Facebook Archive (Page 7)

I created a Facebook account in 2012 but didn’t really post much until 2014. In 2018 I deleted my account (for secret reasons). It was a relief to let it go, but also a little sad. I quickly lost tabs of friends and extended family. Of course we still talk now and again, but I am much less aware of what’s going on in their day to day lives. Nevertheless I’m glad I left.

In an act of unbridled vanity, I have archived all the old posts here.

My Posts

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I think I said this before but it bears repeating:

Flourless chocolate cake is really just a chocolate omelet.

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In my ongoing quest to make more and more of my thanksgiving feast from scratch I made my own french fried onions this time. They’re delicious. (I told Sophia if she ever sees me trying to make my own chocolate or raise a cow she should call for help…) Read more…
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Wait, Uber did something unscrupulous and possibly ilegal?! Well, color me surprised.

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Taking a break from cooking to get Beethoven over here some dinner and take her to rehearsal. Read more…
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Hat tip to James Madison.


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I’ll never tire of these stories and I encourage the press to keep reporting them. [ed: This article is now behind a paywall so I’ve updated the link to point to] Link Read more…
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Dear universe:

If I put in allspice I shouldn’t have to put in any other spices. Get it together.

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We’re having Christmas in Mexico this year so Sophie and I practiced the cake we’re making for Christmas dinner. She did the beautiful shiny glaze. I did the not-so-beautiful lumpy under-coat of buttercream. Not so stiff next time! Mexican chocolate cake with raspberry jam, Mexican chocolate ganache and a dark chocolate mirror glaze. Read more…
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We had a lovely dinner last night with some of my favorite people. Read more…
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$10 says trump has a midnight temper tantrum on twitter because the stupid turkeys he pardoned weren’t grateful enough.

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How to make a viral “how to make” cake video:

  1. Hire an insanely skilled professional baker and decorator.

  2. Film them making something ridiculously elaborate.

  3. Cut out the complicated/messy parts and play the tricky skillful parts at high speed.

  4. Add a closing title that says “Easy!”

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Sophie looking super cute doing homework. Read more…
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Facebook is the only place I visit where the ads have ads.

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Sophia: I’m going to get up early tomorrow to work on my film project before we go out. Me: Sounds good. Do you need help getting up? Sophia: Yeah, get me up at 7:30. Actually get me up at 7. … Well, come in and check at 7 and if I’m sound asleep get me up at 7:30. But if I’m playing on my iPad make me stop and get to work. Read more…
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I’m a big fan of right turns.

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Can y’all please stop criticizing Mnuchin’s wife for her looks, hair, gloves, or whatever? Criticize her for being an out of touch Marie Antoinette wannabe. Criticize her for being tone deaf. But her looks have nothing to do with it.

Good heavens it’s hard to be a woman.

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Sophia started calling the cat “Cat Blanchett” and when I asked her why she sent me these. Read more…
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Streaming services: People don’t want to pay for every show they watch.

Also streaming services: People should sign up for this service along with the 20 others.

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This is a great interview with Jony Ive. But this conclusion particularly resonates: When I look back over the last 25 years, in some ways what seems most precious is not what we have made but how we have made it and what we have learned as a consequence of that. I always think that there are two products at the end of a programme; there is the physical product or the service, the thing that you have managed to make, and then there is all that you have learned. Read more…
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Where does the Republican Party find these people? Good heavens what a sicko. Link Read more…
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This parking garage has little lights above each space that show green if the space is available. Read more…
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Me when I’m a few spots farther back in a crowded line than my boarding pass says I should be, and the person in front of me notices and frets about it:

“You must allow me to tell you how ardently I do not care.”

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Sophie and I are experimenting with vegetarian thanksgiving mains so she has something special to eat too. I think our first effort came out well. Inspired by The Great British Baking Show. Read more…
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Sophia searching for the phrase “Big Mac”:

“It was one of those ‘jumbo flumbo’ burgers…you know, the ones with like three buns and … ‘magic sauce’”

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Scientists: “We know there’s an area of significantly lower density, probably a void. We don’t know it’s shape, size or purpose (if any). Please don’t call it a ‘chamber’.” AP: Read more…
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It’s disheartening to see that even people who seem like they’re maybe sort of ok turn out to be awful once trump’s done using them. John Kelly is a slavery-apologist lying political hack now? Sigh. How the mighty have fallen.

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Sophie filled my phone with Regina Spektor photos. + Elizabeth with Regina’s guitar. She also managed to get a selfie with the stage guy and he gave her the set list. This kid was in heaven. Read more…
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Yesterday I put a Mean Girls GIF in a formal specification at work. I would apologize for this but I’m not at all sorry.

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Sophia laying it down… Read more…
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Just ONCE I want to be right and the compiler to be wrong.

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The Alchemists Cookbook: Recipe for Gold.
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[ed: This article has since been moved behind a paywall so I’ve updated the link to point to instead.]

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The only thing more annoying that YouTube ads is YouTube constantly popping up asking if I want to get rid of ads.

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A Grand Unified Theory:

Its turtles most of the way down but then it’s physics the rest of the way.

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This is the best SNL skit I’ve ever seen. So weird. So true. So great.


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I found the perfect git client. It’s a command line client. It’s called git.


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TIL that golden raisins are not just raisins made from green grapes. In fact regular raisins and golden raisins are both made from green grapes. But golden raisins are dried in a liquid solution that speeds the drying process. Regular raisins are air dried which takes longer and discolors them more.

Aside: They’re both still disgusting.

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@gwcoffey here. Love and peace to you all. This passage is on my mind tonight. “Prisoner, tell me, who was it that wrought this unbreakable chain?” “It was I,” said the prisoner, “who forged this chain very carefully. I thought my invincible power would hold the world captive leaving me in a freedom undisturbed. Thus night and day I worked at the chain with huge fires and cruel hard strokes. When at last the work was done and the links were complete and unbreakable, I found that it held me in its grip. Read more…
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How many times have you pulled your phone out and tried to open list this evening?

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I feel a little sorry for all of you. Read more…
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Browsing ListApp comments tonight since I suspect they’ll be gone for good soon. And I stumbled on this one which I had forgotten about. It was one of my favorites. Read more…
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Huh. They have boxed software at the Apple Store right now. That’s not a thing I’ve seen in a long time. A long time. Read more…
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A poem by a beautiful soul I knew only through the internet as “@biz”: I Tell My Sister I Don’t Like It When It Rains.
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I kind of want to read this book real quick before I do any more work.


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Playing with the new iPhone at the Apple Store with Sophie. Read more…
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