Archived Post

This post is archived from my account on, a social media app that shut down in 2017. Some posts have been edited slightly to fix typographical errors and correctly represent the gender of some individuals. You can view the full archive here.

This may be the dumbest nerdiest list I’ve ever made. It embarrasses me.

  1. Fast Inverse Square Root ~ 0x5f3759df

    The most magical of all magic numbers. Google if you’re curious but probably only if you’re also a programmer.

  2. Avogadro’s Number ~ 6.02e23

    Just an all around fascinating number. I mean really, heavy gas, light gas, doesn’t matter! It’s always the same. Surprising and cool. Of course now that I think about it, the fact that it is the same is probably what makes it possible for a gas to be “heavy” in the first place. Idk. It’s just cool.

  3. Zero – 0

    What a strange little monster. Adds nothing. Takes everything away. And makes so many things possible.

  4. Feigenbaum Constant ~ 4.6692ish

    If God is a number he is approximately equal to 4.6692.

  5. Tau ~ 6.28ish

    Like Pi’s more refined sister, equally important, more sensible, and way less trendy.

  6. First Standard Deviation of the Normal Distribution ~ 68.2%

    Thanks to the central limit theorem this is one powerful little number. Thank you for making statistical analysis work.