Archived Post

This post is archived from my account on, a social media app that shut down in 2017. Some posts have been edited slightly to fix typographical errors and correctly represent the gender of some individuals. You can view the full archive here.

In order from least to most embarrassing.

  1. Lost in Translation

    When Charlotte calls Lauren and they don’t connect.

  2. The Merchant of Venice

    (The Al Pacino version) When Shylock, having been humiliated and fined, then has his faith and community stripped away.

  3. Silver Linings Playbook

    When Pat’s father says “when life reaches out with a moment like this it’s a sin if you don’t reach back.”

  4. Silver Linings Playbook

    When Tiffany asks, “You love me?”

  5. What’s Eating Gilbert Grape

    When Gilbert seeks forgiveness from Arnie and introduces Becky to his family.

  6. The Iron Giant

    When the Iron Giant sacrifices himself.

  7. The Truman Show

    When Truman ties himself to the boat.

  8. Lord of the Rings

    When Sam says “I made a promise Mr. Frodo.”

  9. Brave

    When Merida admits she is wrong, takes responsibility, expresses her love, and believes she has failed.

  10. Chocolat

    When Anouk apologizes for spilling the ashes and tries to clean them up.

  11. Les Miserables

    When Cosette and Marius return to Jean Valjean.

  12. Toy Story 3

    When Andy plays with Bonnie, and with his toys one last time.

  13. As Good as it Gets

    When Melvin says “you make me want to be a better man.”

  14. Hunger Games

    When Katniss volunteers as tribute.

  15. Mean Girls

    When Cady shares the crown.