Facebook Archive (Page 22)

I created a Facebook account in 2012 but didn’t really post much until 2014. In 2018 I deleted my account (for secret reasons). It was a relief to let it go, but also a little sad. I quickly lost tabs of friends and extended family. Of course we still talk now and again, but I am much less aware of what’s going on in their day to day lives. Nevertheless I’m glad I left.

In an act of unbridled vanity, I have archived all the old posts here.

My Posts

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My favorite social media comment I’ve ever received. Read more…
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Do you ever get used to it, having your children travel by themselves? I miss my Isabel who hopped on a plane all alone at 7:30 this morning for a quick college tour. They’re super responsible, brave, and sensible, and this is not their first solo trip. But still, it doesn’t seem like so long ago… Read more…
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These are fantastic. Photo-realistic renderings of sketches of bicycles.


Via Daring Fireball

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All is right in the world again. Read more…
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So this new kindle actually looks pretty great to me. Is it the first with a metal body or is the Voyager metal too? Because my biggest beef with my old kindles was how utterly chintzy they felt. I always wished for one with much better build quality.

I wonder where I can hold the new one.

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Pro tip: A poll that shows someone “winning” within the margin of error doesn’t show anything at all. There’s no such thing as an answer smaller than the error that is anything but error.

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So once my child picks a college do all the others automatically stop emailing me or will this go on forever? Read more…
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Movie night with my sweetie pies. Read more…
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The complete script of The Revenant:

Leo: “Mah boy…” [grunts for two hours]

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If the Tesla Model 3 is actually what Tesla says it is, and it actually comes out on time, and it is as well made as existing Teslas, then they are going to sell a lot of them and the mid-range sedan market should probably be very scared right now.

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Ahh April 1st. The day the internet trips over itself trying to be funny.

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How academics say “spoiler alert”. Read more…
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I just ate a “chocolate butter fry bread” which is like three things not on my diet all on one plate.

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Mr Leopold Bloom ate with relish the inner organs of beasts and fowls. He liked thick giblet soup, nutty gizzards, a stuffed roast heart, liverslices fried with crustcrumbs, fried hencods’ roes. Most of all he liked grilled mutton kidneys which gave to his palate a fine tang of faintly scented urine. from Ulysses by James Joyce

Who wants to come over for a traditional Irish meal?!

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Dear Senate: Here’s how I see it. You can either approve this Garland fellow right now. Or wait until next year when either Hillary sends you Bill Maher for approval or Trump sends you Judge Judy.

[ed: This post is no longer funny.]

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At the super cool University of Arizona Mirror Lab where they are currently building the seven 28 foot mirrors for the Giant Magellan Telescope. Amazing! Read more…
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It’s officially time for everyone with an ideology to sell to explain the Trump phenomenon through the lens of that ideology and conclude that they were right all along.

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As we contemplate the comedy of a Trump presidency, let’s sober up a bit…


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The old world is rapidly aging. Because it is old. That’s what aging means.

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First very good question in this hearing: Congressman Cicilline: “Do you agree that the authority to authorize this comes from Congress?” FBI Director Comey: “…No…” This gets to the heart of the case because: Comey has been saying all throughout the hearing that it is important that Congress and the American People make the decision around this issue. Apple has been arguing all along that what they’re being asked to do should be authorized by congress and not unilaterally compelled by the courts. Read more…
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Congressman Issa is trying to school FBI director Comey on breaking encryption in a patronizing way which is funny because what he is suggesting makes no sense at all.

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Anybody have a home security camera they’re happy with? Ideally something that you can monitor from the computer and/or iPhone.

I’m not super concerned about security, but I would love to be able to quickly check who’s ringing my doorbell when I’m working so I can ignore most of them…

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Scott Kelly is poised to become the first naturalized space man to spend significant time in the harsh gravity environment of Earth.

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The girls and I made candy. Holy yum it is basically homemade bit-o-honey only in almond/pistachio and cherry/walnut. Read more…
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It’s nice to see the independently-minded Chris Christie come out stumping for Hillary so early in the cycle.

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In its legal filing today, Apple refers to the bespoke operating system the FBI wants them to build to hack iPhones as “GovtOS” which cracks me up for some reason.

GovtOS 1.0 will hopefully never be released…

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Here’s a solid update on the Apple/FBI encryption disagreement, including a pretty clear illustration of the major problem for the future of data security when you pit a company against itself. “Now that the government has tried to force Apple to hack its own code, security officials say, the company must view itself as the vulnerability. “‘This is the first time that Apple has been included in their own threat model,’ Mr. Read more…
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Just read a short article on the “Trending” list on Facebook. Then came to Facebook to see if this really exists. There it is ➔

I never noticed, probably because that’s where ads go.

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Getting my laptop out on the train which means I’ll have be careful to not get too absorbed in my work and miss my stop. What I’m saying is see you at the end of the line.

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Someone should invent a combination mailbox/trash can to save travel time.

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Rereading one of my favorite contemporary novels, How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe, while I wait for my dentist appointment. It is so full of oddball but thoughtful meta-scifi gems like this: Within a science fictional space, memory and regret are, when taken together, the set of necessary and sufficient elements required to produce a time machine. And of course there’s this beauty which I return to all the time: Read more…
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It’s nice that they now say “SURPRISE!” in the Amber alerts. Fits with the blaring siren. Read more…
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They keep talking about chanting and sine waving on the radio. Must be some trigonometry convention.

(Apologies in advance for this.)

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If Amazon succeeds with physical bookstores it doesn’t mean Borders was right all along. It means Borders failed because of poor operations rather than a fundamentally unsustainable business. Borders couldn’t compete with Amazon because they were lousy. Not because physical stores can’t work.

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Sometimes I have crazy ideas and usually this is a disaster but every once in a while it works out. Like today when I was making homemade macaroni and cheese for my babies and on a whim I added some goat cheese. Very very yum.

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Yoda’s supposed to be the wisest guy in the galaxy but after like 900 years he still can’t speak english properly. Not so smart he is.

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Brilliant as usual: “Possible Undiscovered Planets”


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Today I learned that in 814 the imperial crown of the Roman Empire was in dispute. The primary political rivals were Charles the Bald of Western Francia and Charles the Fat of Eastern Francia.

This is from real history, not Dr. Seuss history, just to be clear.

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The Internet was done so well that most people think of it as a natural resource like the Pacific Ocean, rather than something that was man-made. When was the last time a technology with a scale like that was so error-free? Alan Kay
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Sobering thought: It would take a probe as fast as New Horizons (and that is a very fast probe) 45 years or more to reach Planet Nine.

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Click here to install the De-Palin-Ator. Removes all references to [REDACTED] from your Facebook feed.

^^^ This needs to be a thing.

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Someone needs to spin the wheel on New Horizons stat. Just kidding it doesn’t work that way. Right? Does it work that way? @NewHorizons2015?

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Humans 2015: “We now have high resolution images of every planet in the solar system!”

Solar System 2016: “LOL.”

cc @plutokiller @kbatygin

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I wonder how much this young woman hates all these articles being written about her calling her the “next Einstein”. I strongly suspect the answer is “a lot”.

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This is the most exciting thing I’ve read this year :)


I saw Mike Brown give a talk about this at Apple’s WWDC last summer, but everything was very speculative and preliminary then. It sounds like things are falling into place. Who’s ready for a new ninth planet?

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Sticking their heads deeper and deeper in the sand.


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Sophia sliding on the rocks at Fat Man’s Pass. Ooooh spooky. Read more…
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Isabel sliding down the rocks at Fat Man’s Pass. I am in love with their smile. Read more…
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Just stumbled on this great computerphile on the horrors of programming with time zones, which is something I sadly have first hand experience with. This guy speaks the truth.


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Sophia made dinner for us. We’re spoiled. Read more…
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