Facebook Archive (Page 14)

I created a Facebook account in 2012 but didn’t really post much until 2014. In 2018 I deleted my account (for secret reasons). It was a relief to let it go, but also a little sad. I quickly lost tabs of friends and extended family. Of course we still talk now and again, but I am much less aware of what’s going on in their day to day lives. Nevertheless I’m glad I left.

In an act of unbridled vanity, I have archived all the old posts here.

My Posts

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Hugh Jackman looks like a skinny guy until he takes his shirt off. Then he doesn’t look skinny anymore.

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I mean technically both of them are children of both Mamie and I but Isabel (in blue) is definitely Mamie’s child and Sophie (in grey) is definitely mine. This conversation… Read more…
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Sophie’s landed safe and sound. Now I can sleep. Read more…
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I hate the word research. We need to ban anybody who is not a Phd candidate from using it.

“I did the research” ≠ “I googled it and confirmed my suspicions.”

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I want to write a browser extension that simulates me typing and deleting, typing and deleting, in all available Facebook comment boxes so this thing shows up for everyone everywhere. It would be CHAOS! Read more…
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Not to put too fine a point on it. Link Read more…
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BREAKING: Google announces slate of products carefully designed to be canceled in 2018.

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Japanese Hive Mind: Will this plug in to a typical hotel outlet in Japan? (100-240V 50-60Hz so I think the current is fine, but I’m a little uncertain about the physical prongs. This is a standard US plug with both narrow prongs instead of one narrow and one wide.) Thank you! Read more…
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Just to be clear, we’re the bad guys now.


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Idea: Uber, but for hailing a lawyer.

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BREAKING: Tump accuses democrats of conducting a witch hunt, casts a punishing curse, disaperates in a cloud of black smoke.

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Finally someone from the administration puts forward a health care plan! Read more…
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I call this found art object “Bay Area”. Read more…
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I don’t know about you guys but I think an accounting firm mixing up envelopes at an awards show is the biggest problem facing America today. #boycottPWC

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Choosing a seat on an airplane is all about balancing competing anxieties and discomforts.

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This sounds a little wide eyed and aphoristic but the more I think about it the more I think it is actually pretty astute. Link Read more…
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Facebook should have a way for me to privately rate posts and then if someone’s average rating drops too low I can unfollow them.

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This makes me chuckle. The Clerk of the Supreme Court reprimands anti-LGBT groups for mis-gendering Gavin Grimm in their amicus brief. It is against the rules to not use the correct caption on your brief so they have to call him “him”. Link Read more…
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Aside: Jefferson loved the free press so much he used his budget as Washington’s Secretary of State to secretly fund an opposition newspaper that attacked Washington’s policies, and had two copies quietly mailed to Washington’s residence every day. Wait that might just be because he was kind of a jerk. Read more…
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I made a cauliflower pizza crust. But instead of cauliflower I used regular flour. Turned out 👌🏿

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Huckabee’s drunk tweeting again… Read more…
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Maybe step one here is to contact your kids’ schools and let them know you support respect and accommodations for transgender students. Sophie’s school doesn’t really need to hear it but I emailed the director of student services anyway.

How great would it be if schools all over Phoenix got this message today.

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Correction: Three years and four days.


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I’m not a fan of the “where there’s smoke there’s fire” trope (because it is neither literally nor figuratively true) but seriously Uber… This is like strike 14, 15, 16, and 17. You’re out.


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As Parliament debates the Trump State Visit question, I am reminded of this passage from Pride and Prejudice. From this day forward, Mother England, you must be an enemy to either Donald Trump or the American People. Just kidding we’ll love you no matter what you do. Read more…
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Dear businesses who send me happy birthday emails:

  1. Stop. It is creepy. You’re not my mom. You’re not my family. You’re not my friend. I don’t even like you.

  2. It isn’t my birthday yet.

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The decision to launch the weapons was mine alone to make…Everything would happen so fast that I wondered how much planning or reason could be applied in such a crisis. … a nuclear war couldn’t be won by either side. It must never be fought. Ronald Regan
I get my news from Breitbart, I’m rash and make poor decisions, and I’m not really what you’d call a “thinker?. Donald Trump (paraphrased)
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Took this big hearted dreamer to La La Land and she’s still processing. A bit of madness is key To give us new colors to see Who knows where it will lead us? And that’s why they need us So bring on the rebels The ripples from pebbles The painters, and poets, and plays Here’s to the fools who dream Crazy as they may seem Here’s to the hearts that break Read more…
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Donald Trump concerns ranked by how much I care about them:

1: Racism, misogyny, islamophobia, muslim bans, dishonesty, incompetence, cruelty, indecency, poor grasp of national security, conflicts of interest, attacks on the press…
. [ … etc … ]
99,999: How much it costs tax payers for the secret service to protect his family.

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I started listening to lectures about Don Quixote last night and the prof inadvertently answered a question I’ve wondered about for 25 years, which is why Mexico is pronounced “Mejico” but spelled with an “x”.

These kind of things make me happy.

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Fact: The phrase “It’s simple economics” is always preceded by a statement that is false and has nothing to do with economics.

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I just found out Kelly Anne Conway has children. [ed: This post is sad in hindsight.] “Mom, did you eat my Halloween candy?” “You want to talk about Halloween? What about all these teenagers who hardly even dress up and they expect candy with no effort? What about that, Tommy? Where’s the outrage about that?” “Ok. … But like did you eat my candy?” “Look, the candy was eaten, that was already made clear. Read more…
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Instead of playing Jeopardy maybe IBM’s Watson should start insta-checking Trump press conferences. Real time on the fly “Actually…” notifications. We could wire them into live news feeds.

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I’m getting the biggest kick out of these pictures. This is exactly how I look at Canada. Link Read more…
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Khrushchev to Kennedy, October 26, 1962: If you did this as the first step towards the unleashing of war, well then, it is evident that nothing else is left to us but to accept this challenge of yours. If, however, you have not lost your self-control and sensibly conceive what this might lead to, then, Mr. President, we and you ought not now to pull on the ends of the rope in which you have tied the knot of war, because the more the two of us pull, the tighter that knot will be tied. Read more…
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One forgets the effect on Japan as one senses the foundation of one’s own universe trembling. New York Herald Tribune, August 7, 1945 (the day after Hiroshima)
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Roses are red Violets are blue I’m bad at poetry But I’m pretty good at smoking meats Read more…
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I have an idea. Let’s trade Trump to Putin in exchange for Edward Snowden.

Then pardon Snowden.

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I was going to tell Mamie to BE MINE but then I remembered owning people is wrong and making strict demands isn’t conducive to a healthy relationship and besides that’s kind of greedy.

So I am making a nice dinner instead.

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I have the best valentine. But, you know, I hope you all have a good one too.

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The (second) sacking of Michael Flynn is good news. Russian impropriety aside, he is an ugly, hateful Islamaphobe and he should never have been given a title that suggested his views were acceptable.

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Thinking of this lovely sentiment today:

I was one of the most fearful, but pretending to be brave, to encourage the others, I became courageous too. Lotte in The Sorrows of Young Werther
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Sophia: [sitting on the couch in a bra and pants watching Bob Ross]

Me: You don’t have a shirt on.

Sophia: I was hot.

Me: You are very strange.

Sophia: You’re the one making it weird dad.

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There are some things I’m so unqualified to judge that I’m not even qualified to judge which people are qualified to judge.

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Finally reading this, which has been on my list for ages. Seems especially relevant now. Read more…
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Took Sophie to lunch at Zooks and she noticed someone had put a little stone on top of every cactus. Read more…
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Sophie and I are shopping for pants for her which is a hoot because neither of us have any clue what we’re doing. How the heck can she be either a 4 or a 29?! And why are there no lengths?

I think I’m just going to buy her boy pants where the sizes make sense.

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Sophia in front of this clothing store that doesn’t open for another 5 minutes: “Huh, people are lining up here. I didn’t know that was a thing.”

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Citizens of Midland City, I salute you. You have given a home to a masterpiece! Rabo Karabekian