Facebook Archive (Page 15)
I created a Facebook account in 2012 but didn’t really post much until 2014. In 2018 I deleted my account (for secret reasons). It was a relief to let it go, but also a little sad. I quickly lost tabs of friends and extended family. Of course we still talk now and again, but I am much less aware of what’s going on in their day to day lives. Nevertheless I’m glad I left.
In an act of unbridled vanity, I have archived all the old posts here.
My Posts

Those who have wrought great changes in the world never succeeded by gaining over chiefs; but always by exciting the multitude. The first is the resource of intrigue and produces only secondary results, the second is the resort of genius and transforms the universe. Martin Van Buren (who, incidentally, never really managed to excite any multitudes…)

No words.

Definitely just ordered both my daughters “Nevertheless she persisted” t-shirts.

Fun Fact: From 1836 through 1844 it was against the rules in the House of Representatives to discuss, debate, or consider anti-slavery petitions.
This is widely considered a violation of the first amendment, specifically “the right of the people…to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
I stand with Elizabeth Warren and etc…

Doing my taxes and now I’m a Trump supporter. #maga

The nation…has no right to expect that it will always have wise and humane rulers, sincerely attached to the principles of the Constitution. Wicked men, ambitious of power, with hatred of liberty and contempt of law, may fill the place once occupied by Washington and Lincoln. Supreme Court Justice David Davis, 1866

We are all survivors of Bowling Green.

I’ve already had two people question why I oppose Trump’s Muslim ban if I never complained when Obama banned refugees for six months. Sigh.

It is a terrible shame, in the midst of all the fallout from the Muslim ban, that Trump’s first military operation killed the innocent child of a terrorist. Obviously that wasn’t the intent but I assure you our enemies will recall that Trump promised to do exactly that while campaigning. We’re making ISIS’s job easier.
Words matter.

New rule: If Trump publicly picks a petty fight with someone, they have the right to meet him in hand to hand combat.
I’m 98% sure Rosie O’Donnel will take him down, but if he plays dirty, Schwarzenegger is on deck.

Facebook’s always like “We’re sorry you had this experience…” and I’m like “It’s ok. It wasn’t a bad experience. I just like blocking things…”

Please no. I hope this is not true.

Fun Fact: Supreme Court justices have been disappointing the tyrannical aspirations of their appointing presidents since Thomas Jefferson contended unsuccessfully with the “sophistry … and personal malice” of Chief Justice John Marshall.

Sophia was VERY SPECIFIC that I MUST pick her up EXACTLY on time today because she has a busy night planned baking an elaborate cake for Portia de Rossi’s birthday.
Why? Because Sophia defies classification. That’s why.

Winona Ryder during this acceptance speech is all of us the last 10 days.

Sally Q. Yates, the first hero in this, the end of the Age of Men.

Look up! Moon / Venus / Mars. A lovely reminder that some things are immune to human affairs.

“To assume that just because of someone’s age or gender or whatever that they don’t pose a threat would be wrong” — Trump’s press secretary Sean Spicer when asked about the appropriateness of detaining a five year old at the airport.

Mike Pence two years ago: “Calls to ban Muslims from entering the U.S. are offensive and unconstitutional.”
Mike Pence today: 😶

Giuliani clarifying that this is not a Muslim ban because (his words):
“When [Trump] first announced it he said ‘Muslim ban’. He called me up and he said ‘Put a commission together. Show me the right way to do it legally.’”
That makes things perfectly clear. 🙄

Jeff Flake and Kirsten Sinema have both condemned the Muslim ban. Where are you John McCain?

Me perusing my inbox: “We value your…” [delete]

If you’re struggling to decide for yourself whether or not torture is an effective means of interrogation, perhaps this irrefutable fact will help you come to the right conclusion:

I was going to skip breakfast today because it is pulled pork lunch day at my work cafeteria, which must be respected. But then two coworkers walked up with big plates of “duck hash” with a fried egg on top. You can’t really rationally skip a breakfast like that either…
Long story short: I ate too much.

I live in a nation that spitefully walls off its neighbors, fearfully banishes people based on race and religion, hatefully turns its back on refugees, and sickeningly wants to torture its enemies. There is no lower we can go and nothing I can say…
“Curae leves loquuntur, ingentes stupent.”

Huh. 😶

This makes me happy.

I’m so thankful to live in a nation with the constitutional fortitude to facilitate a smooth and peaceful degradation of power.