Facebook Archive (Page 8)

I created a Facebook account in 2012 but didn’t really post much until 2014. In 2018 I deleted my account (for secret reasons). It was a relief to let it go, but also a little sad. I quickly lost tabs of friends and extended family. Of course we still talk now and again, but I am much less aware of what’s going on in their day to day lives. Nevertheless I’m glad I left.

In an act of unbridled vanity, I have archived all the old posts here.

My Posts

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I wonder which member of the whitehouse staff got to explain to trump that Puerto Rico is America.

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This is the sort of lean back living room experience I’ve always dreamed of. cc: John Read more…
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Honesty is the best policy. Read more…
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At the U2 concert and I’m the only young one here. Everybody else is like 40. Wait.

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Contemporary New York Times on Abraham Lincoln (with ironically overburdened language): “What is still better than even felicity of expression, is felicity of thought…”
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Somehow I got through 40+ years of life without knowing about Dar Williams. Isabel sent me a link to her beautiful song “When I was a Boy” a few months ago and I’ve been obsessing ever since. To me she’s up there with John Prine as a songwriter. This one in particular is just a gem. I love everything about it.


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I’m watching TV with commercials for the first time in like 10 years and honestly I can’t believe “Pantene” is still taking about whatever “pro-v” is.

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Literally my worst nightmare. And I’m using literally literally. Read more…
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The first step of any journey is getting out of bed.

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This is astonishing. We’ve come a long way in 10 years. Original iPhone screen superimposed on latest iPhone, pixel-for-pixel. Source: Link Read more…
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Every Major Web User Doesn’t Give a Hoot About Every Major Ad Publisher’s Feelings


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Never use a global hammer on a local nail.

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I’d pay 10% more for a version of the iPhone that didn’t receive incoming calls.

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Sophia’s Bob’s Burgers-inspired drawings, all in one place for your viewing pleasure. Merida from Brave Ellen Degeneres Portia de Rossi Moana [duh] The Obamas Read more…
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It’s ok to cry. (Mildly click-baity headline: this was planned all along.)



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I’m calling it: “You’ve never seen anything like it. It’s never seen anything like you.” is the best iPhone ad tagline ever. I love it.


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Sophie’s doing geometry over here and she just tried the ol’ “assume x; [lots of steps]; therefore x” trick. A classic.

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They should have an emmy for “Outstanding Guest in a Series.”

Related: They should AirBnb the star wars sets.

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Ostensibly for people in disaster areas with weak connections. But actually the only version of CNN I’ll ever visit again until they take it down.


[ed: This site seems to no longer exist, but it was a super-clean text-only version of CNN’s home page.]

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Sophia, in her continuing quest to mashup all her favorite things, drew a Merida-from-Brave-in-the-style-of-Bob’s-Burgers. Read more…
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The never-ending story…


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Corrected: Life wasn’t impossible on Mars, unsurprising study verifies. Read more…
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My view. I want a refund. Read more…
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“Cantwell’s attorney is Elmer Woodard, who appeared in court wearing an early-1800s-style red waistcoat with gold buttons, bowtie, white muttonchop whiskers, black velcro shoes, and a a 1910s-style straw boater hat. Cantwell said Woodard was his fourth choice for legal counsel after three other lawyers declined to take his case.”


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There’s an app for that… Read more…
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I read this and sorrow like rain falls upon me. Harold Bloom on Falstaff's Mortality
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Houston may get as much rain in two days as Phoenix gets in 6 years. Think about every huge storm we’ve had in that time. (Not to mention all the normal monsoons). It is staggering.

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It’s very possible I went to see Terminator 2 on the big screen all by myself last night. A++ would watch again.

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“Whole Foods CEO John Mackey adds, ‘By working together with Amazon and integrating in several key areas, we can lower prices and double down on that mission and reach more people.’”

I’m pretty sure the only integrating they’ve done with Amazon is integrating Amazon’s willingness to forgo profits.


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“I altered not the weights of the balance. I tampered not with the balance itself.”

From the “Negative Confessions” in The Book of the Dead. Words to live by.

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I unintentionally run a non-profit that donates iPhone cables to rental cars. 🚗 📱 🚗 Won’t you consider doing your part?

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Ok eclipse is over. Feel free stare at the sun all you want now without special glasses.

Just kidding don’t sue me.

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Seeing a partial solar eclipse: Excellent

Seeing hundreds of friends joyfully observing the sky with their kids: Priceless

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I almost forgot: lunch at one of Isabel’s favorite spots. Read more…
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Walking around Chicago with my brilliant tour guide. Read more…
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Isabel’s been in college for a year and honestly they’ve been pretty independent for about 15 years but it still feels weird to drop them off at a far away place and just leave them. Always my baby I suppose.

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Flight attendant on PA: "Does anybody know Ann Feller? Is she still coming?"
Passengers: [silence]
Flight attendant: "Anybody? Does anybody know if she is coming?"

Is it ok for me to say “Yeah she’s my pal. She decided to stay home. Now let’s … like cross check and prepare for pullback or whatever.”

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Away we go to deliver a little chunk of my heart back to Valpo. Read more…
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This is my favorite eclipse comment so far. I feel the same way about electrical outlets. It’s a shame there’s no possible way to educate and assist children. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Read more…
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All this eclipse talk reminds me that the fact that the sun and the moon are the same “size” is one of my favorite cosmic coincidences. I have a feeling it confused our understanding of the universe for a hundred thousand years.

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So the thing is, the sun is every bit as dangerous when not eclipsed as when it is eclipsed. Its just that people aren’t in the habit of staring at the sun so it isn’t a big deal. If you don’t put sunglasses on your dog when he’s out for a walk then you probably don’t need to worry about the eclipse either. Dogs are smart enough to not stare at the sun, and they have no interest in eclipses. Read more…
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We should put JC Penny in charge of corporate tax policy. They can then jack taxes way way way up and give everybody a huge discount so they all think they’re saving big.


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Pretty soon everyone’s going to be out of the White House except the one who’s the root of the problem.

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“I don’t see how the Republican party or the cause of conservatism can claim the moral high ground any longer.”

Super-duper right right right


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Today I learned Art Spiegelman was behind Garbage Pail Kids. Aside: As a kid, this was one of the few things that had my name spelled my way on it, and so I always cherished it. It, along with Geoffrey the Giraffe from Toys ‘R Us went a long way toward convincing my fifth grade friends that my name wasn’t made up. Read more…
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Many held their noses and backed Mr Trump because they thought he would advance their agenda. That deal has not paid off. Mr Trump is not a Republican, but the solo star of his own drama. By tying their fate to his, they are harming their country and their party. His boorish attempts at plain speaking serve only to poison national life. Any gains from economic reform—and the booming stockmarket and low unemployment owe more to the global economy, tech firms and dollar weakness than to him—will come at an unacceptable price. Read more…
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“We are…the great-great-grandsons of Stonewall Jackson. As two of the closest living relatives to Stonewall, we are writing today to ask for the removal of his statue.”

The Monuments Must Go

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“Germany certainly has not forgotten anything: There’s just a recognition that remembering and memorializing are two different things.”
