Facebook Archive (Page 25)

I created a Facebook account in 2012 but didn’t really post much until 2014. In 2018 I deleted my account (for secret reasons). It was a relief to let it go, but also a little sad. I quickly lost tabs of friends and extended family. Of course we still talk now and again, but I am much less aware of what’s going on in their day to day lives. Nevertheless I’m glad I left.

In an act of unbridled vanity, I have archived all the old posts here.

My Posts

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Ladies and gentleman I give you a peek into the mind of Sophia. Read more…
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Ok, so I watched the full star wars series with my daughter using the recommended “Machete Order.” But honestly I think there’s an even better order to perfectly enjoy Star Wars: 4, then 5, then 6, then pretend the prequels never happened.

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I feel like I should introduce these friends to eachother and see what happens. Read more…
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Guess what time it is… Read more…
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There’s something terribly lovable about this great little comic.


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My beautiful mother, 1968–69, with my big sis. Sorry for lousy picture of pictures. It was the best I could do in the circumstances. Read more…
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In honor of the release of Charlotte’s Web as an ebook, here is one of my favorite passages (of many). I just love how EB White sees the world. Read more…
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Also, I’m not a comic book person at all (never read one) and don’t really like comic book movies much, but this actual shot from the latest Avengers preview is so Joss Whedon it makes me smile. The man knows what he loves and knows how to pay his respects. I wonder how much effort they put into composing this sequence to end up with a shot like this? It makes me wish I was a comic book geek so I could be thrilled by it. Read more…
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I was a little worried after the first trailer for Disney/Pixar’s Inside Out, with its over-played lazy parenting gender stereotypes, but this new preview looks great. This movie is going to make people cry…


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It takes a village to raise a child. It takes a metropolis to raise a Sophia.

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Thanks for the birthday wishes all you lovely humans. Here’s part of what I did today. Oh boy. It’s WOOOORKING! Just getting started. Added greens for a balanced meal. Seriously. Read more…
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I love absolutely everything about this beautiful, sweet, funny oscar-nominated animated short film. It’s $3 and 13 minutes. You watch now please.


[ed: Apparently this is no longer available on Apple TV so I updated the link to point to Amazon instead.]

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I pretty much hate kickstarter because it turns buyers into investors unwittingly and exposes them to risk without being clear about it. But I digress. I backed this because it is awesome. And I guess the people behind it are legit or whatever. Stupid kickstarter. But I want this movie to be real so if you agree, throw your money down the same deep dark hole I threw mine!


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I had all kinds of fun playing with Vincenzo Menanno’s little with Fiorella today. Read more…
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I have some exciting news to share. Effective January 31st I am exiting Six Fried Rice and starting a position as a software engineer at Apple, Inc. I believe this opportunity will challenge me in all the right ways. It does mean, however, that I must say goodbye to Six Fried Rice. I want to give my sincerest thanks to Jesse Antunes, who has been the most ideal business partner imaginable. Read more…
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Pineapple upside down cake for my newly minted teenager. Happy birthday Sophia! Read more…
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In my washer’s defense, it only says there’s “:01” left. It doesn’t specify the units. It was an act of pure optimism on my part to assume it meant “minutes”. Still waiting. Read more…
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Can we skip dinner and cut straight to this apple tart Sophia made please? Read more…
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I’m shopping at the mall, where everything’s less expensive than the tag says, and when they ring you up it gets even cheaper. I’ll never understand it.

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Did anybody’s munchkin drop a glove outside our house during the party today? Read more…
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This is apparently Amy Adams, proving once again the uncanny ability for women’s fashion magazines to take someone beautiful and strip her down to something soulless and unlikable. Read more…
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This cornbread is making me seriously reconsider my decision to go on a diet. Ay yi yi. Read more…
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May baby at the Veritas Prep choir concert last night, with their beloved choir director. Read more…
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Tomorrow NASA puts an empty passenger-capable capsule 3,600 miles up, which is WAY higher than any manned flight since Apollo. We’re almost back in the deep space business for the first time in my life. This makes me happy.


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Sophia: “Cows are sweet living creatures and you’re so cruel all you care about is their meat.”

Me: “Mmm. They are delicious.”

Sophia: “Exactly! You don’t care at all about their feelings, about their hearts.”

Me: “Actually I’d probably like their hearts.”

Sophia: [cries]

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I’m so full I’m almost sick. I can barely cram this third helping of leftover mashed potatoes down my throat. But I’m not a quitter.

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Starting this recipe off right. Read more…
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Sophia is channeling her inner Monk while making cinnamon-sugar croutons to go with the butternut squash soup she just made. Read more…
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We have a slightly unorthodox pumpkin cheesecake every thanksgiving. But don’t worry, Mom, I’ve got you covered with a pecan pie. And some crusty re-warm-able dinner rolls round out my day’s accomplishments. Have I mentioned how much I love thanksgiving? Read more…
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If I could change one thing about the universe it would be to make everybody a little bit more empathic. But if I could change one MORE thing it would be to make “cranberries” pronounced “cramberries”.

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I bought this beautiful new small All Clad roasting pan yesterday. It was on sale at Williams Sonoma so instead of ridiculously overpriced it was just very overpriced. That’s a good deal, right? Read more…
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Sigh. It’s more my problem than anything because this will eat at me all day and I’ll end up doing it tonight. I have a problem. Read more…
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I’ve had more Facebook notifications in the last few hours than in all the prior 5 years. You all are very kind.

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It’s not a competition or anything but just so you know, my kids are better than yours. Read more…
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Also a little pre-thanksgiving baking just to limber up. Read more…
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The great thing about working for yourself is you can take off whenever you want.

Side note: I’m 4 hours into my vacation and I’ve received six phone calls, twelve text messages, and I’m heading in to a quick 30 minute phone meeting. Haven’t checked my email since 9:00 and really don’t plan to.

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Reposting this XKCD preemptively because I know you people are thinking it. Link Read more…
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Yeah, you have 5 feet of snow and the power’s out. But we have it rough here too. I got a touch too much sun today, and I had to wear a sweater for an hour or so. So you know, we’re all suffering here.

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Now that’s a weight I’ve not seen in a long time…[faraway look]…a long time. Read more…
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Took Sophia to Smashburger a couple of weeks ago. After she confidently recited her usual litany of toppings, the cashier raised an eyebrow and said, “That girl knows how to order a burger.” Yep. That’s my girl.

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My art appreciator off to see a choral performance. Read more…
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Sophie and I just had a Hunger Games movie marathon. She’s all geared up for Friday now. I apologize in advance to her friends for the hours of Hunger Games chatter they will experience this week.

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I forgot to tell all you beautiful humans that Sophia’s was voted the “Most Creative Costume” and tied for “Best Costume” in her school costume contest. She was a proud little pumpkin.

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Mamie is jetting off to DC today with a cadre of law enforcement personnel and judicial folks her employer sponsored for training on proper response to human trafficking. She’s been planning, phone-calling, paperwork-printing, and so much more for days to get everything coordinated and everyone there (including a handful of folks who need to get through airport security with their weapons). I couldn’t be more proud of her. I only hope she finds a little time to enjoy DC while she’s there. Read more…