The List App Archive (Page 3)

The List App, later rebranded, was a short-lived social media app from, of all people, B.J. Novak of The Office fame. A friend of mine who’s way more looped in to this kind of thing than I am sent me an invitation during the pre-release beta period, when The List App was tiny and finding its footing.

The app was something like twitter for lists of things. There were lists, likes, re-lists, and trends. But the content of a post was always a list—bulleted, numbered, reverse-numbers, but always a list of things. I think Novak envisioned things like “My favorite restaurants in LA” and “Best albums of the year” or whatever, but TLA pretty quickly turned in to a weird sometimes beautiful place where a core of likeminded and somewhat bookish people shared things that made them happy, gave encouragement, and evolved a subculture. It was fun while it lasted (and it did not last long).

When the app shut down I archived all my posts because I’m a digital hoarder. You can find them all here.

My Lists

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@sophster is arguably the most obsessive person on earth. Two of her many obsessions are Pixar and Ellen. She’s been planning for Finding Dory for months. I know what you’re thinking: isn’t she too old to dress up for a cartoon? No she is not because she has a beautiful and infectious enthusiasm for life. We could all use a little of that. Read more…

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Neither Nor

  • Guinea Pig

    Neither from Guinea nor a pig (according to Wikipedia).

  • Holy Roman Empire

    Neither holy nor roman nor an empire (according to Voltaire).

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Very Best Part of Harry Potter

There are obviously a lot of good parts but this is the best part. Read more…

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Things The Copy Editor May Have Been Distracted By When She Missed This Sentence In The Manuscript

This train wreck: “Although it’s not required most of the time, but if in case we need to set some global options for the JVM that Gradle will use, Gradle provides us a convenient way to do that.” 🚇 Read more…

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99 Things I Love About My Wife

  1. I love that the day we met when she was 14 she was so tan I thought she was a foreign exchange student from … somewhere.

  2. I love that she got that tan not on the beach but working in the corn fields.


  3. Read more…
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Careers I'd Pursue If Money Wasn't An Option

  • @list database administrator.

    So I could go find all the lists with this title and change “an option” (which really doesn’t make sense) to “a concern”. The expression, of course, is “money is no OBJECT” but even that’s wrong because we’re not suggesting we’d pay any price for this career. We’re just saying if we didn’t care about making money, right? I mean I guess technically taking a huge pay cut could be considered paying a price, but that’s stretching it. And anyway, “option” has nothing to do with it at all.

  • I should go to sleep.

  • Read more…
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“There, but by the grace of God, go I.” Read more…

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Things Bob May Have Said to Charlotte at the End of Lost in Translation

I love this movie with my whole heart, and I especially love the ending. But as long as we’re all guessing… Read more…

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What Happens When You Type "Google" Into Your Browser

Leaving out all the low level detail here because otherwise this would have 26,000 items. Read more…

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Times XKCD Got Real

XKCD is my favorite web comic. Actually it is the only web comic I read. It is well suited to programmers and math/science nerds but also general-interest funny from time to time. Every once in a while though it gets a little touching. Read more…

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The Twin Paradox

  • A lot of people think the “twin paradox” of relativity just means if you fly away in a space ship going close to the speed of light you’ll age more slowly than your twin at home and then you’ll paradoxically have twins two different ages.

  • While perhaps surprising that isn’t actually paradoxical. And it is wrong.

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@sophster Had One Too [more dad bragging]

Maybe this is just a thing schools do now because @sophster goes to a totally different school from @imc and her “8th Grade Promotion” included a personal message/tribute to each kid too! Once again these lovely lovely teachers spoke truth. Read more…

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Let Me Listroduce Myself

  • This is going to get very personal and detailed.

  • My name is Geo…

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A Season of Lasts

  • Last school concert I attend to watch Isabel.

  • Last donation check I write to her school.

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🎾 Mock

Henry V, Act I, Scene ii, starting at line 281. I was reminded of this today. I love it so much. Emphasis mine. Read more…

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Thank You Teachers

@imc graduates high school this week. She has had a long run of truly great teachers. I’m sure I’m leaving off a few that belong here. Read more…

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Ugh Fine I'll Make a GIF List

All the gifs I remember thinking were very funny. Read more…

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Elementary Joys, 1985

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R★ × f(p) × n(e) × f(l) × f(i) × f(c) × L

  • This is the Drake Equation.

  • Sometimes pop-sci articles say it answers the question “is there intelligent life in the universe?”

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The Struggle Used to Be Real...

  • When your sister picked up the phone in the middle of a big download and you had to start over.

    And her exasperated growl when she hears that modem noise.

  • When you couldn’t use the Internet (nee AOL or Prodigy) because your dad was expecting an important call.

    This is why the second line was invented.

  • Read more…
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Why You Should Never Name a Town "Surprise"

Surprise, Arizona. Causing headline skimmers to do a double-take since 1938. Read more…

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Narnia Books, Ranked

  1. The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe

  2. The Magician’s Nephew

  3. Read more…
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Man made things you can see from space

  • The Great Wall of China.

  • Pretty much every big city.

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[Annoying Braggy Dad List Warning] Things Isabel's Music Teacher Said About Her Last Night

@imc’s high school has a cool tradition called Senior Tribute Night where the teaches prepare a roughly 2 minute speech about each and every graduating senior. Students and parents then get to hear smart, heartfelt, funny tributes to all these awesome kids. Isabel’s beloved music teacher did hers. It was so sweet. Here are some things she said. Read more…

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How to Make my Favorite Chocolate Chip Cookies

Making oodles of these for @imc’s graduation open house right now. Read more…

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Things I Never Regret Spending Money On

Thanks for the rec! I’m really kind of cheap in the sense that I don’t really “get” buying fancy things like nice cars and clothes. I’m a-ok with basic and dependable. And pretty much anytime I buy something frivolous I regret it about 24 hours later. But all these things are more expensive than the alternatives and totally worth it… Read more…

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In Honor of Friday the 13th, Scariest or Most Frightening Recollection From Your Youth

I wrote this without realizing you said “youth” so I’m embarrassed to admit this was very much when I was an adult. Read more…

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