I have a theory that time travelers have indeed come from the future to undo our mistakes but daylight saving time confuses them and they always arrive an hour late.
Facebook Archive (Page 16)
I created a Facebook account in 2012 but didn’t really post much until 2014. In 2018 I deleted my account (for secret reasons). It was a relief to let it go, but also a little sad. I quickly lost tabs of friends and extended family. Of course we still talk now and again, but I am much less aware of what’s going on in their day to day lives. Nevertheless I’m glad I left.
In an act of unbridled vanity, I have archived all the old posts here.
My Posts

Me: Sophia I don’t want to ask you again to put these dishes in the dish washer.
Sophia: Then stop asking me. There, that was easy.

I wish EB White were still alive. Only he could really help us make sense of bears in a school.

I feel bad for all the elementary school administrators who are today fielding calls from worried parents wanting details on their grizzly response plan.

Not surprising but I’m glad to see it happen. It’s a complicated case but the punishment was clearly excessive.

This should seriously be a constitutional amendment.

Anybody have any great ideas of what Sophia and I can do on Monday to get out of the house and have some fun despite her ankle, which precludes lots of walking or standing?
Suggestions greatly appreciated!

I finished a biography of Andrew Jackson the other day and the best part was all the times they mentioned Mary Coffey and her husband John.

Netflix has a new original called A Series of Unfortunate Events. I didn’t watch the preview but I assume it’s a documentary about the election.

Sophia at 9:30 last night: “I’m really tired and I have school tomorrow so I’m going to go to bed.”
Me: “That…That’s the most responsible thing you’ve ever said in your life. I may cry.”

My favorite part of Girl from the North Country, by far, is when Dylan messes up and comes in on the wrong verse.

The former president of Mexico everybody:

Economic solutions…

By happenstance I’ve seen Moana twice and I’m here to tell you it is actually very very good.
Who am I?
I am the girl who loves my island.
I'm the girl who loves the sea.
It calls me.
I am Moana.

Substitute as necessary.
Damn John Jay! Damn everyone who won’t damn John Jay! Damn everyone that won’t put lights in his windows and sit up all night damning John Jay! Political graffiti found in Boston in 1795

Isaac Asimov to Carl Sagan in a fan letter after reading “The Cosmic Connection”:
One more thing about the book made me nervous. It was entirely too obvious that you are smarter than I am. I hate that.

In my back pocket I carry a driver license, passport card, medical insurance card, credit card and bank card. They are all exactly the same size, even with the same rounded corner radius, and all but one are the same thickness. This piqued my curiosity today for the first time. What did we do before Wikipedia?

Facebook keeps telling me to put stuff in my slow cooker. So pushy.

The truth of the Internet:
Me: [laughs]
…8 seconds pass…
Mamie: What is funny?
Me: That was two clicks ago. I’ve already forgotten.

“This nation is known to the state of California to contain presidents that may cause harm.”

Stalin was Time’s man of the year twice. You’ve got some catching up to do, Donald.

This is the Phoenix I know.

Welcome to America where crazy people believe the nonsense promulgated by right wing blogs and buoyed by the man who is soon to be our national security advisor, and then start shooting up restaurants.

Sophie’s show tonight was super super fun. Lots of laughs and everybody was clearly having a great time. And Sophie was so great as the Easter Bunny.

Preparing to deploy this clip on all nonsense facebook posts about “illegals”.