Facebook Archive (Page 20)
I created a Facebook account in 2012 but didn’t really post much until 2014. In 2018 I deleted my account (for secret reasons). It was a relief to let it go, but also a little sad. I quickly lost tabs of friends and extended family. Of course we still talk now and again, but I am much less aware of what’s going on in their day to day lives. Nevertheless I’m glad I left.
In an act of unbridled vanity, I have archived all the old posts here.
My Posts

“Just as it’s important to be sensitive to our black, Arab, and other non-white coworkers, it’s also equally important to be sensitive to our white coworkers’ sensitivity to that sensitivity.”
I laughed.

This is a super hero film I could get behind.

How to make friends in retail:
Cashier: “Do you have a military status?”
Me: “Yes!”
Cashier: “Great! You get a 20% discount!”
Me: “Great! To be clear, my military status is ’non-military’. 🤓”
Cashier: “😡”

Gathering resources to help Sophia prepare for her trip to Japan.

Everything happens for a reason. That reason is usually physics. Sometimes psychology. Those might be the same thing but we’re not sure yet.

Dan Carlin of the Hard Core History podcast just posted part three of his “King of Kings” series and it is FIVE HOURS. It’s like Christmas…

I like Forest Whitaker. I’ve always liked Forest Whitaker. Even when I don’t like the movie or the character I still like him. Half the reason I like J.d. Francis is because he reminds me of Forest Whitaker. Maybe more than half*.
* Just kidding JD. Only half.

I kind of love that Gruber keeps a database of outlandish claims by analysts so he can revisit them at the appropriate time.

Man I love stuff like this. So clever. And a reminder that absolutely nothing on a computer is truly secure with a sufficiently motivated, clever, and financed attacker.

Lou Malnati’s: “This feeds three.”
[hands me enough pizza for 11 people]

Phoenix look west at Jupiter and a thin crescent moon. Spectacular.

Can someone please build a 50 foot tall Trump statue in New York so we can have some lasting iconic footage when we the people inevitably tear it down in a few months?

I feel like we definitely don’t need a sixth pizza place in the neighborhood. Huh.

Sometimes they come right out and say it. Sometimes.

Everyone looks cooler in black and white with 70s fashion. Even king of the dorks, Tim Kaine.

Good news: I don’t have tuberculosis.
Related: I didn’t think I had tuberculosis. But now I know for sure. Also, I don’t use illegal drugs. Also, I can now volunteer at the prisons.

Me 2015: Internet trolls are people who’s only motive is to anger you. They’re an unfortunate consequence of online anonymity but for the most part the best policy is to ignore them entirely.
Me 2016: Wait do we still ignore them when they’re running for president?

Do any countries have a tax policy so progressive they have a negative income tax rate at the lowest brackets?

Proposed: We should rename Cottage Cheese. Because it is delicious but that name … 😷

How I learn about the existence of ostensibly popular bands: They come to Phoenix and all you people post to Facebook about it.

It’s a good thing the seat of government isn’t in North Carolina or Hillary wouldn’t be allowed to use the bathroom in the Oval Office.

Addendum to my previous post: It makes my happy that my daughter’s first vote in an election can be, should she choose, for a woman as president of the United States.

Well, I have to say I’m very happy to see our first major party female candidate. All the complexity of this election cycle aside, this is a good day for America.

I don’t know what keeps happening in this city but I’m totally ok with it.
Aside: I’ve only had Lou Malnati’s once yet, but it is in my neighborhood and it was absolutely fantastic.

Sometimes I have this sentimental vision that some day space travel will be so inexpensive that we’ll go around the solar system gathering up all our long-dead probes and rovers and bring them home to make the coolest space history museum imaginable.

Reporters and commentators are supposed to stick to what is conscious and with literal meaning. But most real political discourse makes use of unconscious thought, which shapes conscious thought via unconscious framing and commonplace conceptual metaphors. George Lakoff

Sophia: “Do you like Michelle Obama?”
Me: [answers]
Sophia: “What about regular Obama?”

This is smart commentary on opposing Trump:
[ed: The original link no longer works so I’ve updated this to point to archive.org instead.]
(Aside: If you feel put upon by his language on race, save it. I can’t bear any more middle class educated white christians complaining about how persecuted they are. I’ve reached my limit.)

I wonder if Joanie still loves Chachi after this.

Aside: Why do we capitalize days of the week? It just seems wrong.

How do you say no to sweet Sophia when she stumbles out of bed and asks for a cheese omelet at 10:30 at night? Especially after she spent hours on Saturday making homemade pizza dough, homemade sauce, and homemade ice cream for Sunday dinner?
The girl loves her cheese omelets.

Look west phoenix friends. Mercury, low in the sky.

Today I learned that Bastille Day is not called Bastille Day in France. Happy fete nationale to our oldest friends! 🇫🇷

I think my biggest complaint in life right now is that Safari won’t let you open the web inspector on pages that aren’t showing HTML even though it actually works with those pages if it is already open.
In other words, I live a pretty charmed life.