Archived Post

This post is archived from my account on, a social media app that shut down in 2017. Some posts have been edited slightly to fix typographical errors and correctly represent the gender of some individuals. You can view the full archive here.

I used to be terrible at making rice for some reason. It was always under cooked or soggy or gloppy. My friend would always tell me about water levels and finger joints and I’d be like “doesn’t that depend on the size of the pot?!” Anyway, if you want fluffy rice with separate grains then this recipe is fool-proof and also requires no measuring.

  1. Put a lot of water in a pot with a tablespoon or so of salt.

    How much you ask? I dunno, like a medium pot mostly full. But THE EXACT AMOUNT DOESN’T MATTER.

  2. Bring it to a boil.

  3. Dump in some white long grain rice.

    How much you ask? IT DOESN’T MATTER. A cup or whatever but you don’t have to measure. Just don’t like crowd it. The little ricies should be able to swim around in there.

  4. Set a timer for exactly 7 minutes.

    This is the only thing you have to measure. Be precise.

  5. When the timer rings, pour the rice through a mesh strainer and set aside.

  6. Put a little oil in the now-empty pot and put it on low heat.

  7. Dump in the rice. Fluff it about with a fork to even it up but don’t smash it down.

  8. If you want, add a few little slivers of butter on top.

  9. Put a tight lid on top.

  10. Cook on low for 40 minutes.

  11. Fluff and serve.

  12. NOTE: This may produce some crispy brown bottom rice. This is generally a good thing because YUM but if you don’t want that then line the pan bottom with some thinly sliced potatoes as a little barrier before you dump in the parboiled rice.

  13. ANOTHER NOTE: I’m experimenting with brown rice right now and I’m pretty sure this recipe would work fine for that too, but with a 15 minute parboil instead of 7 minutes. I’ll update this once I’m sure.