Facebook Archive (Page 24)

I created a Facebook account in 2012 but didn’t really post much until 2014. In 2018 I deleted my account (for secret reasons). It was a relief to let it go, but also a little sad. I quickly lost tabs of friends and extended family. Of course we still talk now and again, but I am much less aware of what’s going on in their day to day lives. Nevertheless I’m glad I left.

In an act of unbridled vanity, I have archived all the old posts here.

My Posts

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iOS 9 is a darn good update. Beautifully refined in small ways, smoother, and better battery life. I ❤️ feature-light polishing releases.

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I absolutely adore this fun song Apple Music played for me today. “Emily Kane” by the band Art Brut. It just so happens I’m married to my Emily Kane.


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They’re multiplying guys. Read more…
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I think I’ve discovered something interesting about Safari Content Blockers: Crappy sites hate them, good sites don’t care.

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Jokes going to be on you Obama when that kid’s clock blows up in the oval office.

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So are we going to talk about the downtown traffic today or just pretend this isn’t happening? I feel like I’m in LA.

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Steve Jobs was my age when he returned to Apple. Whoa.

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Hey look my new car has more miles on the current trip than on the odometer. Spoooooky. (Relax Joe Hauptmann I’m just kidding. I remember what precision means.) Read more…
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Couldn’t find those frozen noodles so I put gnocchi in my chicken noodle soup instead and this turned out to be a very good idea.

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Adding Mossberg at @TheVerge to my list of unexpected employment arrangements:

  • Carmack at Facebook
  • Anand at Apple
  • Dr. Dre at Apple
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I think the plural of fix should be fixen.

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New Apple TV looks like everything I ever wanted and more.

  • global search
  • apps
  • tv power and volume on the remote
  • siri

Easy order.

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Also, while I negotiate she is almost in tears because I’m being “mean” to the sales guy. Poor kid is cursed with daddy’s soft heart.

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Buying a car with Sophia. “Why does the sign say NO BULL if they still do all the bull?” She’s learning a valuable life lesson here.

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I’m pretty sure if Trump won the presidency he’d just outsource it.

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Another thank you to @CoxComm for polite, competent, speedy service both on the phone and on site.

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I’m not a fan of this Kentucky county clerk’s behavior but I wish people would stop criticizing her looks, clothes, and hair. Don’t stoop.

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Everything broke today at home and my day was a mess, but then Sophia texted me with all her infectious enthusiasm and I just feel happy.

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I remember in high school my friends Quinnette Jones and Dorie Christian put on swimsuits and sunglasses one freezing January day and went on a walk pretending it was warm and beautiful. It is in the same spirit that I make split pea soup today. Ahhh winter how I love you. Read more…
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On hold with tech support right now and the hold music is Ring of Fire by Johnny Cash which is oddly appropriate.

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So, like, are aliens invading or is this some kind of storm?

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Hey people, it’s called FACEbook. If I wanted to look at pictures of your feet I’d follow you on Footbook instead.

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Sleepy snuggle selfie. This was hard to take. Also, I’m stuck. Read more…
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University: You must buy these books.

Student: [buys books]

University: Actually we posted the wrong list. Oops. You need THESE books instead.

Student: Ok, I would like to exchange these books.

Bookstore: We can’t refund those books because they’re not needed for any classes. We only buy back books that are still needed.

Rational Human: That’s not right.

University: HA HA HA HA.


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I work at the library when my house is noisy and sometimes I need to do a phone call so I reserve a private room. Most of them have boring names like “A East” or “B North” but this one is my favorite because it is called “Beast”. Read more…
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I need all the people who died of free range parenting to please post about it on Facebook so we can get a balanced view before I make up my mind. Considering giving my children access to 12 square feet of open pasture.

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I see your death-star-pluto picture and raise you this cosmic coincidence. Star Wars was released in 1977. Saturn’s moon Mimas was discovered in 1789, but we had no idea what it looked like until the Voyager flyby in 1980, three years after Star Wars. Here’s what it looks like. Fun fact: That crater is the largest relative to the planet/moon in the solar system at 1/3rd the diameter of the moon. Read more…
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And this is a great time to remind you all that Pluto was discovered by astronomer Clyde Tombaugh right here in Arizona at the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff on February 18, 1930. ❤️ Read more…
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And our family portrait is complete. Image courtesy of Ben Gross (@bhgross144). Read more…
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I think it’s time to tell you all why I’m so excited about the New Horizons Pluto flyby. The probe just went radio silent so it can focus all its energies on capturing data during the encounter, which happens tomorrow. Somewhere around thirty years ago I sat in my bedroom reading a book with one picture-rich chapter for each of the 9 then-planets. When I got to the last chapter, on Pluto, the only real picture was a tiny gray smudge. Read more…
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Sophia made me a (vary late) fathers day “card” by way of an iPhone app built in Hopscotch that makes me solve some puzzles and then gives me a very sweet message and present. It was both awesome and beautiful. I’m a happy proud papa.

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Ugh fine. I’ll get gas in a little bit. Just relax, car. You’re so dramatic. Read more…
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I wish the “press” would stop leveraging social media to give voice to fringe idiots. And I wish we would all stop getting outraged by those idiots when they do. A very tiny number of people are ridiculous. Ignore them.

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I watched an old Voyager-era NASA video yesterday. At one point the narrator said some Saturn cloud features were “their most important discovery of this morning.” What a time. Six more days until Pluto closest approach. Read more…
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Sent my human off to Dallas today to check in for a study abroad trip to Rome. We celebrated last night by watching Roman Holiday, which is such a sweet movie it almost makes up for missing this kid for three weeks. Read more…
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Pluto! True color! Two distinct faces! This is history we’re making here. It’s like opening a box we’ve had on the shelf for 80 years and we finally found the key. Read more…
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Google’s glorious sarcastic response to press inquiry:

“The headline here is that two self-driving cars did what they were supposed to do in an ordinary everyday driving scenario.”


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My (not so) baby before they blasted off on trip number one. I get to see them TONIGHT :) Read more…
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Le Sophia on her way to shop for bread in Paris. Read more…
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Once more with feeling: It isn’t about mass shooting deaths. It is about shooting deaths. We don’t only count car accidents in big cars. We don’t only count heart attacks in tall people. If your perception of America’s gun violence problem is centered on the notion of “a few” mass shootings, then please consider that for every mass shooting victim this year, there are THOUSANDS of individual gun-related deaths. This sounds callous but from a statistical and policy standpoint, mass shootings are an insignificant distraction from the real issue. Read more…
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“Inside Out” typifies the best of [Pixar]. It goes not only to places other animation houses don’t dare, but also to places the rest of the pack doesn’t even know exist.


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Oh my gosh guys, this app nailed it. SO TRUE. Love you! ❤️❤️❤️ Read more…
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I just wanted to see if Facebook would let me share a share of my own post. Here goes.

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Avengers time with my superfamily. ASSEMBLE and etc… Read more…
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At the end of a very long and stressful week I came home to discover my kids had made me this homemade feast. Seared tuna tacos with pico and sliced radish. Pollo asado tacos with mango chutney and red cabbage. And carnitas tacos with roasted tomato salsa and sliced jalapeño. And when I say “homemade” I mean it: Homemade blue corn tortillas Two kinds of homemade salsa Homemade mango chutney Homemade pork shoulder carnitas I knew they were up to something but I had no idea they were doing this. Read more…
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Anybody else lose power? I have work to do. Time to head to the library I guess.