The List App Archive (Page 10)

The List App, later rebranded, was a short-lived social media app from, of all people, B.J. Novak of The Office fame. A friend of mine who’s way more looped in to this kind of thing than I am sent me an invitation during the pre-release beta period, when The List App was tiny and finding its footing.

The app was something like twitter for lists of things. There were lists, likes, re-lists, and trends. But the content of a post was always a list—bulleted, numbered, reverse-numbers, but always a list of things. I think Novak envisioned things like “My favorite restaurants in LA” and “Best albums of the year” or whatever, but TLA pretty quickly turned in to a weird sometimes beautiful place where a core of likeminded and somewhat bookish people shared things that made them happy, gave encouragement, and evolved a subculture. It was fun while it lasted (and it did not last long).

When the app shut down I archived all my posts because I’m a digital hoarder. You can find them all here.

My Lists

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Possible Reasons I Switched From Verizon to T-Mobile

  • ❌ I have a thing for leather clad ladies on motorcycles.

    I mean I do, but that’s not why I switched.

  • ❌ I appreciate the frank directness of the new CEO

    I’m from the generation that assumes their real straight talking CEO is the invention of a marketing team.

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Reasons to Check the Weather App When You Live in Phoenix

Inspired by Link . I used to wonder why people cared about weather apps. Then I remembered you don’t all live here. Read more…

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Best New Features of the iPhone 6S

  1. Press hard on the keyboard when typing

    It is life altering: you can move the text insertion point around easily and precisely without your finger getting in the way of your view.

  2. Press hard on the edge of the screen when swiping right from the edge

    Many people know you can swipe right from the edge to go “back” in whatever app you’re in. (Try it now! It works in The List App.) With the 6S if you press a little harder while doing this you can go back to the previous App instead.

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💯 Shakespearean Imagery

  • “Like the swansdown feather, that stands upon the swell at the full of tide, and neither way inclines.”

  • “The city cast her people out upon her; and Antony, enthroned i’th’market-place, did sit alone, whistling to th’air, which, but for vacancy, had gone to gaze on Cleopatra too, and made a gap in nature.”

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Common Ways I Injured Myself by Decade

  • 0-10 Years

    Bike stunts gone wrong, jumping out of trees and off of swings, failed construction projects, building and floating custom “rafts”.

  • 10-20 Years

    Running injuries, crossing frozen creeks, attempting sports, fights.

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🎯 Shakespeare

  1. You would pluck out the heart of my mystery.

    Love this angry line from Hamlet. We all deserve a little mystery.

  2. When valor preys on reason it eats the sword it fights with.

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Friend or Acquaintance? (Boy Edition)

Inspired by @shanaz. I tried to do the boy version but I think I just ended up with the introverted jerk version instead. Anybody want to be my friend? Read more…

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My New Follower Todo List

I try to do this but I miss some because I get busy. Sorry if I missed you. Read more…

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Minor Details of Steve Jobs' Life the New Movie Left Out

He was definitely a jerk in a lot of ways. Not denying it. But the movie left a few things out. Read more…

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Tell Me Your Best Kid Joke

  • How do you make a Kleenex dance?

    Put a little boogie in it.

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Just the Good Parts

Examples of good things stripped of the inessential to reveal their truest value. Read more…

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My List App Beta Stats

I was on The List App beta for 20 weeks. Invited by @ChrisK. For whatever reason I never invited anyone. This was a natural outlet for me because I’ve always been a fan of keeping lists of semi-random things. Read more…

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Pictures of Buffy the Vampire Slayer Crying, Ranked

  1. Oh man, not sure I’m ready for this list…

  2. No, definitely not ready…

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Rom Coms Worth Watching

I love a good romantic comedy but most of them aren’t very good. I’m no expert but to me this is how the genre family tree looks. Hop on the 400 year romantic comedy train. Read more…

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Books That Are Really Good and Culturally Meritorious, but Also Not Terribly Difficult to Get in To

Inspired by @hels, highly opinionated. Meant to be an open list with just a couple entries but I got carried away. Read more…

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Happy Birthday @evanp

  • Happy birthday Evan Pompodou!

  • I hope you have a wonderful day Evan Primrose!

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Why the Roseate Spoonbill Will Always Be My Favorite Bird: A Remembrance

  • This is a Roseate Spoonbill.

  • This is my dad today. Our story takes place many years ago. But now, as then, he is a man of great passions.

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Sophia's Big (Little) Debut

Sophie landed the part of Lieutenant Ward of the 17th Precinct in a local youth theater production of Annie. She worked hard for weeks and had the time of her life. She was smiling from ear to ear after the first show. Read more…

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I Don't Think I've Ever Cried at a Movie

  • Just thought you should know.

  • Seemed pertinent today.

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People Annoying Their Significant Others in Funny Ways

  • Bat dad.


  • This guy telling his girlfriend he’s taking her picture then taking a video instead.

    Link (Sorry for the daily mail link, I couldn’t find the YouTube original. Just watch the video.)

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Five Photos Chosen From My Phone at Random

  1. This accidental shot of someone’s feet.

  2. This screen shot from Romeo + Juliet

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Reasons List App Needs Direct Messaging

  • I want to direct message @TheBianca

  • I need to direct message @TheBianca

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10 Most Influential Albums in My Life

  1. Stand By Me Soundtrack

    This was the first record I owned myself with my brand new record player so I could listen to what I wanted in my room.

  2. U2 Joshua Tree

    The first album I bought with my own money and one I listened to from about 12 years old right up to the present day. Still great.

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Is Elon Musk a Supervillain: Evidence for and Against

  • FOR: Apparently has access to unlimited nuclear bombs and the means to deliver them anywhere in the inner solar system.

  • AGAINST: Getting a little chubby.

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Ewoks: Pros and Cons (Mostly Cons)

  • PRO: Not jar jar binks

  • CON: obviously just human children and little people wearing elaborate PJs

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Top Ten Ways I Have Broken My Bones or Injured Myself According to My Teen Daughter, Sophia, Ranked

  1. My skull. I cracked my skull when I was a year old by climbing up the drawer handles.

  2. Breaking my foot by climbing up 15 feet in the air and then jumping down.

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Goodnight Sky

A dystopian novel-list inspired by @ErinFlaherty in which she and @sky press on. Read more…

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Star Wars Films Ranked

Yeah I know this is unoriginal and a pot shot. Read more…

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The 10 Most Important Books in the World According to My Teenage Child, Isabel, Ranked

Requested by @ChrisK (They said “this is not in the world, this is in the western tradition because I don’t know any books in the world. Make sure you edit it to say that.”) Read more…

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Confession Time

  • I didn’t invite any of you to my bar mitzva

    On a technicality; I’m no Bianca Zimmer. I went to a b’not mitzvah once. The ceremony part, not the the party part. It was lovely. I figured out the “Moshe” means “Moses” by listening and reading along and was proud of myself.

  • I secretly think I would adore the “bear don’t eat my kayak” lady if I knew her in real life.

    For reference: Link She just seems slightly insane and very sweet, gosh darnit, and those are some of my favorite people.

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Reasons I Haven't Listed Lately

  • Sophia’s in a play and has rehearsal in Scottsdale Monday-Thursday and I take her two days a week.

    Zoom zoom to the school at 3:00 to pick her up, zoom home, eat, homework, zoom to Scottsdale, drop her off, zoom to restaurant with wifi, work for 2 hours 45 minutes, zoom to pick her up, zoom home. Home by 9:00. Zoom zoom.

  • Isabel is in a school play.

    Practice practice. I love to help her practice.

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