Facebook Archive (Page 13)

I created a Facebook account in 2012 but didn’t really post much until 2014. In 2018 I deleted my account (for secret reasons). It was a relief to let it go, but also a little sad. I quickly lost tabs of friends and extended family. Of course we still talk now and again, but I am much less aware of what’s going on in their day to day lives. Nevertheless I’m glad I left.

In an act of unbridled vanity, I have archived all the old posts here.

My Posts

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When I was a kid I always thought Big Bird was a girl. And then I out grew Sesame Street. Much later, when reading Sesame Street books to my kids, I was surprised to find out she was supposed to be a boy. It still surprises me a little when I’m not thinking about Big Bird and then someone calls her “he”.

Anybody else?

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For some reason this article neglects to mention that her middle name is “OK Google”.


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It’s so nice to see Sophia thinking about her appearance lately. She even put makeup on for school today! Read more…
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I think the NCAA should use some of that money to reimburse me for all this traffic.

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Went out to get the mail tonight and inadvertently put my hand and arm through spiderwebs in the dark. That was three hours ago and I still feel like there’s something crawling on me.


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You know how it feels so cozy to walk into your own home after being away for a few days? I wonder if my phone feels that way when it reconnects to my home wifi.

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This kid was so excited to see Regina Spektor she was almost crying. She insisted we come way early so here we are 2 hours and 45 minutes before the doors open and there are a few more people in line too. Read more…
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My greatest regret is that we’ll never know for absolute certain that this is true.


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Someone built a robot that prints out trump tweets, burns them, then tweets a video of it back to trump. This is quality engineering work.


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“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results”

Also, interestingly enough, the definition of dice.

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Sophie is watching the fourth Harry Potter movie in the other room while I work and it dawns on me 75% of the dialog is just Harry screaming and groaning.

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Is there an IntelliJ extension that posts this as my status whenever my code starts compiling?


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Lol. Posted at 5:30 pm eastern on Sunday after weekend of golfing. Fox News has no shame. Are they talking about next weekend maybe? Read more…
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I think this may be the most reprehensible thing trump has said so far. Translation: “Instead of working to address issues with our healthcare system I will work to destroy it, killing people in the process, to try to score political points.” This is indefensible. I realize this goes without saying but this man is not a president. He’s a monster. We desperately need to get back to working together to solve real problems. Read more…
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“I’m going to surround myself only with the best and most serious people. … We want top of the line professionals.”


[ed: This article is now behind a paywall so I’ve updated the link to point to]

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So can we like start working on improvements to Obamacare now to shore up the markets? Like maybe a public option, and medicaid expansion in more red states? Or are we still pretending it’s impossible to work on problems cooperatively and effectively?

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Can we get a thumbs up for the republican legislative agenda, Speaker Ryan? Read more…
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The Phone app on my iPhone should let me point the camera at a printed phone number to dial it.

[ed: Annd… it does now.]

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The secret to good software design is to slowly, carefully, meticulously abstract complexity away at every level until in the end no part of the program does anything at all.

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Well this is an emotional rollercoaster.


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While we watch the AHCA fail to pass, the Muslim ban get blocked, and the soon-to-be budget fight, I would like to share with you this English language fun fact:

The word “check” meaning “to arrest the progress of something” comes to English from the game of chess (from Arabic no less), not the other way around. Chess predates the English language by perhaps 500 years.

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So it turns out these color blocks are a new facebook thing. I thought they were just oddly specific poorly punctuated memes.

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I was going to say this myself but here it is explained more fully. Laptop bans a good idea backed by real intelligence? Who knows? Maybe. Or maybe the administration is lying again. A president who lies routinely is a problematic thing.


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This guy might know a thing or two about all that. Read more…
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This is soooooooo true. I would tag all my old neighbors but I can’t really remember any of their names. Read more…
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I bet if Perry Mason were here, he’d just yell “HOW DO YOU PLEAD” in Russian at trump and trump would yell back “НЕ ВИНОВЕН” and then turn bright red and bluster and it would all be over.

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And another I love, by Kathleen Sheeder Bonanno while processing the murder of her daughter. Death Barged In In his Russian greatcoat slamming open the door with an unpardonable bang, and he has been here ever since. He changes everything, rearranges the furniture, his hand hovers by the phone; he will answer now, he says; he will be the answer. Tonight he sits down to dinner at the head of the table Read more…
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National Poetry Day you say? Isabel reminded me of this one just yesterday: On the day when the lotus bloomed, alas, my mind was straying, and I knew it not. My basket was empty and the flower remained unheeded. Only now and again a sadness fell upon me, and I started up from my dream and felt a sweet trace of a strange fragrance in the south wind. That vague sweetness made my heart ache with longing and it seemed to me that it was the eager breath of the summer seeking for its completion. Read more…
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America is getting so darn Great Again™ I almost can’t contain myself. Read more…
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Today is “pay tuition day”. It’s my favorite day because I get to solve the mystery of how much I actually owe. You might think from this picture that the answer is $172.33 but you would be wrong. On the bright side, I know how to get the right answer using a spreadsheet, a lot of copy/pasting, and cross checking numbers on a couple different pages. Give me like 30 minutes and I’ll figure out how much to write the check for. Read more…
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The house science committee says the EPA is a “political-agenda based bureaucracy” promoting “misleading science.” They also tweeted this. Read more…
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Sophie brought me a present!!! Read more…
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Conway got her first “True” on! Read more…
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Nothing causes me to doubt my self-worth more than my inability to operate an ordinary can opener. Read more…
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We’ve had the technology to turn seat cushions into floatation devices for years so turning a microwave into a camera doesn’t seem that far-fetched.

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My monkey and a friend meeting a Japanese monkey. Read more…
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The thing about flourless chocolate cake is it is basically a chocolate omelette which doesn’t sound nearly as good as it tastes.

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I’ve never wanted a conspiracy to be true more than this one. Please, Obama, run a shadow government. Please.

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For some reason my mail app doesn’t seem to let me make a rule for “move all incoming mail to archived.” 😕 Bummer.

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On a ferry with the principal and a hat I’ve never seen. Read more…
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I’m intrigued by the unabashed absurdity of this unsolicited promotional letter from a university that starts with “We’re excited you’re already discovering Central College.” [looks over both shoulders] I mean…I am now… Read more…
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This is the best writeup so far of the crazy cool pictures of Saturn’s moon Pan.


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More photos from / of Sophie! Read more…
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I wrote this last year about some of the women who made a huge impact on my industry.

Women of the Computation Revolution

[ed: As ListApp is now defunct, this link has been updated to point to my local archive instead.]

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Sophia’s actually taking pictures. How organized she has become! Read more…
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