Facebook Archive (Page 11)

I created a Facebook account in 2012 but didn’t really post much until 2014. In 2018 I deleted my account (for secret reasons). It was a relief to let it go, but also a little sad. I quickly lost tabs of friends and extended family. Of course we still talk now and again, but I am much less aware of what’s going on in their day to day lives. Nevertheless I’m glad I left.

In an act of unbridled vanity, I have archived all the old posts here.

My Posts

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Me: Watches a couple episodes of a Netflix show, then turns it off.

Sophia: You’re stopping?!

Me: Just for now.

Sophia: Ugh. You don’t understand the art of the binge.

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Current Status: Peeling cut potatoes because I forgot to peel them before I cut them.


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The number of stupid posts Iā€™ve seen only because Gary commented ā€œAmenā€ on themā€¦

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Keeping an eye on the grill like a real mountain man over here. Read moreā€¦
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I’m fine. Which is weird.


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Morning routine:

Wake up, check to see if we still have a president, take a shower.

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Today I learned Japan has a princess.

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My biggest beef with this is that, whatever your position on the Russia investigations, Flynn is not a good guy. He is an islamophobe, which is just like an antisemite, an overt racist, a white supremacist, or a flagrant misogynist: A bad guy. Iā€™m not suggesting his parents should disinvite him from thanksgiving dinner, but he didnā€™t belong in a position of authority once he showed his true colors. I wish people would stop equivocating on this. Read moreā€¦
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Every time I see one of these “look how badly the Starbucks barista misspelled my name” posts I think to myself “man I’m glad I don’t have to try to spell people’s names on the spot as part of my job.”

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Iā€™ve been sick all weekend and watching some Netflix so I recently discovered the (new?) ā€œSkip Introā€ button. I would like to pledge my eternal and undying love to whoever implemented this. Bless you my sweet friend. Can we get this at movie theaters too? Read moreā€¦
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Iā€™m embarrassingly excited for this.
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The new standard for presidential policy making:

“You can see elements of reality in what he said.”

Also, this whole story is hilarious when you set aside the fact that this epic dummy is actually in charge.


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Impromptu review of my new Leesa mattress. (Also applies to my two Tuft & Needle mattresses)

PRO: Comfortable
PRO: Easy to order
PRO: Reasonably priced

CON: Smells like a tire fire

Current status: airing out my bedroom for four days while Mamie is away in the hope that I can sleep in my own bed again eventually.

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Good grief. Hey Senate, stop being stupid and do your job.


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Happy (late) national teachers day.


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The first good thing trump has done. From a botched anti-privacy iPhone fight to a botched Clinton investigation to a botched trump/Russia testimony, Comey has proven himself incompetent. Good riddance.

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Well would you look at that! Trump removed his statement on immigration (the one that called for a ā€œtotal and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United Statesā€) from his website today, the same day heā€™s trying to claim in court that his ban is not a ban on Muslims. Here it was at 3:17 PM today: Link And here it is now: Link Nothing to see here folks. [waves hand] We have always been at war with Eastasia. Read moreā€¦
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People keep saying Trump isn’t “presidential” as if only presidents are expected to be polite, tell the truth, not be racist, and not assault people.

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Iā€™m going to go out on a limb and guess itā€™s because different use cases favor different trade-offs, and because different users have different preferences. Just a hunch. Read moreā€¦
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I think the most common health-care related refrain I heard from Trump supporters during the campaign was ā€œHeā€™s not going to take away pre-existing condition protections.ā€ Granted, I donā€™t think Trump himself even understands the most basic fundamentals of health care, but here we are. Now the conservative talking heads are all over the media with their coordinated talking points: People with health problems should pay more. Expensive healthcare is a consequence of poor life choices. Read moreā€¦
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Friends, the press and the government are in bed together in an embrace so intimate and wrong, they could spoon on a twin mattress and still have room for Ted Koppel. Journalists used to questions the reasons for war and expose abuse of power. Now, like toothless babies, they suckle on the sugary teat of misinformation and poop it into the diaper we call the 6:00 News. Demand more of your government. Read moreā€¦
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Hereā€™s how your AZ rep voted on the really despicable AHCA: Voted YES: David Schweikert (District 6 / Scottsdale) Martha McSally (District 2 / Tucson) Paul Gosar (District 4 / Prescott) Trent Franks (District 8 / Glendale) Voted NO: Kyrsten Sinema (District 9 / Phoenix) RaĆŗl Grijalva (District 3 / Yuma) Ruben Gallego (District 7 / Phoenix) Tom Oā€™Halleran (District 1 / Sedona) Voted NO because it wasnā€™t drastic enough: Read moreā€¦
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Happy Star Wars Day. Hereā€™s Alec Guinness (Obi-Wan Kenobi) grumbling about his role in a letter to a friend. Link Read moreā€¦
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Sophia and I have spent far too much time listening to Backyardigans music on Apple Music. šŸ™…šŸ» No shame šŸ™…šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø

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The five stages of getting sophie out of bed:

  1. šŸ¤„ She’ll get up any minute now.

  2. šŸ˜” I can’t believe she’s not up.

  3. šŸ™šŸ» Maybe if I make some aromatic breakfast it will rouse her.

  4. šŸ˜„ Will it always be this way?

  5. šŸ˜³ Wait I was exactly the same way.

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BRB. Ordering one of these for Mamie.


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BREAKING: The president of the united states isn’t particularly bright.

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ā€œIā€˜ve always wished my computer was as easy to use as my phone. My wish came true. I can no longer figure out how to use my phone.ā€ ā€“ Bjarne Stroustrup

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Sophie’s been sewing a Hei Hei hat tonight to wear to Comicon. (Hei Hei for the uninitiated is the chicken from Moana.) I love all her nutty projects.

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I’m very much not a documentary person but I rented City of Gold on laundry night and it is great. Watching it again with Sophia tonight. Such a beautiful little celebration of people.


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Dear Fox News: I do not think these numbers show what you think they show. Read moreā€¦
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The world contains an unlimited number of grievances. Steven Pinker
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So often on the internet ā€brilliantā€ is used to mean ā€œfairly obvious and not particularly clever.ā€

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Want to know what trade deal was better for America than NAFTA? The TPP you nincompoop.

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If you think about the great diversity of stuff in the world, apples and oranges are pretty dang similar.

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Oh heck I teased Neil Gaiman with some twitter shenanigans and it completely blew up and now there’s some internet article about it. Time for me to delete all my accounts and hide for a while. I’m feeling exposed.


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I’m a little worried about Cassini but it’ll be fine, right? Considering staying up til 2:00 AM to find out.

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There is no more freeing feeling than to commit fully to something. Satwant Singh Khalsa
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An artificial womb successfully grew baby sheep ā€” and humans could be next

(Slightly misleading headline… sheep was not grown from an embryo. Rather, premature sheep babies were incubated to a more viable age, which is the point of this research.)

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My primary desire is for trump to be out of power as soon as humanly possible. But my secret impolite secondary desire is for Ivanka to become a worldwide laughing stock and end up appearing in lousy reality television for washed up has beens while her children sue her for emancipation.

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I might be ok with a 15% corporate tax rate if it came with two other reforms:

  1. Capital gains are taxed as income.
  2. An additional federal tax on corporations that get bespoke state tax breaks.
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The large print giveth and the small print taketh away. Tom Waits
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I’m not usually a believer in the rampant “silicon valley white knight” baloney but Jimmy Wales is the real deal. I just became a supporter but it’s free for anybody. We’ll see if this works out.


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Iā€™m at parent pickup and I just witnessed a big huge running hug between two reunited sisters. Made my day.

ā¤ļø šŸ‘Æ ā¤ļø

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I guess that should be ā€œstill-veiledā€ but this is probably one of those cases where a good editor says, ā€œyeah letā€™s just rewrite this sentenceā€¦ā€ Read moreā€¦
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