The List App Archive (Page 5)

The List App, later rebranded, was a short-lived social media app from, of all people, B.J. Novak of The Office fame. A friend of mine who’s way more looped in to this kind of thing than I am sent me an invitation during the pre-release beta period, when The List App was tiny and finding its footing.

The app was something like twitter for lists of things. There were lists, likes, re-lists, and trends. But the content of a post was always a list—bulleted, numbered, reverse-numbers, but always a list of things. I think Novak envisioned things like “My favorite restaurants in LA” and “Best albums of the year” or whatever, but TLA pretty quickly turned in to a weird sometimes beautiful place where a core of likeminded and somewhat bookish people shared things that made them happy, gave encouragement, and evolved a subculture. It was fun while it lasted (and it did not last long).

When the app shut down I archived all my posts because I’m a digital hoarder. You can find them all here.

My Lists

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Paper Books I Still Own Ranked by How Likely I'd Be to Grab Them if My House Caught Fire

I got my first kindle maybe 5 or 6 years ago and began buying mostly eBooks. Then I started replacing my paper books with eBooks and slowly got rid of them all. Here are the ones I kept. Read more…

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Time to Brag About My Book

@Lisa_Fav requested this just so we’re clear. Read more…

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Best Lines Uttered by Various Simpsons Character

  • Abe Simpson

    “I’m in love! No wait…its a stroke.”

  • Apu Nahasapeemapetilon

    “Thank you, masked vigilante. Your over-zealous homicide has saved me 80 cents. Now if you’re not going to buy anything, please move along.”

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Trolley Problems

Because I just watched Eye in the Sky which was basically a (very good) two hour trolley problem. Read more…

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I'll Respect Your Wish to Be Apart

  • @ladyprofessor @jaidub

  • I won’t tag you together anymore.

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How to Work Well With Someone

  • Assume they are competent.

    I know you’ve been burned before. So have I. Some people are terrible at what they’re supposed to be doing. But everybody also deserves the benefit of the doubt. So assume their ideas are good, their experience is relevant, and their suggestions are well considered. Question your own assumptions as readily as you question theirs.

  • Respect existing decisions.

    If you’re coming in to an existing project, study the work they’ve already done and assume it was either done that way for a good reason, or at least that it is an acceptable way to do it. Be prepared to fit in to the existing framework and emulate the style and approach already in place unless or until you can clearly articulate a reason not to. Don’t snowplow through with your own style just because it’s how you usually do it.

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Let This Be My Parting Word

An excerpt from Gitanjali by Rabindranath Tagore which I love very much and which I think explains most perfectly how I feel about life. I especially love the third verse although all of it is perfect. Read more…

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Lost in Translation

I was listening to an audio book of Candide yesterday and caught a funny line I didn’t remember. I looked it up in both print editions of the book I have and here is how the translations compare. Read more…

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Questions for God

  • Was it worth it making men and women different?

  • How come when I bite my lip it gets sore and bigger so it is easy to bite again and hurts a lot when I do?

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Words That Get Their Meaning From a Poor Interpretation of the Formal Philosophy They're Named After

  • Optimist

    Optimism is a formal enlightenment era philosophy that supposes that the world we live in is the “best possible world” either because the laws of the universe are such that the world is the only way it could possibly be (a sort of tautological optimism) or because a benevolent force (i.e., God) controls the world and optimizes it for goodness. The latter can itself have two interpretations: All is always well from the right perspective, or more commonly that suffering is “for our own good”.

  • Epicurean

    The modern meaning of Epicurean is almost completely disconnected from the Ancient Greek philosophy of Epicureanism. This philosophy rejects divinity of any kind and does promote “pleasure seeking” but explicitly teaches that the path to true pleasure is modest living, simple means, and the gaining of knowledge through study. The ultimate pleasure is to understand the world so well you no longer depend on fulfilling superficial desires like fine foods, drink, and materialism to be happy.

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My Favorite Books From Some Year Ending With the Last Two Digits of Every Year I've Been Alive

Inspired by @amieshmamie but I don’t read contemporary books enough so let’s see how far we can stretch this concept. Read more…

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Today's Entries for the Parent Meeting Question Hall of Fame

  • “If we enroll in the [interest free] monthly payment plan can we pay it off early?”


  • “Will boys and girls be sharing a room?”

    🙄 (yes, this question again)

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How I Like My Bread

I’m bored waiting for this parent meeting about next year’s high school trip to start. Read more…

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Patrick Stewart Past Present and Future

  • Patrick Stewart in 1973 at 33

  • Patrick Stewart in 1987 at 47

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Things That Seem Like They Were Just Yesterday

  • Yesterday.

  • Plus a bunch of seemingly arbitrary other things that were actually well before yesterday.

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  • I’ve used kindles and the kindle app for years.

  • Whenever I buy a kindle book it always gives me the choice of which device to “deliver” it to.

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My Favorite Movies From Each Year I've Been Alive

Inspired by @nessa_please. This will be a long list because I am older than all you youths of today. But I am one of you! See: Bae. Fleek. Who let the dogs out. Read more…

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Not Reasons I Just Bought an iPhone SE

  • I have small hands.

    No I do not. I have large-ish hands.

  • I live in the “developing world”.

    No I live in the crumbling first world hell hole that is currently entertaining the idea of making Donald Trump president.

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Some Dummy Keeps Spoiling My Pictures

I’ve been spending a couple lovely vacation days alone seeing the sights. Read more…

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Oh My Gosh Guys My Child is Beautiful (And Our Photographer is Amazing)

Isabel is a lot of great things like nerdy and funny and dedicated and creative. But they also happens to be lovely on the outside. Somehow we have to pick one or two of these… Read more…

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Irrational Pet Peeve

  • I’m not normally this way…

  • It doesn’t bother me when people say ATM Machine or PIN Number…

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Happy St. Patrick’s Day my friends. Read more…

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Reasons I'll Never Really Be Totally Ok With the Whole Über Thing

  • Car sickness

    This is the main reason. Just took a lyft. Now I feel a little sick and I hate feeling a little sick.

  • Smells

    I am very sensitive to smells.

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Fun With Panorama Mode

(These captions brought to you by a dad…) Read more…

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Questions for the Youth of America

  • Are you up yet?

  • Why are there dirty socks on the kitchen floor?

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My Favorite Snippets From the Leaked Star Wars Episode Viii Script

  • MAZ: That was many years ago. Before the Ewok genocide.

  • SNOKE: [picks up Luke Skywalker’s light saber] My preciousssssss…

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"Go Through the World With Open Eyes, and Listen to the Pains, Interests, and Longings of Others"

Milada Horáková was a politician and dissident executed by the communist Czech government on June 27th 1950. The night before her execution she wrote a remarkable letter to her 16 year old daughter, including this advice about listening, learning, and the importance and limitations of positivity. Read more…

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Biggest Disappointments

  • The time I bought a bag of pretzels before my 4 hour flight and they turned out to have peanut butter in them.

  • That’s about it. That’s the biggest one anyway.

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