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From the top of Mars Hill we got a good view of the Propylaea, the super-awesome “entrance” to the Acropolis. That’s the pedestal of the Agrippa statue in the center front, then three of the six columns of the Propylaea, and the Temple of Athena Nike perched on the right by itself.

From the top of Mars Hill we got a good view of the Propylaea, the super-awesome “entrance” to the Acropolis. That’s the pedestal of the Agrippa statue in the center front, then three of the six columns of the Propylaea, and the Temple of Athena Nike perched on the right by itself.

One tiny slice of the beautiful mess of Athens seen from Mars Hill. I believe that patch on the mountain side is a Pentelic marble quarry. You can see several of them in the mountains all around if you look closely. Sometimes it seems like with all the massive structures around made of solid marble that Athens would run out. Then you see these and you realize there’s a lot of rock in those mountains. Thousands of years of quarries just look like little spots here and there.

One tiny slice of the beautiful mess of Athens seen from Mars Hill. I believe that patch on the mountain side is a Pentelic marble quarry. You can see several of them in the mountains all around if you look closely. Sometimes it seems like with all the massive structures around made of solid marble that Athens would run out. Then you see these and you realize there’s a lot of rock in those mountains. Thousands of years of quarries just look like little spots here and there.