Facebook Archive (Page 10)

I created a Facebook account in 2012 but didn’t really post much until 2014. In 2018 I deleted my account (for secret reasons). It was a relief to let it go, but also a little sad. I quickly lost tabs of friends and extended family. Of course we still talk now and again, but I am much less aware of what’s going on in their day to day lives. Nevertheless I’m glad I left.

In an act of unbridled vanity, I have archived all the old posts here.

My Posts

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I’m going to be a grandpa! Her name is Hattie. She’s a hat. Read more…
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We will always remember the Alamo as very very hot and sticky. Read more…
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Wait so the allegation is trump used threats of negative coverage from the national enquirer to try to influence their reporting?

This is an outrage. Do the Bat Boy and that pregnant man know about this?!

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The absurdity of recent American politics, illustrated. Link Read more…
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Sophia: Do you miss having a baby?

Me: No. When I had a baby I missed not having a baby.

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I’m only sharing this because these little Facebook dudes shaking Pluto around in the beginning make me happy. Fair warning: I didn’t actually watch past the first five seconds. Read more…
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If time magazine has any sense at all they’ll make an app asap that lets anyone put themselves in the cover with badly written hyperbolic headlines and post it to social media.

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I’m a huge fan of the Indian writer Rabindranath Tagore (hat tip to Marianna Khumri’s Facebook-avoidant husband). It has been a source of frustration that his work is hard to find. The Ebooks that are available are all direct Gutenberg transfers rife with errors, terrible formatting, and a total lack of care. It makes it very hard to share this beautiful work with people I think might enjoy it. This is something I’ve wanted to fix for a long time.
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I reactivate my google account so I can join a google group and here’s google not delaying even a moment to creep right up. Read more…
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It only takes maybe a month to learn your second programming language. And you can pick up a third, fourth, or fifth in a day or two. But it takes a lifetime to learn your first.

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Sail away, sail away, sail away
Sail away, sail away, sail away
Sail away, sail away, sail away
Sail away, sail away, sail away
Sail away, sail away, sail away
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We’re square in the “leave the shower running for a minute until it is cool enough to get in” phase of the Phoenix year.

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Sophia: [pushes out her belly] Come feel your baby kick! Me: [puts my hand on her belly] Sophia: [kicks me] Read more…
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Are space suits air conditioned? Asking for a friend.

👩🏾‍🚀 ☀️ 👨🏼‍🚀

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When we all get drafted into the impending cyber war, I hope I get to drive a light cycle. Vroom vroom.

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Current Status: Considering taking my laptop to Costco to work in the refrigerated room. 🔥🔥🔥

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BREAKING Uber statement: “We are putting our misogynist past behind us and actively seeking a man to be our new CEO who will respect women.”

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I didn’t open this email but I assume it says to cancel Cox cable and get Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon instead. Read more…
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Two quotes from biographies of universally recognized great presidents are mashing up in my head vis a vis the trump administration. From Doris Kearns Goodwin on Lincoln…
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Somebody wrote the song “Camptown Races” which I guess is obvious in hindsight.

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Current status: United Healthcare is asking me questions about the exact nature of my United Healthcare policy so United Healthcare can verify that my United Healthcare policy is sufficient coverage to waive paying for another United Healthcare policy.

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In DOJ arguments before the court they no longer claim the travel ban addresses any imminent threat and concede that country of origin is not a good predictor of terrorism. Only trump himself makes these claims and only on twitter etc. when talking to his fans. Further evidence that this is racism/islamophobia and has nothing at all to do with national security. Just a way for trump to prey on ignorance to fire people up. Read more…
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9th Circuit: “National security is not a talismanic incantation that, once invoked, can support any and all exercise of executive power.”

From your pen to America’s ears my friends.

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Military Funeral Honors ceremonies are always so moving.

We may be a mixed up place but we’re a good place too.

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… where by “delete your account” we mean “resign your senate seat.”


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In-n-Out: “Will you be eating this in the car” is a very intimate question and I just don’t think we’re on those terms yet.

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Honestly I would probably look at Chris Pine the same way.


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Trump starts the “Trump Foundation” to which he contributes no money of his own, but which receives private donations. Eric Trump runs a golf tournament fundraiser. Eric promotes that because all facilities are donated, almost all financial donations go directly to St. Jude’s. But the Trump organization bills Eric Trump’s foundation for use of those “donated” services. And offsets the cost with a donation from the Trump foundation. Et voila! Read more…
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Idea: Like a Roomba, but for guarding your furniture from the cats.

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I just used the phrase “tantalizingly close to useful” in feedback to someone on a new feature and I’m honestly just really thrilled with that phrase.

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“I have heard, that in ancient times beasts, and trees, and rocks conversed with men. As I gaze upon them, they appear every moment about to speak to me; and I can almost tell by their looks what they would say. There must yet be many words unknown to me. If I knew more, I could comprehend better.” from Henry von Ofterdingen by Novalis
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Well this is just a very lovely take.


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The only thing I have in common with trump is my stream-of-consciousness texting. Read more…
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Going to Canada for a day in July and I kind of hope Trump won’t let me back in.

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Sophie’s Comicon highlight. Read more…
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The algorithm never lies. Read more…
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I want to tell a story about how much I love Sophia’s classmates.
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I’d have better luck finding the 2017 holliday schedule on the HR web site if I knew how to spell holliday.

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I wish Facebook would let me block pages by regular expression.

/[KW][A-Z]{3} \d{2,3}(.\d)?/i

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Sophia applied the FaceApp gender swapping filters to Star Wars posters. I approve of this exercise. Starring Taylor Swift, Shia LaBeouf and Laura Prepon. Zoe Dameron Read more…
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4th Circuit decision on the concern that their ruling will have a chilling effect on political debate during campaigns. This is what legal scholars call a smackdown. Read more…
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It’s graduation time and Sophie and I got curious about these words. For your etymological pleasure: Freshman — “fresh” + “man”; Sense of “student in first year” attested from 1590s Sophomore — from Greek sophumer, “arguer”; Sense of “student in second year,” attested from 1680s (“sopho” (wise) + “moro” (foolish), which I learned from my orthodontist years ago, is incorrect folk etymology and probably influenced the spelling) Junior — from Latin for “younger”; Sense of “student in the third year” attested from 1862 Read more…
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The evidence in the record, viewed from the standpoint of the reasonable observer, creates a compelling case that EO-2’s primary purpose is religious. Then-candidate Trump’s campaign statements reveal that on numerous occasions, he expressed anti-Muslim sentiment, as well as his intent, if elected, to ban Muslims from the United States. 4th Circuit Court of Appeals (just now)

Words matter folks.

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Whither has the genius of America fled? We have had darker days than the present, and that genius has saved us. John Tyler
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“It’s unfortunate that this aggressive behavior from a liberal journalist created this scene…” — Candidate for congress who beat up a reporter.

What a world.
