This made me happier than anything has in a long time.
Facebook Archive (Page 23)
I created a Facebook account in 2012 but didn’t really post much until 2014. In 2018 I deleted my account (for secret reasons). It was a relief to let it go, but also a little sad. I quickly lost tabs of friends and extended family. Of course we still talk now and again, but I am much less aware of what’s going on in their day to day lives. Nevertheless I’m glad I left.
In an act of unbridled vanity, I have archived all the old posts here.
My Posts

FYI, $1.3 billion divided by 300 million is $4, not $4,000,000. Source: Mathematics.

The biggest difference between all these “satirical” news sites and the regular news sites is that the junk the regular news sites do is kind of funny.

I want to make little stickers that say “All others to pee on the floor” and stick them under any signs I see that say “BATHROOMS FOR CUSTOMERS ONLY”.

I don’t really know but I love it.

I’m sitting in a comfy chair by a Starbucks trying to read and people keep yelling my name. It is distracting.
Wait for it…
You got it.

Mars… Link

Eww. Link

One day I want to steal someone’s status verbatim and see if they notice.

This is so deliciously nerdy.

Is it too much to ask for a fruit yogurt with fat but no added sugar? Why doesn’t this exist?

If trump wins the nomination, when the election rolls around, his advisors are going to inform him that brown Americans can vote and then he’s going to make that dopey skeptical face and lose.

It feels so nice to do my thanksgiving shopping without stress and without rushing on a relatively calm weekday. Sincere gratitude to my employer for mandatory holiday downtime.

LOL Link

REUSABLE HEADLINE: Twitter does a thing. Twitter users freak out.

Just have to wait for executive supreme sapphire members, snake charmers, and the criminally insane, then it’s MY TURN TO BOARD.

It dawns on me that “American” is a good name for this airline because the policies are ridiculous and everything costs extra.

Brace yourselves. BRILLIANT joke incoming…
We will be masters of genetic engineering when pigs fly.

The older I get the harder it is to tell if someone is dressed up as something I’ve never heard of or just has an interesting sense of style

Next time on GEOFF IS AN IDIOT find out how Geoff nearly blows up his face when he isn’t careful with his charcoal smoker. Will he finish the brisket? Will his hair ever look the same again? Tune in and find out!

It’s a little cloudy out so of course I drove by three accidents on the way home from the airport.

I bet “Office Manager” means something different at Microsoft.

REPORT: [thing that’s probably not true]

Suddenly I feel safer with Mamie around.

Facebook shares: Where JPEG artifacts have JPEG artifacts. It’s artifacts all the way down.

If Elon Musk terraforms Mars, does he own it? That would be some serious oneupmanship in the billionaires club. An island? I have a planet.

Does Gizmodo still exist? I can’t believe we haven’t had a -gate for the iPhone 6S yet. Somebody’s not doing his job.

Is anyone else totally surprised to find out Evernote had 400 employees? I would have guessed 40.

A balou is a bear. A wuzzle is a mix. A yonker is a young man.
Just thought you should know.

Someone just used the word “solution” as a verb in an email I received. I don’t know how I feel about this.

Had a delicious vegetarian* chicken curry with peanuts for dinner last night.
* For clarity, the chicken I ate was a vegetarian.

I just heard they’re bringing Hydrox cookies back. In related news, apparently Hydrox cookies were previously discontinued. #teamOreo

Good reading for people considering downloading copies of compilers hosted by untrusted Chinese web sites.


Thinking of investing in VW. Is it wrong to bet on our inability to effectively punish corporations when they misbehave?
[ed: It didn’t go up appreciably for five more years…]

Also I love the new San Francisco system font. More readable at even smaller sizes, a little more airy maybe, and a touch more modern. 💯