beautiful.

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Nerdy Women I Love 🤓💃🏻

International Women’s Day you say? I too think women are neat. Read more…

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Tolerable Children's Music

There’s a period of time when your kids are little enough that you need some kid-friendly music to entertain them in the car. Unfortunately most children’s music is insufferable. Here are some good albums. Read more…

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@imc Through the Ages

@imc finished her senior thesis this week, which was the last big milestone before high school graduation. Indulge me while I reminisce about the milestones that came before. Read more…

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Would You Rather...

  • Never touch another person again.

    Or never speak to another person again.

  • Never use google again.

    Or never read a book again.

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In which I share with you all what a happy day this is. Read more…

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Phases of a School Parent Meeting

  • The teachers awkwardly alternating who’s speaking phase.

  • The slight head nod at the people you only ever see at parent meetings and have never actually talked to phase.

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Fictional Women I Would for Sure Date

Inspired by @kcupcaker. It’s not lost on me the fact that none of these women would be particularly interested in an introverted homebody like me :) Read more…

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Trump's Chances

Maybe I’m just an optimist but this is my read. Read more…

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Two Truths and a Lie

  • My father’s initials are GMC and my mother’s are BMW.

  • I have a glass eye.

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Apple's Argument in the "Unlock-This-iPhone" Case

Apple filed their motion to vacate the court order that they “unlock” an iPhone yesterday. In other words they’ve made their formal argument for why they believe the order is invalid. Link It is quite readable but here’re the basics of Apple’s 3-part argument. Read more…

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Let's Play a Game of "Geoff Responds to Today's Headlines"

  • Blindfolded and unconscious.

  • If I were Brian Sandoval I wouldn’t be on the list in the first place.

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My Acceptable Celebrity Doppelgänger List

  • 🤔 So what’re the guidelines here? People I wish I looked like? …

  • Satya Nadella

    Look how warm and approachable and kind and distinguished he looks! [swoon]

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How to Be Dumb

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Cheap Thrills

Inspired by @semioccasional by way of @biz Read more…

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Reading in to Harper Lee

  • From Go Set a Watchman:

  • “If you did not want much, there was plenty.”

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Understanding the Apple/FBI Encryption Debate

Disclaimer: I am an Apple employee. So 1: My bias is showing. 2: It should go without saying that I don’t speak for Apple in any way. These are my own thoughts. Read more…

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Names for Things That Need Names

Some of these are real. Some are my proposals. Read more…

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Things I Do That Cause Bookish People to Doubt My Commitment to the Cause

  • Send all my paper books to goodwill and switch to almost 100% eBooks.

    I like reading eBooks so much better unless pictures or layout are important to the book.

  • Forget the title of books and the names of authors all the time.

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Nota Cultural

  • I took Spanish in high school.

  • Our Spanish text book had a series of sidebars called “Nota Cultural” (“Cultural Note”) with tidbits of wisdom.

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Questions for the Man of Steel

  • Does it hurt when this happens to you?

  • Does this leave a bruise?

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Things I Loved About Pride and Prejudice and Zombies

  • The irreproachable and beautiful Eliza Bennett…

  • In 18th century dress…

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The Two Phases of Life

  • Before you own a car with a backup camera.

    Who needs a camera to back up? Learn to drive, idiots.

  • After you own a car with a backup camera.

    I can’t believe this rental car doesn’t have a backup camera. Ugh where am I going even. THIS IS UNSAFE.

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Lord of the Rings Characters Ranked by ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  1. Tom Bombadil

    The most ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ character in literary history.

  2. Treebeard

    Started ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but then went the other way.

  3. Read more…
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Oh My Gosh I Couldn't Care Less

  • The orientation of the toilet paper roll.

    Oh my gosh I couldn’t care less.

  • The Oxford comma.

    Oh my gosh I couldn’t care less.

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